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1939 Axe Yearbook
Payette, Idaho

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Special Thanks to Theresia Mustaikes for Indexing This Yearbook!

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List of Yearbook Pages

4-C Club40
4-C Club Officers40
A Cappella Choir39
A. R. A. Latin Club37
Abbott, Jack22, 23
Activities07, 35a, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 42, 43
Advertisements44, 45, 47, 48, 49, 51, 52, 53, 55, 56, 57, 60
Amick, Fred09, 26
Anderson, Edna22, 23, 40
Anderson, F.26
Anderton, Gerald24, 25
Andrus, Dessie24, 25
Arment, Alva24, 25, 31
Arment, Loren24, 25
Asmussen, June24, 25, 32, 40, (38)
Asmussen, Junior19, 29, 31, 33, (38)
Athletics07, 27a, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33
Autographs58, 59
Axe Staff07, 35
Ayers, Ralph20
Baer, H.26
Baer, Wendelin19, 27, 28, 29
Baird, J.28, 29, 30
Baker, Alma20
Baldwin, Melba24, 25
Baldwin, T.33
Ball, Jean18, 32, 27, 29
Ballenger, Barbara18, 36, 38
Ballenger, L.26
Banes, Virginia24, 25, 40
Barnes, B.26
Barrie, Francis13, 27, 29, 30, (31)
Barrie, Janice13, 32, (31)
Beeler, Marjorie18, 39
Beeson, Billy12
Behrman, Adolph24, 25
Belknap, H.26
Bellamy, M.26
Bias, Ruby24, 25, 40
Birge, Emma24, 25, 40
Blackburn, G.40
Blackburn, J.26
Board Of Education10
Boles, C.26
Boles, Dorothy18
Boomer, Robert22, 23, 30
Bowman, J.39
Brady, Esther24, 25, 40
Brainard, Betty07, 10, 18, 35, 37
Brown, Barbara20, 36
Brundage, Lloyd22, 23, 30, 38
Butler, Jean22, 23
Cahill, Barbara24, 25, 40
Cahill, Billie24, 25, 40
Cahill, Jim19
Cain, Bernice24, 25
Cain, Elizabeth20, 39
Calendar07, 42, 43
Carlton, Betty12
Carlton, Phyllis19, 37
Cartwright, Roger17, 38
Cassingham, Clayton12, 38
Cazair, W.26
Cerney, Harry18, 31
Christensen, Camilla14
Christensen, Delta22, 23, 40
Christian, Eugene10, 22, 23, 30, 39, (31)
Christian, Jim10, 12, 27, 28, 29, (31)
Classes11a, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26
Clausen, James16
Clausen, Margruette22, 23, 40
Coates, Dannie20
Coates, Edward22, 23, (38)
Coates, Etta22, 23, 40, (38)
Coates, Philip24, 25, 30
Cobb, Lucy22, 23, 32, 27
Cobb, Marie22, 23, 32, 37
Coblentz, P.26
Cockerum, Forrest24, 25
Colton, Clifford10, 24, 25
Cornelsen, Lucile09
Couper, C.10, 26
Couper, Diza20, 39
Crockett, Dan24, 25
Crockett, E.26
Cullen, Vane24, 25
Daffer, Irene24, 25, 40
Davis, Birdie24, 25, 37, 40
Davis, Daniel24, 25, 29, 38, (31)
Davis, David24, 25, 29, 38, (31)
Davis, Elaine11
Davis, Gulielma09
Davis, Robert22, 23, (31, 38)
Davis, Ruth22, 23, (38)
