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1929 Axe Yearbook
Payette, Idaho

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Special Thanks to Theresia Mustaikes for Indexing This Yearbook!
This Project Would Not Be Possible Without Her Help

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List of Yearbook Pages

Advertisements66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 79
Annual Frolic43
Anson, Edward35, 54
Ashworth, Bob35, 59
Athletics39, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59
“AXE” Staff07, 39, 43
Back Cover81
Baker, Bernard07, 22, 52, 59
Beem, Christobell22, 41, 51
Beem, Marie A.27, 41, 50, 51
Benoy, Paul17, 54
Bertleson, Della07, 34
Bertleson, Mona07, 24
Book, Dannie14, 54, 60
Boomer, Jean31, 58
Boomer, Lois35, 58
Boyer, Ella31
Bradshaw, Kenneth13, 40, 54, 55, 57, 60
Brannock, Edna36, 58
Broderson, Carl09
Brown, Charlotte36
Brown, Max36
Brubaker, Clarence08, 16, 40, 54, 57, 59, 60
Brubaker, Iris18
Brubaker, Jerome33, 54, 57, 59
Bryant, Agnes35
Buchner, Beatrice51
Buck, Francis52
Buckner, Beatrice24, 41
Butler, Irene31
Calendar44, 45, 46
Campbell, Van Deveer14, 54, 55, 59, 60
Carey, Kenneth25
Cassingham, Raymond35, 52, 59
Cheek, Edgar36
Christenson, Fern35, 51
Christian, Jack08, 27, 40, 54, 55, 57, 60
Clanton, Arza35, 52, 54, 59
Clausen, Raymond36
Clausen, Robert31
Coen, Iva25
Coen, Violet25
Colton, Vere22
Cornelson, Lucille07, 24
Cousin Gene39, 40
CoverCover, 81
Cox, Chelsey07, 14
Cox, Elizabeth24
Cozier, R.V.06, 53, 57, 59
Crazy Faculty39
Cross, Arnold13, 40, 54, 55, 59, 60
Crossing the Track in Safety39
Cyclone Sally39, 42
Daniels, Joseph23, 40, 54, 55, 60
Debord, Florence52
DeBord, Gerald18, 59, 60
Dedication04, 50
Diedericksen, Henrietta17, 41, 51
Dilly, Robert21, 52
Donnelly, Dorsey06
Dorathy, Mary Helen24, 58
Doubleday, Juanita16, 41, 42, 51
Dramatics, Society, Calendar, Literature, Music37, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49
Dunn, Helen07, 23, 58
Dutcher, Rose36
Earp, Harold13
Eastman, Bernard16, 40, 54, 55, 60
Edward, Farley26
Edwards, Berkeley24, 59
Elston, Twila35
Equals, Inez35
Farnham, Isabelle36, 52
Flake, Dora25
Flying Chips32, 62, 63, 64, 65, 73, 77, 78, 79
Football43, 54, 55, 56
Football Scores56
Freehafer, Paul52
Freeman, Ethelyn36
Freshmen33, 34, 35, 36
Fry, Elizabeth26
Fulton, Lucile35
Galdhart, Russell40
Gehr, Joy36
Gehr, Mabel36
Gehr, Melba36
Gilmore, John D.29, 52
Girls’ Basketball58
Gissel, Eldro31
Gladhart, Peter Russel15, 54, 57, 59
Gladhart, Russel08, 15, 54, 55, 57, 59, 60
Glee Club39, 51
Golden, Ethelyn35
Goodrich, Wallace35, 52
Graves, Beulah31, 41, 51, 58
Graves, Paul07, 25, 40, 54, 55, 59, 60
Griggs, Helen22
Grogan, Erma14
Grogan, Reva31
Grunbaum, Louise06
Hansen, Vida22
Harper, Glen35
Harris, Clyde35, 54
Harris, Sydney18, 40, 42, 54, 55, 60
Haworth, Ross35
Heizer, Earl15
Henderson, Mildred31
Henningsen, Werner14
Hewitt, Marjorie25, 41, 42
Hoffman, Laura35
Hogue, Jack21
Hopkins, Guy15, 40, 54, 55, 59, 60
In Memoriam09
Irby, James31
Irby, Viola26
Jackson, Martha35
Jackson, Valoy31
James, Clark16, 54, 55, 60
Jeffries, Letha31
Jensen, Arlene52
Jensen, Kenneth35, 52, 59
Jewell, Beth29
Johnson, Betty07, 17
Johnson, Clara07, 24
Johnson, Howard21
Johnston, Howard21, 40, 42, 54, 55, 57, 59, 60
Johnston, Rodney31, 52, 54, 57, 59
Jokes32, 62, 63, 64, 65, 73, 77, 78, 79
Juniors21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27
Kelley, Rhena06
Kenward, Nellie23
Kizzier, Lorraine15
Lange, Fred52
Lattig, Mary Alice15
Leigh, Glenn27, 59
Leigh, Virginia31
Leininger, Dorothy15, 41, 42, 51
Leininger, Marion31, 41, 51
Leininger, Virginia31, 41, 51
Lewis, Dorothy06
Lighthouse Keeper’s Daughter39
Linter, Lyle14, 54
Linter, Merle25, 54
Loughrey, Millard17, 40, 42, 54, 55, 57, 59, 60
Loveland, Elda Beth26
MacDonald, Margaret18
Manser, Kathryn18, 58
Marshall, Jack31
Martin, Jessie35
Maule, Fanny31
May, Lewis36
McConaughey, Lois14, 58
McRae, Dorcas15
Mercer, Kenneth31
Miars, Dorothy35
Miars, Earl07, 23
Millbrook, S. J.06, 53
Miller, Otto17, 55, 60
Miller, Reva36, 58
Miller, Thelma36, 51, 58
“Miss Caruther’s Return”41
Mordhorst, Elmer35, 59
Mordhorst, Ira31, 59
Moss, Celia24
Murphy, Hazel16, 41, 51, 58
Norris, Harriet29, 41
O’Berg, Ellen36
Olsen, Glen22
Olson, Olive31
Organizations07, 37, 39, 40, 41, 42, 51, 52, 60
“P” Club39, 43, 60
Pacha, Harriet31
Palumbo, Leo33
Paulding, Hazel23, 51
Payette High School03
Pence, Albert08, 16, 40, 42, 54, 55, 57, 60
Perry, Belle27, 51
Peterson, Meta06
Peterson, Minnie31
Peterson, Miss51, 52
Peterson, Phyllis35, 52
Pettit, Doris17
Photos12, 28, 38, 61
Plays40, 41, 42
Preston, Boyd35
Pugh, Francis35
Rader, Harrison36, 52, 59
Randall, Faye31
Reimers, Wiebka25, 41, 51
Reynolds, Ardith16, 51
Richards, Fred18
Richardson, Alta35, 58
Richardson, Earl31
Rittgers, R.P.06
Ritz Theater39
Rose, Wesley31
Rust, Georgia31
Sanger, Fairy Marie04, 05, 06
Sanger, Miss40
Schutts, Donald26
Secrest, Esther33
Selvidge, Everett31
Senior Class Prophecy10, 11
Senior Class Will19, 20
Seniors10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20
Sharp, James35, 54
Sherer, John18
Sherman, T.A.06
Shigeta, Michi31
Shurtleff, George36, 52, 54, 59
Shutt, Donivan31
Singley, Evelyn30
Slinker, Gracia35
Smith, Barbara26
Snapshots12, 28, 38, 61
Snook, Rosemary22
Son’s of Millionaires39
Sophomores29, 30, 31, 43
Squire’s Will47, 48, 49
Stanton, Geneva31, 52, 58
Stanton, James36, 52
Stauffer, Esther16, 51, 54
Stegall, Oliver31, 59
Stephenson, Barbara Lue36, 51
Stephenson, W.S.06
Sterling, Cecil35, 52
Sterling, Muriel31, 42, 58
Stewart, Delphine31
Stewart, Velma26
Stiegerwalt, Florence35
Stroup, Vida36
Student Council08
Sur, Roma14
Swank, Dorothy07, 23, 42
Swank, Fred31
Taylor, Dorothy35, 58
Thornton, Glen15
Thornton, Irene31, 51
Thornton, Mildred18
Thurston, Robert35, 47, 48, 49
Tofflemire, Bernice31, 51
Tofflemire, Pauline35
Tromly, Glenn35
Van Nata, Hope36
Vanderford, Asa31
Vanderford, Yates36
Vincent, Juanita35
Waddington, Claire31
Wallace, Viola17
Walters, Curtis35
Walters, Juanita22
Ward, Jessie35
Ward, Raymond17
Watts, Ray26
Wayne, Mary36, 51
Weidner, Nana Marie35, 51
Wells, Floyd36
Wells, Geraldine36
West, Bryan06, 53, 54
When Pop Comes Home39, 43
Wherry, Thelma35, 52
Wiedner, Nana Marie41
Williams, Donald36, 57
Williams, Marvel36, 57
Willis, Pearl31
Winter Carnival43
Wisner, Gwendolyn23
Woodward, Richard23


