A |
Abrams, Irene | 32, 33 |
Advertisements | 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62 |
Ainey, Gladys | 15, 16, 34, 35, 38 |
Ainey, Ione | 27, 28 |
Ainey, Pauline | 32, 33 |
Albert, David | 27, 28, 42, 43, 47, 48 |
Albert, George W. H. | 53 |
Albert, Lester | 54 |
Albert, M. F. | 10 |
Allison, Roy | 32, 33 |
Alspach, Sadie B. | 54 |
Alumni | 53, 54 |
Alvord, Statera M. Wells | 53 |
Anderson, Allen | 23, 24, 39, 40, 58 |
Anderson, V. Ernest | 54 |
Asmussen, Lucy | 18, 19 |
Athletics | 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51 |
Axe | 03, 04, 07, 19, 60, 63 |
Ayers, Clifford | 28, 29, 42, 43 |
Ayers, Edna | 18, 19 |
B |
Barker, Laura L. Johnson | 53 |
Barney, Flavia Pearl | 54 |
Barney, M. G. | 13, 56, 58 |
Barradell, A. E. | 12, 56, 58, 60, 61 |
Barradell, Mr. | 34, 38, 41, 43, 47, 48, 51 |
Barron, Beulah | 24, 25 |
Barron, Margaret | 32, 33 |
Bartch, Alice R. | 53 |
Baseball | 47, 48 |
Basketball | 18, 19, 44, 45, 46 |
Battan, Hattie Hinchliff | 53 |
Bayer, Mamie | 15, 16 |
Bell Telephone Company | 53 |
Bell, Myrtle | 23, 24, 35, 37, 38 |
Berry, Margaret Chatfield | 53 |
Biglow, Edna | 54 |
Blakesley, Beatrice Mildred | 54 |
Blayden, Etta | 28, 29 |
Boehmer, Charles "Chuck" | 18, 19, 60 |
Boise Street | 10 |
Boo-La Song | 49 |
Bowman, Chilton | 18, 19, 44, 46 |
Bowman, Grace | 24, 25, 44, 45 |
Bowman, Logan | 18, 19, 44, 46, 51 |
Boys’ Basketball Team | 44, 46 |
Boys’ Glee Club | 36 |
Brainard, Lawrence | 32, 33 |
Brainard, Paul | 54 |
Brainard, Scott | 06, 07, 18, 19, 37, 38, 39, 40, 51, 56 |
Brown, Jessie L. Smith | 53 |
Brundage, May | 27, 28 |
Bullis, Delos | 27, 28 |
Burns, Jessie | 32, 33 |
Burns, Keith | 54 |
Burns, Robert | 06, 07, 18, 19, 39, 40, 42, 43, 47, 48 |
C |
Cady, A. P. | 10 |
Capron, Edith | 27, 28 |
Capron, Nelia | 27, 28 |
Carstens, Henry | 32, 33 |
Cartwright, Alma | 32, 33 |
Case, Frank | 32, 33 |
Cason, Alice | 32, 33 |
Cason, Clarence | 27, 28 |
Central School | 05, 10 |
Chapin, Alyce | 06, 07, 18, 19 |
Chapin, Clarence | 32, 33 |
Chapman, Irving | 15, 16, 39, 40, 47, 48 |
Chapman, Mildred | 44, 45 |
Chapman,Curtis | 27, 28 |
Chase, D. Carl | 53 |
Childers, Mary | 10 |
Class of 1909 | 15 |
Classes | 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 23, 24, 25, 27, 28, 29, 32, 33, |
Coates, Albert | 32, 33 |
Colors | 15, 19 |
Contest | 37, 38, 39, 41, 44, 47 |
Cortner, Mearl M. | 54 |
Cortner, Vernie | 18, 19 |
Coughanour, Alta C. Stroup | 53 |
Course of Study | 11 |
Covington, Echo | 32, 33 |
Crowther, Alma E. | 54 |
Crowther, Della | 54 |
Crowther, Harold Q. | 53 |
Crowther, Susie | 54 |
Crump, Charles | 32, 33 |
Culver, Ben | 24, 25, 47, 48 |
Currin, Amy D. | 53 |
Currin, Ivy | 53 |
D |
Darnall, Dannie | 44, 46, 47, 48 |
Darnall, Glenn | 23, 24, 47, 48 |
