A |
Activities | 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 38, 39, 41 |
Advertisements | 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56 |
Allen, George | 20, 21 |
Anderson, Elsie | 18, 19 |
Anderson, Grace | 05, 27 |
Anderson, Harry | 20, 21 |
Arnold, Barbara | 08, 27, 32, 34, 39, 41 |
Athletics | 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 41 |
Axe | 01, 02 |
Axe Staff | 04 |
B |
Back Cover | 57 |
Baer, Edward | 20, 21 |
Baldridge, James | 11, 29, 32 |
Baldridge, Jim | 06, 34, 39 |
Barclay, Doris | 20, 21 |
Barngrover, Anna Faye | 16, 17, 27, 32, 34, 38, 41 |
Baseball | 28 |
Beeler, Raymond | 20, 21 |
Beeson, Martha | 20, 21 |
Bertleson, Della | 16, 17 |
Blayden, Ralph | 08 |
Blurton, Cleo | 20, 21 |
Bohannon, LaMoine | 18, 19 |
Bollinger, Lamar | 38 |
Boomer, Jean | 11, 39 |
Boomer, Lois | 16, 17, 27, 38, 41 |
Boyer, Ella | 09 |
Boyle, Vivian | 20, 21 |
Boys’ “P” Club | 30 |
Boys’ Basketball | 26 |
Bridger, Gertrude | 20, 21 |
Brown, Charlotte | 16, 17, 38 |
Brown, Keith | 20, 21 |
Brown, Max | 16, 17, 25, 26, 28, 30, 32 |
Brown, Wenonah | 18, 19 |
Brubaker, Jerome | 04, 06, 16, 17, 24, 25, 26, 28, 29, 30, 33, 53 |
Brubaker, Raymond | 18, 19, 24, 25, 26, 28, 29, 30, 53 |
Bryant, Agnes | 16, 17 |
Buck, Francis | 18, 19, 35 |
Butler, Harvey | 20, 21 |
C |
Cahill, Kathryn | 20, 21 |
Cahill, Lewis | 20, 21 |
Calendar | 36, 37 |
Carey, Bruce | 18, 19, 26, 28, 32, 34 |
Cassingham, Raymond | 16, 17 |
“Charm School” Cast | 33 |
Cheek, Edgar | 16, 17, 28 |
Cheek, Mary | 18, 19 |
Chorus | 32 |
Christian, Muriel | 20, 21 |
Clanton, Arza | 16, 17, 24, 25, 26, 28, 29, 30, 33, 35 |
Clark, Eunice | 20, 21, 32, 34 |
Clark, Margaret | 20, 21, 27 |
Clausen, Raymond | 16, 17 |
Clauson, Robert | 11 |
Clubs | 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 38, 39, 41 |
Colton, Anna | 18, 19, 38 |
Cooper, Hilma | 16, 17 |
Cover | Cover, 57 |
Cree, Hazel | 20, 21 |
Cummings, Vera | 18, 19 |
Currie, Deneice | 20, 21, 27, 38 |
D |
Daniel, Leonard | 18, 19 |
Davis, Elouise | 18, 19 |
Debord, Florence | 18, 19, 34 |
Decker, Bud | 18, 19 |
Dedication | 03 |
Diary | 40 |
Dickerson, Anita | 16, 17 |
Dilley, Richard | 20, 21 |
Dorathy, Earl | 18, 19, 25 |
Dressen, Harold | 16, 17, 29, 30 |
Dunn, Beatrice | 04, 18, 19, 27, 33, 38 |
E |
“El Casino” | 39 |
Elliot, Charles | 08, 25 |
Elston, Twila | 16, 17 |
Equals, Inez | 16, 17 |
Evans, Edward | 20, 21 |
F |
Faculty | 05 |
Farnham, Isabelle | 16, 17, 32, 34, 38 |
Fenwick, Sydnie | 20, 21 |
