The Payette Independent
Thursday, June 25, 1925
Death of Mrs. O. W. Johnson
After a long siege of illness, being a sufferer from cancer, Mrs. O. W. Johnson passed away at her home on north ninth street at 8 o'clock Tuesday morning death coming quietly and peacefully as a relief from her years of affliction.
Emma Criena Ogren was born in Sweden on the 14th of October, 1866, and died June 23, 1925, at the age of 58 years, 8 months, and 9 days. She came to America in 1890, landing in New York, and located in Leed City, South Dakota. She later went to Hot Springs, S. D., and there, on April 19, 1893, was married to O. W. Johnson. In the spring of 1896 they came to Idaho and located on a ranch between Fruitland and New Plymouth, where they made their home until the fall of 1919, when they moved to the present home of the family in Payette.
To the union was born six children, four boys and two girls. Two of the boys passed away, one being buried in South Dakota and the other at New Plymouth. The other boys, Harry and Elmer are at home and were with their mother in her last hours. The daughters are Mrs. Esther E. Hutchison, of Buneau, Idaho and Mrs. Selma Roberts, of Clamath Falls, Oregon. Mrs. Roberts just recently spent two weeks with her mother and was compelled to return home. The other daughter and the husband have ministered to her needs during the long trying weeks and months since she took to her bed, December 1, last.
Mrs. Johnson was stricen about five years ago, but it was two years before it was realized that her trouble was cancer. All that medical aid could do was tried to save her life. The x-ray and radium were resorted to and she bore up with wonderful courage and fortitude. It was not until after she became bedfast that she gave up hope and became resigned to fate. Having been a consistent member of the Swedish Luthern Church, she was read to go. Her many deeds of charity and her kindness as a neighbor will always be remembered by those who knew her.
Funeral services were held at the Church of Christ this (Thursday) afternoon at 2 o'clock, and were conducted by Rev. Knight, of New Plymouth, assisted by Rev. E. I. Mitchell, pastor of the church. Interment took place at New Plymouth, and a large concourse of sorrowing friends followed her remains to their last resting place. The bereaved husband and children have the sympathy of the community. (Parkview Cemetery)