Darnall, Ross | 23, 24, 42, 43, 44, 46, 47, 48, 60 |
Debate | 39, 40 |
Declamatory Contest | 34, 37 |
Dedication | 04 |
District Interscholastic | 37 |
Dixon, Inez | 28, 29, 60 |
Dixon, Julia | 28, 29 |
Dorothy, Ruth | 24, 25, 44, 45 |
Douglass, Florence M. | 54 |
Downs, Beryl | 32, 33 |
Dressler, Mildred | 54 |
Driscoll, Helen | 28, 29, 35, 38, 44, 45, 58 |
Driscoll, Lela E. | 54 |
Driscoll, Thomas "Tom" | 06, 07, 18, 19, 36, 38, 39, 40, 42, 43, 44, 46 |
E |
East Side School | 10 |
Editorial Staff | 06, 07 |
Edwards, James L. | 53 |
Eighth Grade | 32, 33 |
Elite Opera House | 34 |
Ensign, Claude | 32, 33 |
Ensign, Ethel Lisle | 54 |
Ensign, Leslie | 23, 24, 51, 58 |
Epilogue | 63 |
Everett, Gordon | 42, 43 |
F |
Faculty | 12, 13 |
Farson, Dotha | 32, 33 |
Ficke, Charles | 32, 33 |
First Baptist Church | 10 |
Fitch, Erma | 27, 28 |
Flint, Lizzie M. Johnson | 53 |
Flood, Robert T. | 54 |
Football | 41, 42, 42, 51 |
Football Reception | 51 |
Forbes, Edith | 32, 33 |
Foreward | 03 |
Franz, Dora M. Harader | 53 |
Freshman | 27, 28, 29, 60, 61 |
G |
Giesler, Cordia | 18, 19, 52 |
Giesler, Edna | 27, 28 |
Giesler, Mary | 18, 19 |
Gilmore, May McGlinchey | 53 |
Girls’ Basketball Team | 44, 45 |
Girls’ Glee Club | 34, 35, 39, 51 |
Girls’ Sextette | 34 |
Glee Club | 15, 17, 34, 35, 36, 39, 51 |
Glee Club Concert | 34 |
Gorrie, Eda | 15, 16, 44, 45 |
Gorrie, Walter E. | 53 |
Graduation Requirements | 11 |
Grand Avenue | 10 |
Green, Robert N. | 53 |
Gregory, Dula | 32, 33 |
Griffith, Anna | 32, 33 |
Grimes, Velva | 32, 33 |
H |
Harader, Edith Wood | 54 |
Harader, M. Frances | 54 |
Harland, Ferrin | 24, 25, 44, 46 |
Harland, Irene | 32, 33 |
Harris, Edna | 28, 29 |
Harry, Olive | 18, 19 |
Hazeltine, Malcom W. | 53 |
Hazeltine, Walter L. | 54 |
Helmbolt, Eugene G. Keith | 53 |
Herline, Frank | 18, 19 |
Herline, Leila | 18, 19 |
High School Chorus | 34 |
High School Songs | 49 |
High School Yells | 50 |
Hill, Albert | 28, 29 |
Hillerman, Clyde "Sleepy" | 23, 24, 56 |
Holden, Mabel | 28, 29 |
Holden, Norman | 27, 28 |
Holland, Ralph | 53 |
Holmes, Sina | 53 |
Holt, Vernon | 18, 19, 44, 46 |
Hull, Ida M. Hazeltine | 53 |
Hunter, Alice | 18, 19 |
Hutchinson, Edna Case | 54 |
Hutchinson, Lawrence | 54 |
Hutchinson, May | 27, 28 |
I |
I S L Contest | 38 |
Intellectual Contests | 37, 39 |
Inter-Class Contest | 38 |
Ireton, Ida Francis Forbes | 54 |
Ireton, Tom | 27, 28 |
Ireton, Walter C. | 54 |
J |
Jacobsen, E. Belle | 53 |
Jeffries, Ivan | 53 |
Johnson, Effie Jane | 53 |
Johnston, Oscar | 28, 29 |
Junior Class Colors - Lavender and White | 19 |
Juniors | 03, 15, 18, 60 |
K |
Keith, Blanche Bailey | 54 |
Keith, Zada "Zadie" | 15, 16, 37, 39, 44, 45, 58 |
Kent, Byram | 27, 28 |
Kenward, Io | 18, 19 |
Kenward, Miss | 51 |
Kenward, Ruth | 32, 33 |
