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1909 Axe Yearbook
Payette, Idaho

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Special Thanks to Theresia Mustaikes for Indexing this Yearbook!

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List of Yearbook Pages

Abrams, Irene32, 33
Advertisements55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62
Ainey, Gladys15, 16, 34, 35, 38
Ainey, Ione27, 28
Ainey, Pauline32, 33
Albert, David27, 28, 42, 43, 47, 48
Albert, George W. H.53
Albert, Lester54
Albert, M. F.10
Allison, Roy32, 33
Alspach, Sadie B.54
Alumni53, 54
Alvord, Statera M. Wells53
Anderson, Allen23, 24, 39, 40, 58
Anderson, V. Ernest54
Asmussen, Lucy18, 19
Athletics41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51
Axe03, 04, 07, 19, 60, 63
Ayers, Clifford28, 29, 42, 43
Ayers, Edna18, 19
Barker, Laura L. Johnson53
Barney, Flavia Pearl54
Barney, M. G.13, 56, 58
Barradell, A. E.12, 56, 58, 60, 61
Barradell, Mr.34, 38, 41, 43, 47, 48, 51
Barron, Beulah24, 25
Barron, Margaret32, 33
Bartch, Alice R.53
Baseball47, 48
Basketball18, 19, 44, 45, 46
Battan, Hattie Hinchliff53
Bayer, Mamie15, 16
Bell Telephone Company53
Bell, Myrtle23, 24, 35, 37, 38
Berry, Margaret Chatfield53
Biglow, Edna54
Blakesley, Beatrice Mildred54
Blayden, Etta28, 29
Boehmer, Charles "Chuck"18, 19, 60
Boise Street10
Boo-La Song49
Bowman, Chilton18, 19, 44, 46
Bowman, Grace24, 25, 44, 45
Bowman, Logan18, 19, 44, 46, 51
Boys’ Basketball Team44, 46
Boys’ Glee Club36
Brainard, Lawrence32, 33
Brainard, Paul54
Brainard, Scott06, 07, 18, 19, 37, 38, 39, 40, 51, 56
Brown, Jessie L. Smith53
Brundage, May27, 28
Bullis, Delos27, 28
Burns, Jessie32, 33
Burns, Keith54
Burns, Robert06, 07, 18, 19, 39, 40, 42, 43, 47, 48
Cady, A. P.10
Capron, Edith27, 28
Capron, Nelia27, 28
Carstens, Henry32, 33
Cartwright, Alma32, 33
Case, Frank32, 33
Cason, Alice32, 33
Cason, Clarence27, 28
Central School05, 10
Chapin, Alyce06, 07, 18, 19
Chapin, Clarence32, 33
Chapman, Irving15, 16, 39, 40, 47, 48
Chapman, Mildred44, 45
Chapman,Curtis27, 28
Chase, D. Carl53
Childers, Mary10
Class of 190915
Classes15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 23, 24, 25, 27, 28, 29, 32, 33,
Coates, Albert32, 33
Colors15, 19
Contest37, 38, 39, 41, 44, 47
Cortner, Mearl M.54
Cortner, Vernie18, 19
Coughanour, Alta C. Stroup53
Course of Study11
Covington, Echo32, 33
Crowther, Alma E.54
Crowther, Della54
Crowther, Harold Q.53
Crowther, Susie54
Crump, Charles32, 33
Culver, Ben24, 25, 47, 48
Currin, Amy D.53
Currin, Ivy53
Darnall, Dannie44, 46, 47, 48
Darnall, Glenn23, 24, 47, 48
Darnall, Ross23, 24, 42, 43, 44, 46, 47, 48, 60
Debate39, 40
Declamatory Contest34, 37
District Interscholastic37
Dixon, Inez28, 29, 60
Dixon, Julia28, 29
Dorothy, Ruth24, 25, 44, 45
Douglass, Florence M.54
Downs, Beryl32, 33
Dressler, Mildred54
Driscoll, Helen28, 29, 35, 38, 44, 45, 58
Driscoll, Lela E.54
Driscoll, Thomas "Tom"06, 07, 18, 19, 36, 38, 39, 40, 42, 43, 44, 46
East Side School10
Editorial Staff06, 07
Edwards, James L.53
Eighth Grade32, 33
Elite Opera House34
Ensign, Claude32, 33
Ensign, Ethel Lisle54
Ensign, Leslie23, 24, 51, 58
Everett, Gordon42, 43
Faculty12, 13
Farson, Dotha32, 33
Ficke, Charles32, 33
First Baptist Church10
Fitch, Erma27, 28
Flint, Lizzie M. Johnson53
Flood, Robert T.54
Football41, 42, 42, 51
Football Reception51
Forbes, Edith32, 33
Franz, Dora M. Harader53
Freshman27, 28, 29, 60, 61
Giesler, Cordia18, 19, 52