Field, Paul | 18, 19, 29 |
Fisher, Charles | 29 |
Football | 24, 25 |
Football Second Squad | 25 |
Foreward | 02 |
Freehafer, Paul | 18, 19 |
Freeman, Ethelyn | 16, 17 |
Freshman Class | 20, 21 |
Fulton, Lucille | 16, 17, 38 |
G |
Galdhart, Kon | 25, 26, 30 |
Giddings, Marcella | 18, 19, 38 |
Gilliam, Bercia | 08 |
Gilmore, John D. | 06, 08, 24, 25, 29, 30, 33 |
Girls’ Basketball | 27 |
Girls’ Letter Club | 41 |
Gissel, Eldro | 11, 24, 25 |
Gissel, Erma | 20, 21 |
Gladhart, Kon | 24, 28 |
Glee Club | 34 |
Golden, Ethelyn | 16, 17 |
Goodwin, Lester | 05 |
Graves, Beulah | 11, 32, 33, 34, 41 |
Greene, George | 05, 28, 49, 55 |
Grimes, Chester | 09, 25, 28 |
Grimes, Leroy | 18, 19 |
Grogan, Reva | 11, 27, 41 |
H |
Hanson, Russel | 18, 19, 28 |
Hanson, Vida | 09, 32, 34 |
Harper, Glenn | 16, 17, 25, 29 |
Harris, Clyde | 18, 19 |
Haworth, Ross | 04, 16, 17, 25, 28, 39 |
Henderson, Mildred | 10, 32, 34, 39 |
Henderson, Pauline | 20, 21, 32, 34 |
Hickman, Walter | 16, 17, 24, 33 |
Hook, Gladys | 18, 19 |
Howard, Robert | 20, 21 |
J |
Jackson, Martha | 16, 17, 39 |
Jackson, Valoy | 09, 39 |
Jasmer, Adallee | 20, 21, 32, 34 |
Jensen, Arlene | 18, 19, 38 |
Jensen, Kenneth | 16, 17, 35 |
Jewell, Beth | 11, 39 |
Jimmerson, Earl | 18, 19 |
Johnson, Harold | 18, 19, 38 |
Johnston, Rodney | 06, 07, 24, 25, 26, 29, 30, 35 |
Jokes | 44, 49, 53, 55 |
Joseph, Georgia | 05 |
Joseph, Mrs. | 34 |
Journey, Louise | 18, 19, 33 |
Junior Class | 16, 17 |
K |
Kelly, Rhena M. | 03, 05, 38, 39 |
L |
Landon, Brooks | 18, 19, 32 |
Lang, Fred | 18, 19, 26, 29, 35 |
Langdon, Brooks | 29, 34 |
Lant, Mary Jo | 20, 21 |
Last Will and Testament Class 1931 | 12, 13 |
Lauer, William | 18, 19, 29, 35 |
Leigh, Virginia | 09 |
Leininger, Marian | 10 |
Leininger, Virginia | 10 |
Lettermen | 25 |
Lightfoot, David | 20, 21, 25 |
“Love Pirates of Hawaii” Cast | 32 |
Loveland, Claude | 20, 21 |
Loveland, Leone | 18, 19 |
Lynn, Emma Jean | 16, 17, 39 |
M |
Marshall, Jack | 08, 25, 29, 30 |
Marshall, Max | 20, 21, 28 |
May, Lewis | 16, 17, 29, 32 |
May, Lucille | 20, 21, 32, 34 |
McCullough, Mabel | 18, 19 |
Meyers, Dorothy | 05, 33 |
Miars, Dorothy | 04, 16, 17, 27, 41 |
Mickleson, Marian | 18, 19 |
Milbrook, S. J. | 05, 27 |
Miller, Maxine | 20, 21, 27, 38 |
Miller, Reva | 16, 17, 27, 41 |
Milligan, Ivan | 20, 21, 25 |
Mordhorst, Elmer | 16, 17 |
Mordhorst, Ira | 09, 28, 30 |
Murphy, Mary Margaret | 18, 19, 33, 38 |
N |
Nibargar, Olathe | 20, 21 |
Norris, Harriet | 10 |
Norris, Jack | 18, 19, 38 |
