A |
Advertising and Jokes | 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77 |
Alspaugh, Ruby | 39 |
Alumni | 08 |
Alumni Dance | 56 |
Annual Football Banquet | 56 |
Ashworth, Betty Louise | 19, 50, 54 |
Athletics | 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48 |
Autographes | 79, 80 |
Axe 21,st Edition | 01, |
Axe Staff | 05, |
B |
Back Cover | 81 |
Baker, Bernard | 35 |
Baseball | 48 |
Basketball | 45 |
Basketball Scoring | 47 |
Beckwith, Wallace | 36 |
Benoy, Helen | 35 |
Benoy, Paul | 28 |
Bertleson, Lorena Christena | 13, |
Bertleson, Mona | 36 |
Bethers, Ermina | 20, 53 |
Biglow, Hayden | 42 |
Blayden, Ralph | 39 |
Bobbitt, Lyle | 27, 42, 44, 45 |
Bobbitt, Mildred | 35 |
Book, Danny | 25, 48 |
Book, Orin | 40, 48 |
Boomer, Jean | 39 |
Boyer, Henry | 40 |
Bradshaw, Kenneth | 05, 24, 42, 48, 50 |
Broderson, Carl | 27 |
Broderson, Herman Frederick | 19 |
Brown, Charlotte | 40 |
Browne, Erma Thelma | 16, |
Brubaker, Clarence Glenn | 14, 42, 43, 44, 45, 48, 53, 58 |
Brubaker, Iris | 05, 27 |
Buckner, Beatrice | 35 |
Butler, Irene | 35 |
Buzzard, Everett | 16, 53 |
C |
Calendar | 59, 60, 61 |
Campbell, Van Deveer | 29, 42, 43, 44, 58 |
Chaloud, Dolores | 39 |
Christian, Jack | 42, 43, 44, 45 |
Christian, Wynema | 15, |
Clauson, Robert | 39 |
Coen, Iva | 35 |
Coen, Violet | 35 |
Colgton, Vere | 36, 50 |
Colton, Vere | 36, 50 |
Cornelson, Lucille | 36 |
Cover | Cover |
Cox, Chelsey | 28 |
Cox, Elizabeth | 35 |
Crane, Juanita Vita | 13, |
Cross, Arnold | 05, 26 ,42, 48 |
D |
Daniels, Joseph | 35 |
Dean, Dorothy Elizabeth | 13, 55 |
DeBord, Gerald | 30, 48 |
Decker, Rhoda | 35, 46 |
Dedication | 04, |
Dent, Helen | 26 |
Diederichsen, Henrietta | 05, 23 |
Dilley, Robert | 35, 55 |
Dorathy, Mary Helen | 35 |
Doubleday, Juanita | 29, 52 |
Dramatics | 53 |
Draper, Kenneth | 42 |
Dunn, Helen | 35 |
E |
Eastman, Bernard | 05, 25, 42 |
Edwards, Berkley | 35 |
Edwards, Farley | 35 |
Equals, Robert Donald | 20, 52, 53, 54, 55 |
Erickson, Mildred | 14, 53 |
Expression Class | 53 |
F |
Faculty | 06, |
Farrens, Katherine | 36, 46 |
Farrens, Mary | 35, 46 |
Fife, Lyndon Wilson | 12, |
Flake, Harold | 39, 48 |
Football | 42, 43, 44 |
Football Lettermen | 43 |
Foreward | 02, |
Forgety, Wilma | 39 |
Freeman, Harold | 14, 42, 43, 44, 50, 58 |
Freshman Class Party | 56 |
Freshman Class Roll | 39 |
Freshmen | 37, 38, 39, 40 |
Fry, Elizabeth | 35 |
Fry, Gladys | 05, 23, 53 |
G |
Galdhart | 45, 48 |
Gerlach, Max | 14, 42, 43, 44, 58 |
Gifford, Fred R. | 06, |
Gillenwater, Martha | 39 |
Gilmore, Eileen May | 14, |
Gilmore, John | 39, 50 |
Girls’ Basketball | 46 |
Gissel, Eldro | 39 |
Gissel, Lester | 17, |
Gladhart, Edith | 20, |
Gladhart, Russel | 24, 42, 43, 44, 58 |
Glascock, Mable | 36 |
Glee Club | 51 |
Golden, Ethelyn | 39 |
Gorton, Adda LaRue | 15, |
Graves, Beulah | 40 |
Graves, Paul | 36 |
Green, Bonnie Gaye | 13, |
Griggs, Harry | 29, 42 |
Griggs, Helen | 35 |
Grunbaum, Louise | 06, |
H |
Hallowe’en Frolic | 56 |
Hansen, Vida | 36 |
Hansen, Viola | 18, |
Harris, Joan | 52 |
Harris, Sidney | 05, 25, 42, 50, 52 |
Heizer, Earl | 25 |
Henningsen, Werner | 23 |
Hewitt, Marjorie | 35, 54 |
Hilty, Gerald | 39 |
Hogg, Bess Louise | 15, 46, 50, 55 |
Hogue, Jack | 35 |