Kinnison, Allen | 23, 24 |
Kinnison, Banks | 18, 20, 44, 46, 47, 48 |
Kirk, Lillian Kent | 54 |
Kirk, W. T. | 51 |
Kostenbader, Elwyn | 32, 33 |
L |
Laboratory | 09, 10 |
Landon, Ruby | 27, 28, 34 |
Lattig, Bert | 24, 25, 42, 43 |
Lattig, George | 32, 33 |
Lauer, Faye | 32, 33 |
Levers, Gertrude E. | 54 |
Long, Alma | 27, 28, 35, 38, 60 |
Ludwig, Grace | 16, 17 |
Ludwig, Mabel | 18, 20, 56 |
Lutz, Alice H. | 53 |
Lyle, M. Madge Orrell | 54 |
M |
Makinson, Ralph | 23, 24, 42, 43 |
Mason, Daisy M. | 54 |
Mason, Lucy E. | 54 |
Mason, Maggie | 54 |
Matters Musical | 34 |
Maule, Albert | 16, 17 |
Maule, Ruth | 27, 28, 30 |
Maxfield, Ellen | 18, 20 |
Maxfield, Vernon | 23, 24 |
Mayfield, Marvin | 32, 33 |
Mayfield, Mollie | 32, 33 |
McClahaham, Thomas | 32, 33 |
McClanaham, Ross | 28, 29, 42, 43, 60 |
McClanahan, Edith Frances | 54 |
McClanahan, Ross | 28, 29, 42, 43, 60 |
McClanahan, Thomas | 32, 33 |
McCrary, Lula | 32, 33 |
McGrevy, Charles | 32, 33 |
Meichan, Louis | 32, 33 |
Mercer, Mabel | 32, 33 |
Mickelson, Esther | 06, 07, 18, 20 |
Miles, Ruby | 32, 33 |
Moan, Edward | 32, 33 |
Morton, Nellie L. | 53 |
Moss, A.B. Jr. | 53 |
Moss, Fred M. | 54 |
Moss, James | 42, 43 |
Moss, Wentworth H. | 53 |
Murphy, Harold | 32, 33 |
Myers,Dora C. | 53 |
N |
Napton, Marie L. | 54 |
Nesbitt, Iva "Biddy" | 24, 25 |
Nodle, Elsie | 27, 28 |
Nodle, Lottie | 23, 24 |
Nodle, Mary | 27, 28 |
O |
O’Neill, Margaret | 18, 20 |
Officers | 15, 18, 19, 23, 24 |
Orcutt, Mabel | 23, 24, 34 |
Orcutt, William | 18, 20, 39, 40 |
Organizations | 34, 35, 36,37, 38, 39, 40 |
Orrell, Hazel R. Thompson | 53 |
Orrell, John | 15, 16, 47, 48, 58, 61 |
P |
Paih of Learning | 14 |
Pathael, Charles | 27, 28, 44, 46, 47, 48 |
Payette High School | 05, 10 |
Payette High School Alumni | 53, 54 |
Payette High School Alumni 1895 | 53 |
Payette High School Alumni 1896 | 53 |
Payette High School Alumni 1897 | 53 |
Payette High School Alumni 1898 | 53 |
Payette High School Alumni 1899 | 53 |
Payette High School Alumni 1900 | 53 |
Payette High School Alumni 1901 | 53 |
Payette High School Alumni 1902 | 53 |
Payette High School Alumni 1903 | 53 |
Payette High School Alumni 1904 | 54 |
Payette High School Alumni 1905 | 54 |
Payette High School Alumni 1906 | 54 |
Payette High School Alumni 1907 | 54 |
Payette High School Alumni 1908 | 54 |
Payette High School Colors | 15 |
Payette School District No. 32 | 10 |
Payette School History | 10 |
Pearce, Charles | 32, 33 |
Pence, Addie W. Cram | 53 |
Pence, Bessie F. Venable | 53 |
Platt, Cora C. | 53 |
Precht, Herman | 27, 28 |
Prindle, Ray | 27, 28 |
Prodigals | 30 |
Pumpkin Vine | 15, 19 |
Purcell, Mabel Ireton | 54 |
Purkhiser, Vella Ethel | 54 |
Q |
Quinby, Floyd | 54 |
R |
Rah Song | 49 |
Ransom, B. R. | 13 |
Ransom, Miss | 51 |