O |
Oberg, Ellen | 16, 17 |
Olson, Ethel | 18, 19 |
Organizations | 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 38, 39, 41 |
P |
Pacha, Harriet | 11 |
Palumbo, Leo | 04, 16, 17, 24, 26, 28, 30, 33 |
Patch, Vernon | 05, 29, 44 |
Pence, Jean | 20, 21, 38 |
Pence, Margaret | 18, 19, 33, 38 |
Pep Band | 35 |
Peterson, Minnie | 09 |
Peterson, Phyllis | 06, 16, 17, 27, 33, 39, 41 |
Phipps, Mary | 09 |
Plays | 32, 33 |
Pugh, Francis | 16, 17 |
R |
Ray, Arlene | 10 |
Ray, Loren | 29 |
Reeder, Wayne | 09 |
Reiher, Eva | 20, 21 |
Roe, Orville | 18, 19, 26, 28, 30 |
Rose, Wesley | 08, 24, 25, 26, 28, 30, 33, 49 |
Rust, Georgia | 10 |
S |
S.P.Q.R. | 38 |
Seawell, Leslie | 20, 21, 38 |
Secrest, Hazel | 20, 21 |
Sellers, John | 20, 21 |
Selvidge, Everett | 07, 24, 25, 30 |
Senior Class | 07, 08, 09, 10, 11 |
Senior Class Prophecy | 13, 14 |
Senkbeil, Harry | 16, 17, 28 |
Sharp, Georgia | 20, 21 |
Sharp, Jim | 16, 17, 25 |
Sherer, Alice | 18, 19, 38 |
Sherman, T.A. | 05 |
Shigeta, Miche | 10, 27, 41 |
Shoemake, Andy | 20, 21 |
Shurtleff, George | 04, 16, 17, 35 |
Singley, Laura | 16, 17, 41 |
Slinker, Gracia | 16, 17 |
Snapshots | 15, 22, 42 |
Sophomore Class | 18, 19 |
Stahn, Lyle | 18, 19 |
Stanton, Bethel | 20, 21, 38 |
Stanton, Geneva | 08, 34, 41 |
Stanton, James | 16, 17, 35 |
Stegall, E. | 25 |
Stegall, Oliver | 06, 07, 24, 29, 30, 32, 33, 34 |
Steigerwalt, Florence | 16, 17, 32, 33, 34, 38 |
Stephenson, Barbara Lue | 16, 17, 27, 34, 39, 41 |
Stephenson, W. S. | 05 |
Sterling, Cecil | 16, 17, 28, 35 |
Sterling, Muriel | 10, 41 |
Stewart, Delphine | 10, 27, 41 |
Stocker, Vivian | 08 |
Stroup, Vida | 16, 17 |
Student Council | 06 |
Swank, F. | 25 |
Swank, Fred | 04, 11, 24, 26, 30, 32, 33, 34 |
T |
Thornton, Alden | 20, 21 |
Thornton, Irene | 09, 32, 34 |
Thornton, Martha | 10, 39, 41 |
Thurston, Robert | 04, 16, 17, 32, 33, 39 |
Track | 29 |
Tromly, Glenn | 39 |
Tucke, Jessie | 18, 19 |
V |
Van Over, Virgil | 16, 17, 44 |
Vanderford, Asa | 11, 24, 25, 28, 30 |
Vanderford, Yates | 16, 17 |
VanOver, Virgil | 29 |
W |
Waddington, Claire | 08, 27, 39 |
Wade, Wilma | 18, 19, 38 |
Wallace, Gladys | 16, 17 |
Walter, Curtis | 20, 21, 32, 34 |
Warnock, Pauline | 16, 17, 32, 33, 34, 39 |
Warnock, Ruth | 20, 21, 32, 34 |
Watts, Lula | 20, 21 |
Wayne, Mary | 32 |
Weidner, Nana Marie | 16, 17, 32, 34, 39 |
Wells, Geraldine | 16, 17, 32, 34, 39 |
Wells, Lawrence | 20, 21 |
West, Bryan | 05, 49 |
Whalen, Kathryn | 20, 21, 38 |
Wherry, Thelma Mae | 16, 17, 32, 34, 39 |
