New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, January 21, 1915
J. M. Noyes died suddenly Friday evening at this home in this city from heart failure. Friday evening, Mr. Noyes who was seemingly good health, had remained home while his wife and youngest child had gone to the moving picture show. On the return she found her husband in bed and life was extinct. The funeral was held Sunday afternoon, under the auspices of the Modern Woodmen of America, of which Mr. Noyes was a member. Rev. H. F. Knight of the Congregational church conducting the services. Interment was made in the Park View cemetery. Mr. Noyes for the past two years has been foreman of a small sawmill at Whitney Oregon; and had returned home a few weeks ago, to remain with his family until spring, when the mill is to resume operations again. Mr. Noyes and family have lived in this vicinity over eleven years, and Mr. Noyes who was an expert mechanic, has held many responsible positions in the sawmill and factories in Oregon and Idaho. Jessie Marlow Noyes was 47 years old, having been born in the state of Wisconsin on the 28 day of April, 1867. When a youth he moved with his parents to Sidley, Iowa, where in 1888 he was united in marriage to Miss Catherine Nebeling. A little over 11 years ago the family moved to the Payette Valley and have resided in the vicinity ever since. There are seven children all of whom were at the funeral. George a fireman on the Short Line, located at Glenn's Ferry, and Sylvia, Frank, Fred, Grace, Myrle and Ruth, all of whom live at New Plymouth. The sympathy of the entire community go out to Mrs. Noyes and family in their sad bereavement.