Holbrook Ruth M. | 18, |
Horne, Emma Bernice | 20, 46, 53 |
Howard, Netta | 40 |
Huffman, Florence | 14, 53 |
Hurd, Lew | 35 |
I |
Iars, Lewis Gregory | 12, |
In Memoriam | 07, |
Ingalls, Ralph | 15, 58 |
Ingalls, Ruth May | 19 |
J |
Jackson, Alvin | 40 |
Jackson, Valoy | 40 |
James, Clark | 26, 42 |
Jeffries, Letha | 40 |
Jewell, Beth | 39, 50 |
Johnson, Annual | 39 |
Johnson, Betty | 28 |
Johnson, Clara | 36 |
Johnston, Howard | 35, 42, 45, 48, 50, 54 |
Johnston, Rodney | 39 |
Jokes | 63, 70, 71, 72, 75, 76 |
Junior-Senior Prom | 57 |
Juniors | 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30 |
K |
Kelly Rhena M. | 06, |
Kenward, David | 18, 53, 55 |
Kenward, Nellie | 36 |
Kirk, Erma | 13, |
Kirk, John | 39 |
Kizzier, Lorraine | 29 |
L |
Lakness, Melvin | 40 |
Lattig, Mary Alice | 30, 53 |
Leigh, Glenn | 36, 48 |
Leigh, Virginia | 40 |
Leininger, Dorothy | 27 |
Leininger, Marion | 40 |
Leininger, Virginia | 40 |
Levers, Glenn | 16, |
Litner, Lyle | 26 |
Litner, Merle | 42 |
Loughrey, Millard | 05, 25, 42, 48, 52, 55 |
Loveland, Claire Jeanette | 17, |
M |
MacDonald, Margaret | 28 |
Manser, Kathryn | 26 |
Marshall, Jack | 40, 45, 48 |
Marshall, Keith M. | 20, 42, 43, 44, 45, 48, 53, 58 |
Martin, Mae Marie | 39 |
Mathis, Alice Kathleen | 12, 46, 54, 55 |
McConaughy, Lois | 23, 46 |
McCosh, Mary | 16, |
McCullough, Margaret | 40 |
McMahan, Edward Roland | 19, 43, 45, 48 |
McMahan, Helen | 36 |
McMahan, Ted | 42, 44, 45, 48, 54, 58 |
McMillian, Ralph | 40 |
McRae, Dorcas | 24 |
Mercer, Kenneth | 39 |
Miars, Earl | 35, 50 |
Mid-Winter Carnival | 57 |
Millbrook, S. J. | 06, |
Miscellaneous | 49 |
Mitchel, Hazel Kirk | 30 |
Mogenson, Gertrude | 36, 46 |
Mogenson, Mark | 40 |
Mordhorst, Ira | 40 |
Musgrove, Byron Franklin | 18, 52 |
N |
Nelson, Ruth | 27 |
Nickerson, Mildred | 18, |
Norris, Harriet | 40 |
O |
Olsen, Olive | 40 |
Olsen, Paul | 40 |
Olson, Glenn | 35 |
Orchestra | 55 |
P |
P Club | 58 |
P Club Dance | 56, 57 |
Pacha, Harriet | 39 |
Patch, Oliver | 42 |
Paulding, Hazel | 36 |
Payette High School Building | 03, |
Pence, Albert | 05, 24, 42, 43, 44, 48, 50, 52, 54, 58 |
Pence, Peter Munson | 12, 48, 52, 54, 55 |
Peterson, Metta L. | 06, 51, 52, 53, 55 |
Peterson, Minnie | 35 |
Pettit, Doris | 24, 50 |
Photo | Photo |
“Pickles” Cast | 52 |
Powell, Marie | 39 |
Preston, Margaret | 39 |
R |
Reimers, Wiebka | 36 |
Representatives | 50 |
Reynolds, Ardith | 05, 26 |
Rich, Fanny | 39 |
Richardson, Earl | 40 |
Robinette, Ivon | 16, 48 |
Rose, Wesley | 40 |
Rust, Georgia | 40 |
S |
Sallee, Beulah | 40 |
Sanger, Fairy Marie | 06, 53, 54 |
Schutt, Donald | 42, 43, 44 |
Schutt, Donivan | 40 |
Schutt, Sylvia Marie | 17, |
Selvidge, Alice Lee | 18, |
Selvidge, Everett | 39 |
Senior Class Prophecy | 09, 10, |
Senior Class Will | 21, 30 |
Seniors | 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, |
Senkbiel, Fred William | 07, 53 |
Senkbiel, Harry | 39 |
Sharp, John | 36, 42, 43 |
Sharp, Lee | 39 |
Sherer, John | 27, 45, 48 |
Sherer, Ralph | 13, 42, 43, 44, 45, 48, 55, 58 |
Sherman, T. A. | 04, |
Sherman, Theodore V. | 06, |
Singley, Evelyn | 39 |
Slade, Madge | 39 |
Smith, Barbara | 35 |
Snapshots | 31, 32, 62 |
Snook, Rosemary | 36 |
Society | 56, 57 |
Sodja, William | 29, 42 |
