Edwin Eldred Snyder
New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, May 30, 1918
Death of Veteran
E. E. Snyder, a veteran of the Civil War and one of the leading citizens of our community, died at his home east of town yesterday morning at the age of 72 years.
Funeral services will be held this afternoon at one o'clock conducted by Rev. H. F. Knight. Six Civil War comrades will act as pall bearers. There will be fitting services at the cemetery. More complete obituary notice next week.
New Plymouth Sentinel (June 08, 1918)
Edwin Eldred Snyder was born at Roseboom, Otsego County, New York, on April 22nd of the year 1846. In the vicinity of his birth, he grew to manhood and on May 31st 1866 he was married to Miss Gratia Annetta Belding. The new home was established in the same neighborhood, and there five children making up the family were born. These are Mary E. Phetteplace of The Dallas, Oregon, Albert I. and Edwin Snyder, Louie A. Phetteplace of Payette and Harry Amos. All these survive save Harry who died at the age of 19 years. He was a loving and beloved son and brother and is counted by the family, not as lost, but as gone before.
From New York the Snyders moved to Wisconsin, then to Minnesota, still later to Indiann, and finally to Idaho, where they have resided for about nine years. The father and sons have always carried on their business in partnership as E. E. Snyder & Sons. When a mere youth Mr. Snyder enlisted as a soldier of the Civil War in the 121st. Regt. of N. Y. Vol. Infty, and served to the end of the war. He died May 29 with his wife and children at his bedside. Funeral services were held at the home on May 30th, at which a brief address was made by a comrade of the G. A. R. and the body was borne to its resting place by six other comrades, these seven being all that remain in this vicinity of the boys who were soldiers in the 60s.
They laid him down to rest "Till the robe of white is given for the faded coat of blue."
The sincere sympathy of the community is extended to the family, and especially to Mrs. Snyder who is in feeble health.