Williams, Donald | 16, 17, 24, 25, 26, 30, 32 |
Williamson, Ila | 34 |
Winch, Forrest | 20, 21, 29 |
Windle, Grace | 20, 21 |
Windle, Jay C. | 20, 21 |
Wolford, Corrine | 20, 21 |
Woodward, Malcolm | 18, 19 |
Y |
Young, June | 18, 19 |
Advertisements | 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56 |
Archie Prindle Wood Products | 47 |
B. F. McCarroll | 51 |
Bancroft Barber and Beauty Shop | 53 |
Barrie’s Service Station | 44 |
Beamguard’s Payette Pressery | 50 |
Best in the West Brand | 48 |
Boise Payette Lumber Co. | 54 |
Brubaker and Colton Crosley Radio | 46 |
Business College | 51 |
Business College | 55 |
C. C. Anderson Co. | 56 |
C. C. Springstun | 52 |
Caxton Printers, Ltd. | 48a |
City Meat Market | 51 |
Colpin Pharmacy | 53 |
Dora J. P. Gerber Dentist | 44 |
Dr. M. D. Zevin Dentist | 51 |
Elk Barber Shop | 46 |
F. H. Hogue, Inc | 50 |
Falcon Brand | 50 |
Farber’s | 44 |
Farmers’ Co-operative Creamery | 54 |
Farras Model Shoe Shop | 55 |
First Security Bank | 54 |
Fitch Realty Co. | 45 |
Gem Electric Company | 53 |
Gem State Bakery | 47 |
H. B. Catron | 46 |
Hamilton Plumbling Co. | 55 |
Helen Benoy | 52 |
Hobbs and Roe | 46 |
Hogg’s Grocery | 55 |
Idaho Power Company | 52 |
Idaho Vinegar and Cider Co. | 48 |
J. A. Pearce and Sons | 48 |
J. C. Palumbo Fruit Co. | 45 |
J. A. McMillan Grower and Shipper | 44 |
Johnson Variety Store | 48 |
K. and W. | 44 |
Knight, E. B. | 49 |
La Paluma Brand | 45 |
Malicote Motor Co. | 49 |
Murphy Auto Repair Shop | 49 |
Murphy, C. D. | 49 |
Park Service Station | 49 |
Patch Bldg. | 53 |
Payette Auction Exchange | 52 |
Payette Enterprise | 48 |
Payette Equity Exchange | 49 |
Payette Greenhouse | 47 |
Payette Independent | 52 |
Payette Laundry | 48 |
Payette Portia Club | 47 |
Peterson’s Café | 53 |
Peterson’s Furniture Company | 43 |
Quality Grocery and Meat Market | 50 |
Riverside Dairy Company | 43 |
Robert M. Keith | 55 |
Robinson The Jeweler | 49 |
Rose Petal Beauty Shop | 52 |
Safeway Stores | 43 |
Sampson | 50 |
Schlottman, A. C. | 43 |
Seattle Engraving Co. | 48b |
Shurtleff Super-Service | 53 |
Spaulding Hardware | 46 |
Springstun, C. C. | 52 |
Standard Furniture | 51 |
Steve’s Hamburger Station | 52 |
Sunshine Butter And Ice Cream | 54 |
Superior Grocery Co. | 46 |
Thurston Pharmacy | 55 |
Valley Hardware | 51 |
Van Petten Lumber Co. | 56 |
Van’s Service Station | 47 |
W. E. Loughery’s Barber Shop | 48 |
West Side Service Station | 53 |
Western Engraving and Colortype Co. | 48b |