Advertisements66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 79
B. F. McCarroll Insurance Agency72
Bains Cash Grocery73
Beamguard, W. C.68
Bird Jacobsen72
Boise-Payette Lumber Co.68
Brubaker and Colton74
C. C. Anderson Co.67
Capital News Publishing Co.79
Cash Feed Store72
City Meat Market75
Colpin Pharmacy71
Con W. Hesse and Son70
Cornet Shoe Shop73
Dairymen-Farmers’ Co-Op Creamery Co.66
Dora J. P. Gerber Dentist74
Dr. N. D. Zevin72
F. H. Hogue, Inc.69
F. W. Herlocker Motor Co.73
Fitch Realty Co.76
Gem Electric Co.73
Gilbert J. Peterson75
Golden Rule72
Golden Rule75
H. B. Catron72
Hesse Diamond Investment Plan70
Huff, B. F.72
Idaho Canning Company74
Idaho Power Company68
Idaho Vinegar and Cider Co.71
Independent Meat Market75
Independent Transfer Company74
J. A. McMillan69
J. C. Palumbo Fruit Co.76
Jacobsen, Bird72
Johnson Variety Store74
Knight, E. B.72
La Paluma Brand76
Marsh, Dr. F. A.72
Model Shoe Shop74
Nelson, and Schluttman Motor Co.70
Northwestern Fruits and Vegetables69
Park Service Station72
Patch Bldg.73
Payette Auction Exchange75
Payette Enterprise69
Payette Equity Exchange73
Payette Independent75
Payette Laundry68
Payette Pharmacy72
Payette Portia Club76
Payette Pressery68
Payette Valley Rex Spray Co.67
Quality Grocery and Meat Market75
Ritz Theater74
Robinson, The Jeweler73
Robt. M. Keith Clothier70
Ross Smeed Repair Shop73
Scott’s Barber and Beauty73
Shurtleff Garage75
Snook Photo Shop66
Spaulding Hardware74
Standard Furniture Co.79
Staple Groceries72
Sunshine Butter And Ice Cream66
Superior Grocery Co.70
Thurston’s The Rexall Store74
Valley Hardware71
Van Petten Lumber Co.75
W. E. Loughrey’s Barber Shop72

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