Davis, Tom20, 27, 28, 29, 38, (31)
Dawson, J. V.14, 27, 28, 30
Dawson, Marcella19, 20, 39
Decker, Mary Lou22, 23, 37
Dewey, Ada21
Dezhiar, R.26
Dick, G.26
Dieter, M.26
Drake, Lorraine24, 25
Drinkwine, Alton22, 23
Durham, Hazel24, 25
Eastabrook, Lyle24, 25
Eatinger, Lucille22, 23
Eighth Grade26
Eighth Grade Officers26
Eldred, E. W. "Coach"09, 31, 33
Farber, Bob07, 36, 39, 46
Farber, Keith24, 25, 28, 29, 30, 31
Farber, Robert11, 27, 28, 29, 31, 33, 35
Farmer, Jay15, 27, 28, 29, 31, 33, 38
Farmer, Junior19
Fee, Ardus24, 25, 40
Fee, Edgar24, 25
Feincottero, A.26
Feldscher, Bob19, 31, 33
Ferguson, Cora Belle22, 23
Ferrel, P.40
Fields, Ruth22, 23
Fields, Virginia22, 23
Fisher, Louise11
Fitch, W.26
Frasier, William E.04, 05, 09
Frazier, Jim18
Freeman, B.37
Freeman, Fay21
French, Dick21, 38, 39
Freshmen Officers25
Frost, Ilene22, 23, 40
Frost, J.26
Fulbright, Jane14
Fulbright, Myrtle22, 23
Gaekel, John13
Garrett, Wilma24, 25, 40
Gerulf, L.26
Gilbert, Elmer22, 23, 31
Gilbert, Imogene14
Gill, Charles09, 27, 28, 29, 30
Girls’ Athletic Association32
Gissel, Harvey22, 23
Glascock, Lester18
Glee Clubs39
Gleim, Dick24, 25
Glover, Julius24, 25, 38
Goodwin, Lester09
Gove, Bobbetta16, 36, 37, 39
Graden, Gail19, 36
Graden, L.26, 38
Grant, Frances21, 39
Grant, Jimmie24, 25, 30
Griggs, Margaret24, 25, 40
Haines, A.26
Haines, M.26
Halcom, Maxine22, 23, 32
Hall, C.32, 40
Hall, Elden22, 23, 29, 31
Hall, Flora Ruth22, 23, 40
Hall, Lois21, 32
Hallman, Ellis24, 25, 30, 38
Hallman, Lorraine20, 39
Hamilton, Donald22, 23, 30
Hamilton, Ella Mae13
Hanigan, Robert22, 23, 37, 38
Hardin, Ralph20, 28, 29, 30
Harkins, Anita18
Harland, Mr.10
Harm, Jack22, 23
Harrah, Robert22, 23, 38
Harris, Mr.10
Hart, A.26
Hart, H.26
Hart, Robert17, 33
Hartung, D.26
Hattah, R.30
Haworth, Frank22, 23
Hayford, Rita24, 25, 31
Hayhurst, Laverne16
Haynes, B.26
Haynes, Fredrick16
Haynes, Thelma22, 23, 40
Haynes, Velma12
Hayward, T.26
Heidelberger, Betty22, 23, 40
Heidelberger, C.26
Heilberger, John22, 23
Helfer, B.26
Heyling, Lurella24, 25, 40
Hicks, Loren D.09, 29
High School Paper36
High School Play37
High, Orphea09, 32, 40
Hoelzle, Helen22, 23, 40
Hoezle, K.26
Holderman, Harvey19
Horn, Ellis18, 28, 30, 33
Horton, Betty Ann24, 25, 38
Howard, M.26
Howerton, Pauline09, 36
Illustrations01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09a, 11a, 27a, 35a
Ilson, I.40
Indermuehle, Betty24, 25, 40
Indermuehle, Warren18, 27
Ingalsbe, Darlene22, 23
Ingebritsen, M.S.09, 33
Irby, Royce24, 25
Jackson, Charles22, 23
Jackson, Frank22, 23
Jayne, Winona24, 25, 32, 40
Jefferies, Ernest17, (31)