Giesler, Edna27, 28
Giesler, Mary18, 19
Gilmore, May McGlinchey53
Girls’ Basketball Team44, 45
Girls’ Glee Club34, 35, 39, 51
Girls’ Sextette34
Glee Club15, 17, 34, 35, 36, 39, 51
Glee Club Concert34
Gorrie, Eda15, 16, 44, 45
Gorrie, Walter E.53
Graduation Requirements11
Grand Avenue10
Green, Robert N.53
Gregory, Dula32, 33
Griffith, Anna32, 33
Grimes, Velva32, 33
Harader, Edith Wood54
Harader, M. Frances54
Harland, Ferrin24, 25, 44, 46
Harland, Irene32, 33
Harris, Edna28, 29
Harry, Olive18, 19
Hazeltine, Malcom W.53
Hazeltine, Walter L.54
Helmbolt, Eugene G. Keith53
Herline, Frank18, 19
Herline, Leila18, 19
High School Chorus34
High School Songs49
High School Yells50
Hill, Albert28, 29
Hillerman, Clyde "Sleepy"23, 24, 56
Holden, Mabel28, 29
Holden, Norman27, 28
Holland, Ralph53
Holmes, Sina53
Holt, Vernon18, 19, 44, 46
Hull, Ida M. Hazeltine53
Hunter, Alice18, 19
Hutchinson, Edna Case54
Hutchinson, Lawrence54
Hutchinson, May27, 28
I S L Contest38
Intellectual Contests37, 39
Inter-Class Contest38
Ireton, Ida Francis Forbes54
Ireton, Tom27, 28
Ireton, Walter C.54
Jacobsen, E. Belle53
Jeffries, Ivan53
Johnson, Effie Jane53
Johnston, Oscar28, 29
Junior Class Colors - Lavender and White19
Juniors03, 15, 18, 60
Keith, Blanche Bailey54
Keith, Zada "Zadie"15, 16, 37, 39, 44, 45, 58
Kent, Byram27, 28
Kenward, Io18, 19
Kenward, Miss51
Kenward, Ruth32, 33
Kinnison, Allen23, 24
Kinnison, Banks18, 20, 44, 46, 47, 48
Kirk, Lillian Kent54
Kirk, W. T.51
Kostenbader, Elwyn32, 33
Laboratory09, 10
Landon, Ruby27, 28, 34
Lattig, Bert24, 25, 42, 43
Lattig, George32, 33
Lauer, Faye32, 33
Levers, Gertrude E.54
Long, Alma27, 28, 35, 38, 60
Ludwig, Grace16, 17
Ludwig, Mabel18, 20, 56
Lutz, Alice H.53
Lyle, M. Madge Orrell54
Makinson, Ralph23, 24, 42, 43
Mason, Daisy M.54
Mason, Lucy E.54
Mason, Maggie54
Matters Musical34
Maule, Albert16, 17
Maule, Ruth27, 28, 30
Maxfield, Ellen18, 20
Maxfield, Vernon23, 24
Mayfield, Marvin32, 33
Mayfield, Mollie32, 33
McClahaham, Thomas32, 33
McClanaham, Ross28, 29, 42, 43, 60
McClanahan, Edith Frances54
McClanahan, Ross28, 29, 42, 43, 60
McClanahan, Thomas32, 33
McCrary, Lula32, 33
McGrevy, Charles32, 33
Meichan, Louis32, 33
Mercer, Mabel32, 33
Mickelson, Esther06, 07, 18, 20
Miles, Ruby32, 33
Moan, Edward32, 33
Morton, Nellie L.53
Moss, A.B. Jr.53
Moss, Fred M.54
Moss, James42, 43
Moss, Wentworth H.53
Murphy, Harold32, 33
Myers,Dora C.53
Napton, Marie L.54
Nesbitt, Iva "Biddy"24, 25
Nodle, Elsie27, 28
Nodle, Lottie23, 24
Nodle, Mary27, 28
O’Neill, Margaret18, 20
Officers15, 18, 19, 23, 24
Orcutt, Mabel23, 24, 34
Orcutt, William18, 20, 39, 40
Organizations34, 35, 36,37, 38, 39, 40
Orrell, Hazel R. Thompson53
Orrell, John15, 16, 47, 48, 58, 61
Paih of Learning14
Pathael, Charles27, 28, 44, 46, 47, 48
Payette High School05, 10
Payette High School Alumni53, 54
Payette High School Alumni 189553
Payette High School Alumni 189653
Payette High School Alumni 189753
Payette High School Alumni 189853
Payette High School Alumni 189953
Payette High School Alumni 190053
Payette High School Alumni 190153
Payette High School Alumni 190253
Payette High School Alumni 190353
Payette High School Alumni 190454
Payette High School Alumni 190554
Payette High School Alumni 190654
Payette High School Alumni 190754
Payette High School Alumni 190854
Payette High School Colors15
Payette School District No. 3210
Payette School History10
Pearce, Charles32, 33
Pence, Addie W. Cram53
Pence, Bessie F. Venable53