Ravis, Mattie B. Williams | 53 |
Red Paint Again | 22 |
Reddington, Harry | 15, 16 |
Reimers, Mabel | 32, 33 |
Rieger, Philip | 32, 33 |
Ritchey, Ida | 32, 33 |
Roberts, Seth H. | 53 |
Rotering, Elmo | 15, 16, 17 |
Rowe Cup | 39 |
Rowe, A. M. | 10 |
Russel, Ray | 24, 25, 42, 43 |
S |
Schmidt, Elsie | 23, 24 |
School and Class Spirit | 52 |
Scott, Inez | 18, 20 |
Seawell, Lillian M. Jacobsen | 53 |
Senior Class Colors - Purple and Gold | 15 |
Seniors | 04, 15, 16, 17, 61 |
Shake, Harold | 24, 25, 47, 48 |
Shake, Homer | 15, 16 |
Shake, Rodney | 32, 33 |
Shearer, Jeanette | 54 |
Sherwood, Clark | 32, 33 |
Short, John | 32, 33 |
Simpson, Linnie Jeffries | 54 |
Skinner, Miss | 34 |
Sloneker, Bertha | 15, 16 |
Sloneker, Delta | 24, 25 |
Smith, Eva C. | 53 |
Smith, Lawrence | 32, 33 |
Snowberger, Ernest | 32, 33 |
Sophomores | 23, 24, 25, 61 |
Spaulding, Verne | 32, 33 |
Stack, James A. | 53 |
Stark, Harry | 24, 25 |
Stark, Mabel | 23, 24 |
Stark, Margie M. | 54 |
Steffen, Alma | 15, 16, 44, 45 |
Steffen, John | 15, 16 |
Stirm, Willie | 27, 28, 58 |
Stock, Nettie M. | 53 |
Story Without Words | 31 |
Strohbehn, Edward B. | 54 |
Strohbehn, Louise "Prunes" | 23, 24 |
Suplee, Minnie A. Paine | 53 |
T |
Taylor, Carrie E. | 53 |
Taylor, Chester G. | 53 |
Taylor, Emma F. | 53 |
Tharp, Mary D. Frakes | 53 |
Thomas, Bessie | 54 |
Thomas, Harry | 27, 28 |
Thomas, Mae | 32, 33 |
Thompson, Elsie E. Heinze | 53 |
Thompson, Leslie M. | 53 |
Thurston, Bessie | 54 |
Thurston, Clyde W. | 53 |
Thurston, Helen | 28, 29, 34, 35, 38 |
Thurston, Irwin L. | 53 |
Thurston, Rachel | 15, 16, 34, 35, 38 |
Thurston, Ralph | 53 |
Tillotson, Nellie E. Bussey | 53 |
Trial Of Life II | 17, 21, 26, 29 |
Turner, J. E. | 10, 12 |
Turner, Mr. | 38 |
V |
Van Etten, Etta | 32, 33 |
Van Etten, Jessie | 23, 24 |
Venable, Earl | 53 |
Venable, Ethelyn | 54 |
W |
Walker, Paul | 28, 29, 42, 43 |
Walker, Ronald | 54 |
Watts, A. Fred | 54 |
Watts, Katie | 23, 24 |
Wayne, Earl | 32, 33 |
West Point | 53 |
West Side School | 08, 10 |
Whalen, Jack | 42, 43 |
Whalen, James | 54 |
Whalen, John | 15, 16 |
Where The Payette Banners Fly | 49 |
White, Florence | 27, 28 |
White, Gail | 24, 25 |
White, Grace | 27, 28 |
White, Harry | 32, 33 |
White, Maud | 27, 28 |
Wilcox, Crete | 32, 33 |
Wilcox, Gladys | 32, 33 |
Williams, Alice | 54 |
Williams, Amy | 23, 24, 35, 38 |
Williams, Hope | 32, 33 |
Willow Creek | 10 |
Wilson, Bertha Emily | 54 |
Wilson, Laura | 15, 16, 34, 61 |
Wilson, Wilsie "Portly" | 23, 24, 34, 60 |
Windle, Addie | 27, 28 |
Wolf, Elmer | 32, 33 |
Wood, Clinton | 54 |
Wood, Ronald | 32, 33 |
Woodward Medal | 39 |
Wright, Leonard | 54 |
Wright, Verna | 18, 20 |
Y |
Yager, Ida | 16, 17 |
Yager, Lucy | 16, 17 |
Yahne, Myrtle | 54 |
Z |
Zimmerman, Burnice | 23, 24 |
Zimmerman, Eva | 28, 29 |