A |
4-C Club | 29 |
A Cappella Choirs | 27 |
Academic | 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 |
Activities | 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34 |
Advertisements | 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 56 |
Ag Club | 29 |
Ahlstrand, Arlene | 20, 27 |
Alcorn, Bonnie | 14 |
Anderson, Fern | 14, 27 |
Applegate, Doris | 10, 27, 28, 42, 44, 55 |
Arment, Alva | 13, 29, 36, 40, 42, 44, 55 |
Arment, George | 17, 29 |
Arment, Loren | 13, 29, 40, 42, 44, 55 |
Arment, Mary | 18, 29 |
Ashinhurst, Seth | 18 |
Asmussen, Carolea | 18, 27 |
Asmussen, June | 10, 25, 26, 42, 44, 55 |
Associated Students | 03 |
Athletics | 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44 |
Autographs | 58, 59 |
Axe Staff | 24, 56 |
Ayers, Ellen | 08 |
B |
Baer, Henrietta | 14, 27, 41 |
Bahr, Cecil | 22 |
Ball, Ruth Ann | 20 |
Ballenger, Leo | 09, 14, 28, 30, 37, 38, 42, 44 |
Band | 26 |
Banes, Virginia | 10, 25, 30, 44, 55 |
Barrie, Renne | 22 |
Bartles, Delora | 20, 41 |
Baseball | 39 |
Basketball | 37 |
Beamguard, Lois | 22, 26 |
Beeson, Irene | 22 |
Beeson, Philip | 18, 26, 40 |
Behrman, Adolph | 10, 36, 38, 40, 42, 44, 55 |
Beigh, Kathleen | 22 |
Beigh, Patricia | 20 |
Belknap, Harold | 20, 27 |
Belknap, Howard | 14, 27 |
Bellamy, Mary Jane | 14 |
Benson, Harry | 14, 36, 37, 42 |
Bivens, David | 14, 27, 39, 44 |
Blair, Bill | 18, 26, 37 |
Blume, Harold | 20, 36, 38, 40, 42 |
Blume, Lawrence | 20, 36, 42 |
Board | 09 |
Boles, Charles | 14, 37, 44 |
Boles, Mary | 22 |
Bolton, Bonnie June | 22 |
Borgholthaus, Don | 09, 10, 27, 28, 44, 55 |
Borgholthaus, Helen | 18 |
Brooks, Lois | 22 |
Brooks, Melvin | 20, 27, 29, 39 |
Brown, Jack | 18 |
Brown, Margaret | 18 |
Brown, Pat | 36, 37, 39, 42 |
Brown, Raymond A. | 08 |
Brown, Wilma | 20, 27, 29, 41, 44 |
Brumfield, Irene | 22 |
Brundage, Richard | 18, 38, 40 |
Bulmer, Lois | 18, 42 |
Burns, Bill | 18, 39 |
C |
Cahill, Barbara | 10, 25, 27, 42, 44, 55 |
Cahill, Billy | 10, 27, 42, 44, 55 |
Cahill, Clifford | 20, 26, 36, 40 |
Cahill, Doris | 20, 27, 42 |
Cain, Bernice | 10, 25, 27, 42, 44, 55 |
Cain, Edward | 20, 36, 38 |
Calendar | 31, 34 |
Campus Queen | 25 |
Captain Crossbones | 27 |
Carlton, Mr. | 09 |
Chance, James | 08, 41 |
Chase, Ronald | 20 |
Cheer Leaders | 41 |
Clemons, Bill | 22 |
Coates, Philip | 13, 44, 55 |
Coates, Vernon | 22 |
Cobb, Lucie | 10, 26, 44, 55 |
Cobb, Marie | 10, 26, 44, 55 |
Coblentz, Patty | 14, 25, 29, 30, 44 |
Cockerum, Dorothy | 18, 40, 41 |
Cockerum, Forrest | 10, 44, 55 |
Cockerum, Gerladine | 22 |
Colton, Clifford | 10, 24, 25, 40, 44, 55 |
Contents | 06 |
Couper, Charles | 14, 36, 37, 38, 39, 42 |
Cover | Cover |
Cox, Sydna | 08, 29, 42 |
Cullen, Vane | 29, 44, 55 |
Curtis, Virginia | 18, 29 |
Curtis, Zelda | 20, 27, 29 |
Cutlass | 25 |
D |
Dallman, Elvin | 22 |
Dallman, Marvin | 20, 36 |
Daniels, Jack | 20, 26, 44 |
Daris, Betty | 20, 27 |
Davis, Gulielma | 08 |
Davis, Robert | 22 |
Dedication | 05 |
Deshazer, Roberta | 14, 29 |
Dibble, Don | 20, 39 |
Dick, Glenn | 17, 27, 28, 30, 44 |
Dieter, Clarence | 20, 27 |
Dieter, Mae | 22 |
Drake, Bill | 14, 26, 36, 42, 44 |
Drake, Colin | 22 |
Duell, Richard | 20, 27, 44 |
Durgan, Clarence | 20 |
Durham, Allene | 18, 26, 30 |
Durham, Hazel | 10, 44, 55 |
E |
Edwards, Martha | 22 |
Eighth Grade | 22 |
Elmore, Myra Dean | 20, 29 |
Estes, Charlene | 22 |
Etherton, Russell | 22 |
F |
Faculty | 08 |
Farber, Keith | 09, 10, 24, 27, 28, 30, 36, 37, 42, 44 |
Farnham, Mr. | 09 |