Jefferies, LeRoy18, 19, (31)
Jefferies, Vernon24, 25, 31
Jeffries, LeRoy "Jeff"18, 19, (31)
Jenkins, Kenneth21, 28
Jensen, Lowell24, 25
Jensen, M.26, 38
Johnson, Lorene22, 23
Johnson, M.26
Johnson, Patty24, 25
Johnson, Virgil14
Johnston, M.26
Johnston, Norman22, 23
Jones, M.26
Junior Officers18
Juniors18, 19, 20, 21
Keller, E.26
Kellis, T.38
Kelpin, Arthur22, 23
Kelpin, L.26
Kelpin, M.26
Kennard, Doris32, 33, 37
Kennard, Maxine22, 23, 32, 33 40
Kent, Franklin16
Kent, M.38
Kiefer, M.26
Kirk, Ruth20, 37, 39
Kirkendall, Charlotte13, 36, 37
Kiser, Ann22, 23, 40
Kiser, Ellen20
Korman, Bernice24, 25, 40
Korman, Mabel19
Kosesan, A.26, 38
Kosesan, Willy24, 25, 38
Krueger, Dorothy18
Krueger, W.26
Lake, Darlene22, 23
Lakey, Bernice22, 23
Langford, Dorothy24, 25, 40
Langford, Marvell19
Langford, Marvin20
Lanthorn, D.38
Lattig, Jerry19
Lattig, Max20, 27, 29, 37, 39
Lauer, Ernest24, 25
Lauer, R.30, 33
Leigh, Clinton22, 23
Leitch, R.28
Leitzel, Vivian24, 25
Lightfoot, Abbie Lou20, 39
Luther, Mr.10
Macomb, Jack24, 25
Magnuson, Wanda Lee24, 25, 40
McArdle, Donald20
McArdle, L.26
McCain, W.26
McCarroll, Robert15, 30, 46
McClure, Jamie24, 25, 38
McClure, Mr.10
McClure, Raymond22, 23, (29, 30)
McClure, Robert16, 38, (29, 30)
McKinney, Robert07, 15, 27, 30, 33, 35, 36
McVicker, Mary22, 23, 40
Meechan, Marjorie18, 37
Meechan, Mary24, 25, 37
Meyers, Louie30, 36
Michael, J.26
Mickelson, Ruby22, 23, 38
Millbrook, Marguerite39
Millbrook, S. J.09
Millbrook, V.10, 27, 29, 30, 31
Miller, David18, 33
Miller, Dorothy15, 36, 37
Miller, Gerald12
Miller, I.26
Miller, Marjorie18
Moore, Olive Lee24, 25, 40
Morrison, Alice18, 39
Morse, D.30
Morse, Harold18, 33, 37
Morse, Ralph22, 23, 29, 30
Moss, Robert14, 29, 30, 33, 36, 37
Moss, Tom24, 25
Myers, Louie21
Nation, Herrick19
Nelson, Eunice16
Nelson, Louise19
Nichols, Jemy12
Nissula, Helen24, 25, 40
Norris, Carolyn11, 37, 38, 39
O’Brien, Jack24, 25
“Oh! Doctor”39
Ohms, Charles22, 23, 31, 37
Oliver, Merle13, 39
Olson, Ila Mae24, 25, 38
Osburn, J.26
Osburn, Mary22, 23, 40
Oster, Donald22, 23, 38
Overlander, E.26, 38
“P” Club27
“P” Club Officers27
Pacha, Mr.10
Parker, June20, 39
Parkinson, Chauncey16, 31, 33, 37
Patton, Leonard19, 39
Paulin, Robert22, 23, 30
Paynter, Charles18, 28, 29, 30
Pearson, Faye22, 23, 40
Pearson, M.26
Pearson, Vera24, 25, 40
Pence, Tom11, 27, 28, 33, 39
Peterman, Don20, 33, 38
Peterson, Betty24, 25, 40
Peterson, Bill07, 20, 28, 31, 35
Photo Collage34, 41, 46, 50, 54
Pictures34, 41, 50, 54
Pierce, Bill21
Pierce, Edward24, 25
Pierce, Mary Alice09, 37
Potter, Louise24, 25, 32, 40