Platt, Cora C.53
Precht, Herman27, 28
Prindle, Ray27, 28
Pumpkin Vine15, 19
Purcell, Mabel Ireton54
Purkhiser, Vella Ethel54
Quinby, Floyd54
Rah Song49
Ransom, B. R.13
Ransom, Miss51
Ravis, Mattie B. Williams53
Red Paint Again22
Reddington, Harry15, 16
Reimers, Mabel32, 33
Rieger, Philip32, 33
Ritchey, Ida32, 33
Roberts, Seth H.53
Rotering, Elmo15, 16, 17
Rowe Cup39
Rowe, A. M.10
Russel, Ray24, 25, 42, 43
Schmidt, Elsie23, 24
School and Class Spirit52
Scott, Inez18, 20
Seawell, Lillian M. Jacobsen53
Senior Class Colors - Purple and Gold15
Seniors04, 15, 16, 17, 61
Shake, Harold24, 25, 47, 48
Shake, Homer15, 16
Shake, Rodney32, 33
Shearer, Jeanette54
Sherwood, Clark32, 33
Short, John32, 33
Simpson, Linnie Jeffries54
Skinner, Miss34
Sloneker, Bertha15, 16
Sloneker, Delta24, 25
Smith, Eva C.53
Smith, Lawrence32, 33
Snowberger, Ernest32, 33
Sophomores23, 24, 25, 61
Spaulding, Verne32, 33
Stack, James A.53
Stark, Harry24, 25
Stark, Mabel23, 24
Stark, Margie M.54
Steffen, Alma15, 16, 44, 45
Steffen, John15, 16
Stirm, Willie27, 28, 58
Stock, Nettie M.53
Story Without Words31
Strohbehn, Edward B.54
Strohbehn, Louise "Prunes"23, 24
Suplee, Minnie A. Paine53
Taylor, Carrie E.53
Taylor, Chester G.53
Taylor, Emma F.53
Tharp, Mary D. Frakes53
Thomas, Bessie54
Thomas, Harry27, 28
Thomas, Mae32, 33
Thompson, Elsie E. Heinze53
Thompson, Leslie M.53
Thurston, Bessie54
Thurston, Clyde W.53
Thurston, Helen28, 29, 34, 35, 38
Thurston, Irwin L.53
Thurston, Rachel15, 16, 34, 35, 38
Thurston, Ralph53
Tillotson, Nellie E. Bussey53
Trial Of Life II17, 21, 26, 29
Turner, J. E.10, 12
Turner, Mr.38
Van Etten, Etta32, 33
Van Etten, Jessie23, 24
Venable, Earl53
Venable, Ethelyn54
Walker, Paul28, 29, 42, 43
Walker, Ronald54
Watts, A. Fred54
Watts, Katie23, 24
Wayne, Earl32, 33
West Point53
West Side School08, 10
Whalen, Jack42, 43
Whalen, James54
Whalen, John15, 16
Where The Payette Banners Fly49
White, Florence27, 28
White, Gail24, 25
White, Grace27, 28
White, Harry32, 33
White, Maud27, 28
Wilcox, Crete32, 33
Wilcox, Gladys32, 33
Williams, Alice54
Williams, Amy23, 24, 35, 38
Williams, Hope32, 33
Willow Creek10
Wilson, Bertha Emily54
Wilson, Laura15, 16, 34, 61
Wilson, Wilsie "Portly"23, 24, 34, 60
Windle, Addie27, 28
Wolf, Elmer32, 33
Wood, Clinton54
Wood, Ronald32, 33
Woodward Medal39
Wright, Leonard54
Wright, Verna18, 20
Yager, Ida16, 17
Yager, Lucy16, 17
Yahne, Myrtle54
Zimmerman, Burnice23, 24
Zimmerman, Eva28, 29


Advertisements55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62
Avey, O. H.58
Baker, Geo. W.58
Bates Studio57
Brundage, W. S.58
C.C.C. Flour56
Canyon Commercial Co.56
Chase and Sanborn's Coffee56
Commercial Street56
Compton, (Mrs.) C. B.62
Compton, C. B.59
E. C. Keith and Sons61
First National Bank of Payette57
Gage Hats62
Geisler Brothers57
Golden Rule60
Gorham Mercantile Co.58
Grinds55, 56, 58, 60, 61, 62, 63
Hart Schaffner and Marx Clothes61
Hutchinson, Holt and Veal62
Inter-Ocean Brand Shirts58
Jacobson Corner59
La Mode Millinery Establishment62
McDonald and Smith57
McKibbins Hats58
Moss Mercantile Company59
Payette National Bank58
Payette Pharmacy59
Peoples' Groceries57
Peters Diamond Brand Shoes58
Rexall Remedies61
Russell Department Store60
Satoriss Shoe Store59
Scritchfield, A. P.58
Stetson Hats58, 61
Stetson Shoes61
Strother, Wm. F.62
Sur, John W.56
Thurston, J. S.61
Walk Over Shoes61
Watch Repair Department62

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