Sophomore Class Party | 56 |
Sophomore Class Roll | 35, 36 |
Sophomores | 33, 34, 35, 36 |
Spotswood, Kermit | 23 |
Stanton, Geneva | 39 |
Stauffer, Ester | 28 |
Stauffer, Laurence | 39 |
Stauffer, Mildred | 17, |
Stegal, Oliver | 39 |
Steiner, Lewis | 39 |
Sterling, Muriel | 39 |
Stewart, Delphine | 40 |
Stewart, Velma | 36 |
Student Council | 50 |
Sur, Roma Belle | 16, 55 |
Swank, Dorothy | 35, 54 |
Swank, Fred | 40 |
T |
Tharp, Ida Margaret | 15, 52 |
The End | 78 |
Thornton, Glenn | 28 |
Thornton, Irene | 40 |
Thornton, Mildred | 23, 53 |
Thurston, Ralph V. | 06, |
Tofflemire, Bernice | 40 |
V |
Vanderford, Asa | 40 |
W |
Wallace, Viola | 24 |
Walters, Juanita | 35 |
Ward, Raymond | 25 |
Watts, Ray | 35, 42 |
Wayne, Lucille | 17, |
Weidner, Wesley Henry | 19, 52 |
West, Bryan | 06, 42, 45 |
When A Fellow Needs A Friend | 54 |
Williams, Donald | 40, 46 |
Williams, Guy | 36, 46 |
Williams, Hattie LaVerne | 20, 52 |
Willis, Pearl | 39 |
Wilson, Virginia E. | 06, |
Wisner, Elsie May | 19 |
Wisner, Gwendolyn | 36 |
Wolf, Fred D. | 06, 42, 45 |
Woods, Marion Blakesley | 15, 52, 55 |
Woodward, Charles | 50 |
Woodward, Jean Elizabeth | 12, 53, 54 |
Woodward, Jesse Charles | 12, |
Woodward, Richard | 35 |
Wren, Edward | 17, |
Z |
Zeiger, Adelaid | 29 |
Advertisements | 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77 |
Jokes | 63, 70, 71, 72, 75 |
Anderson Barber Shop | 74 |
B. F. McCarrol | 73 |
Beamguard, W. C. | 71 |
Boise Payette Lumber Co. | 68 |
Brown News Stand | 74 |
Brubaker and Colton Nash Automobiles | 67 |
C. C. Anderson Co. | 65 |
Caxton Printers, Ltd | 77 |
City Bakery | 73 |
City Meat Market | 73 |
Clauson, C. S. | 74 |
Corner Shoe Shop | 74 |
Doc’s Service Station | 72 |
Dodge Brothers Motor Cars | 71 |
Farber’s | 71 |
Farmers' Co-Operative Creamery Co. | 65 |
Farrell’s | 66 |
Fitch Realty Company | 64 |
Fixit Shop | 71 |
Gem State Bakery | 72 |
George P. Ward Ford Products | 74 |
Golden Rule Store | 65 |
Goodyear | 76 |
Graham Brothers Trucks | 71 |
H. B. Catron | 69 |
Idaho Canning Company | 73 |
Idaho Vinegar and Cider Co. | 68 |
Independent Meat Market | 73 |
Independent Transfer Company | 75 |
J. A. McMillan | 76 |
J. C. Palumbo Fruit Co. | 67 |
Johnson Variety Store | 69 |
Johnston’s Payette Laundry | 66 |
La Paluma Brand | 67 |
Liberty Café | 74 |
Loughrey’s Barber Shop | 72 |
Model Shoe Shop | 74 |
Payette Enterprise | 71 |
Payette Hotel And Cafe | 74 |
Payette Laundry | 66 |
Payette Mill And Lumber Co. | 75 |
Payette Pressery | 71 |
Payette Valley Rex Spray Company | 64 |
Prindle, Archie | 75 |
Pruden Hanigan Motor Co. | 66 |
Quality Grocery And Meat Market | 73 |
Rader’s | 72 |
Rex Clark Plumbing and Heating | 73 |
Rexall Store | 67 |
Robt. M. Keith Clothier | 66 |
Schlottman’s Service Station | 76 |
Shurtleff Garage | 72 |
Smith Drug Co. | 68 |
Snook Art Studio | 69 |
Spaulding Hardware | 67 |
Standard Furniture Co. | 76 |
Sunshine Butter and Ice Cream | 65 |
Sunshine Farmers’ Co-Operative Creamery Co. | 65 |
Superior Grocery Co. | 68 |
The Edwards Store | 73 |
The Payette Independent | 72 |
Thurston’s Rexall Store | 67 |
Valley Hardware | 69 |
Van Petten Lumber Co. | 75 |
W. W. Letson | 74 |
Walters | 73 |
Wilson, Jennie | 74 |