Powell, Edward22, 23, 30, 39
Preston, Harold24, 25, 38
Price, Marie22, 23, 40
“The Price Tag”37
Privratsky, Leone24, 25, 32, 40
Rabenau, Frederick24, 25, 38
Raby, Jack12, 37
Ransom, Eloise24, 25, 40
Ransom, Ruth18, 38, 39
Reed, Tom20, 39
Reiher, Jane24, 25, 40
Reimers, Fred22, 23, 31, 38, 39
Reimers, Marie24, 25
Reimers, Russell14, 31
Rhoades, J.28
Rhodes, J.33
Rhodes, Lela24, 25, 40
Rhodes, Lowell22, 23
Rich, Thelma19, 32, 37
Richardson, Arnold24, 25
Richardson, Russell22, 23
Robinson, Louise22, 23, 40
Robinson, Robert22, 23, 38, 39
Robinson, Ruth07, 11, 32, 35
Robinson, Virgil17
Roe, Doris19
Roe, Dorothy07, 15, 35
Rose, Paula Lou22, 23, 37
Rose, R..38
Rumley, Mary Ellen22, 23, 32, 37
S. W. I. District Tournament29
Sabin, Harry24, 25, 29, 31, 38
Schuetz, Larry19, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 35
Schuppan, Ilene21, 40
Schuppan, L.26
Scott, Bernice14
Sears, Jess22, 23, 30, 33
Sellick, Maxine24, 25
Senior Officers11
Seniors11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17
Shake, Hudson13, 27, 28
Sharp, Mary22, 23, 40
Sharrai, Doris24, 25
Shepard, R.26
Sheutz, Larry07
Shigeta, Gorge13
Short, Jack15, 27, 28, 31
Shuman, J.26
Shurtleff, Betty24, 25
Shurtleff, Peggy24, 25
Sickles, Glennister24, 25, 40
Skelton, T.26
Skippen, Donald24, 25
Slack, Robert24, 25, 30
Smith, Grace24, 25, 40
Smith, Hazel13, 32, 37
Smith, Lillian24, 25, 40
Smith, Margaret22, 23, 37
Smith, Myron19
Smith, Norman22, 23
Snyder, Claude L.09, 39
Solmon, Fern24, 25, 40
Solmon, Raymond39
Soloman, Richard21, 39
Solterbeck, Alans22, 23, 39, (31)
Solterbeck, Mr.10
Solterbeck, Robert18, 28, 30, 37, 39, (31)
Solterbeck, S.26, (31)
Solterbeck, Ward17, 27, 28, (31)
Sophomore Officers23
Southwestern Idaho Music Festival38
Sports07, 27a, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33
Stanton, Claudine20, 36, 37
Stanton, M.26
Stark, Bob20, 33
Stauff, B.26
Stauff, Clifton18, 29, 30
Stauff, Oscar07, 10, 11, 27, 28, 35, 36, 37
Steigerwalt, Dorothy18, 39
Steiner, Phyllis13
Stenberg, Herbert22, 23
Stender, Martha24, 25, 32, 40
Stephenson, W. S.09, 10
Sterling, Betty Louise22, 23, 40
Sterling, Dortha19
Stewart, Gloria Ruth22, 23, 39, 40
Stewart, M.26
Stewart, Patty20, 37, 39
Stine, George24, 25
Stingley, Helen19, 37
Stingley, Ruth07, 10, 12, 35, 36
Stoner, Jay H.09, 38
Strode, Ina24, 25, 40
Strode, Mary16
Strong, C.26
Stroup, Annabel22, 23
Stroup, Bethe11, 39
Student Council10
Sturdivant, J.26
Sturdivant, Margaret22, 23, 40
Sullivan, Esther24, 25, 40
Sullivan, Vera19, 37
Sumner, Neva24, 25, 40
Sumner, Robert24, 25, 30
Swanson, Gloria24, 25, 40
Swanson, Verne22, 23, 29
Taylor, Alyce16
Taylor, Leona09
Thomas, Damon14, 27, 28, 30, 33, 36
Thomas, Steuben15, 27, 28, 30, 33, 36, 37, 39
Thorton, Josephine15
Thurston, Ned07, 11, 33, 35, 39
Tracy, Schuyler24, 25
Tucker, S.32
Turnbow, D.26
Van Natta, Joyce12
Walker, G.26
Walters, L.26
Watts, Joyce15, 32, 33, 36, 37
Wayne, J.26
Wayne, M.26
Wells, Fern24, 25, 40
Wells, Ida Belle21, 37
Welsh, Betty22, 23, 38, 40
White, Bob(31), 37
White, Eleanor07, 10, 15, 35
White, Joe24, 25, (31)
White, Robert11, 29, 30, (31)
Wilcher, Jim22, 23, 31
Williams, Dale20
Williams, Evelyn18
Windle, D.26
Withers, Hazel22, 23, 40
Woodward, Helen22, 23, 37
Woodward, Melvin17, 37, 38
Wright, J.26
Yager, Doris14, 38, 39
Yager, Ruth22, 23, 38, 40
Yell Leaders32
Young, B.28, 31
Zimmerman, Helen21, 37, 38, 39
Zimmerman, Mr.10


Advertisements44, 45, 47, 48, 49, 51, 52, 53, 55, 56, 57, 60
Apple Blossom57
Associated Oil Products47
B. F. McCarroll56
Bancroft Cigar Shop56
Bancroft Coffee Shop49
Boise Payette Lumber Company48
Buy-Rite I. G. A. Store51
C. C. Anderson Co.45
Caxton Printers, Ltd.60
City Meat Market55
Colpin's Pharmacy48
Daniels' Jewelry47
Davies Hardware Co.47
Dora J. P. Gerber53
Dorathy Service Station47
Dr. N. D. Zevin55
Dr. V. V. Belknap52
Dunkle Motor Company57
Edgar Guest48
F. H. Hogue, Inc.52
Falcon Brand52
Farber's Department Store45
Farmers' Co-Operative Creamery48
Ferney's Ice Cream Shop53
Fitch Realty Co.45
Freehafer and McClure53
Gem State Bakery53
George Sedlmayer55
George Shurtleff and his Georgians49
Globe Furniture Co.52
Golden Rule Store45
Hanigan Chevrolet Co.51
Hotel Bancroft49
Idaho Power44
Independent Meat Market56
J. A. McMillan Fruit Company48
J. C. Palumbo Fruit Company56
J. C. Penney Co.47
Keith A. Anderson51
La Paluma56
Let the White Truck Call57
M. F. Clark, M. D.57
Malted Milk Bread53
McCluer-Manser Motor Col49
Medicine Man48
Moss Rose Ice Cream56
Norris and Kenward53
Norris Stores52
Palumbo's Pride56
Patch Bros. Hatchery53
Payette Equity Exchange56
Payette Laundry57
Peterson's Cafe53
Pup Sandwich Shop55
Quality Grocery56
Rio Theater51
Ritz Theater51
Rose Petal Beauty Shop55
Safeway Stores52
Scott's Barber and Beauty Shop56
Sedlmayer Drug Store55
See Joe for Diamonds47
Shurtleff Standard Service49
Snook Photo Shop44
Spaulding Hardware53
Sterling's Hamburger Shop55
Studebaker Champion57
Sunshine Butter48
Sunshine Ice Cream48
Superior Grocery and Market57
Supreme Cakes53
Van Petten Lumber Company57
Vanderford Oil Co.55
Weidner Lumber Company49

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