Farnham, Norman | 09, 20, 26, 38 |
Farson, Bill | 18, 27 |
Fee, Ardus | 10, 44, 55 |
Fee, Edgar | 10, 39, 44, 55 |
Fenicottero, Annie | 14, 27, 30 |
Fenicottero, Virginia | 20 |
Ferguson, Arthur | 08, 29 |
Fisk, Richard | 18, 27, 30, 36, 37, 38, 42, 44 |
Fitch, Carol | 22 |
Fitch, Wilma | 14, 27, 29, 30, 44 |
Fite, Eldon | 14, 27, 29, 38 |
Football | 36 |
Foreword | 04 |
Frasier, William E. | 08 |
Freeburn, Tom | 10, 44, 55 |
Freshman | 20, 21, 57 |
Fulbright, Mae | 20, 27 |
Fuller, LaVerne | 22 |
G |
G. A. A | 42 |
Geisen, Charles | 22 |
Gerber, Rhea | 20 |
Giesen, Donald | 18, 27, 38, 40, 44 |
Gilliam, Robert | 18, 29, 39, 57 |
Gleim, Richard | 11, 26, 40, 42, 44, 55 |
Glover, Julius | 11, 26, 27, 44, 55 |
Glover, Mary Velta | 20, 26 |
Gove, Harriet | 20, 27, 41 |
Graden, Lyle | 14, 24, 25, 26, 40, 41, 57 |
Grant, Jim | 11, 18, 29, 37, 39, 44, 55 |
Griffin, Iris | 20 |
Griggs, Margaret | 11, 41, 44, 55 |
Guthrie, Eugene | 22 |
H |
Hale, Grace | 14, 27 |
Hale, Stephen | 22 |
Hall, Beverly | 18, 27, 29 |
Hall, Cora Jane | 14, 42 |
Hallman, Ellis | 11, 26, 27, 28, 44, 55 |
Hanigan, Mr. | 09 |
Hanigan, Richard | 20, 27, 39 |
Harkins, Wanda | 18, 29, 41, 57 |
Harper, Shirley | 22 |
Harriman, Harold | 22 |
Hart, Alice | 14, 29, 30, 40, 42, 57 |
Hart, Helen | 15, 29, 30 |
Hartung, Dorothy | 15, 25, 27 |
Hartung, Morris | 20, 40 |
Hatch, Eileen | 19 |
Hawkins, Buddy | 20 |
Hayhurst, Finis | 18, 27, 39 |
Heidelberger, Carol | 15, 30 |
Heidelberger, Louis | 22 |
Helfer, Betty Lou | 15, 27, 28, 30, 41, 57 |
Helfer, Juletta | 20, 27, 29 |
Helms, Richard | 20 |
Henry, Gwendolyn | 20 |
Hensley, Corinne | 15, 27, 28 |
Herd, LaRene | 22 |
Heying, Lurella | 11, 27, 28, 44 |
Hickerson, Fain | 19, 38 |
Hicks, Loren | 08 |
Hobson, Ray | 20, 27, 40 |
Hobson, Stella | 19, 44 |
Hogg, Robert | 20 |
Holdeman, Bob | 21, 27, 44 |
Hopper, Mary Lin | 21, 30 |
Horton, Betty Anne | 11, 27, 41, 44, 55 |
Howard, Myra | 15, 30, 44 |
Howerton, Miss | 24 |
Howerton, Pauline | 08, 28 |
Huff, Betty | 18, 41 |
Huff, Margaret | 21, 41 |
I |
Indermuehle, Patty | 18, 29 |
Ingebritsen, M. S. | 08, 40 |
Introduction | 01, 02, 03 |
J |
Jamieson, Marguerite | 18, 26, 44 |
Jayne, Leslie | 22 |
Jayne, Spencer | 18, 29, 39 |
Jenkins, Bernice | 22, 26 |
Jenkins, Betty | 22, 26 |
Jensen, Jeana | 21, 27, 28, 41 |
Jensen, Lowell | 11, 44, 55 |
Jensen, Mary | 15, 26, 57 |
Jensen, Ralph | 21, 38, 40 |
Johnson, Marie | 15, 27 |
Johnston, Mary Jane | 15, 27 |
Johnston, Patty | 11, 44, 55 |
Johnston, Robert Dale (Buster) | 21, 27 |
Jones, Charlotte | 21 |
Jones, Maxine | 18 |
Junior A Cappella Choir | 27 |
Junior A Cappella Officers | 27 |
Juniors | 15, 16, 17, 57 |
K |
Kaemmer, John | 22 |
Keeney, Joan | 22 |
Keifer, Marian | 17, 26, 27, 39, 42 |
Keifer, Orville | 21, 39 |
Keil, June | 19 |
Kellis, Tom | 18, 26, 27, 30 |
Kelpin, Lucille | 15, 29, 44 |
Kelpin, Marion | 16, 29 |
Kelpin, Russel | 22 |
Kelsay, Harold | 16, 36, 37 |
Kent, Margaret | 18, 26, 30, 40 |
Kent, Mr. | 09 |
Kerr, Louise | 22 |
King, Bobbie | 22 |
King, Neal | 19, 40, 44 |
Kiser, Esther | 18 |
Korman, Caroline | 22 |
Kosesan, Anna | 16, 26, 44 |
Kosesan, Willy | 11, 27, 44, 55 |
Krueger, Kermit | 22 |
Krueger, Wayne | 09, 16, 27, 44 |
L |
Lake, Lucille | 21, 26 |
Lakey, Howard | 18, 39 |
Lakey, Patty | 21, 27, 29 |
Langford, Alice | 18 |
Langford, Dorothy | 11, 44, 55 |
Langford, Theressa | 21 |
Lathrop, Loran | 19, 26, 27, 39 |
Latin Club | 30 |
Linder, Betty Jane | 19, 26, 27 |
Little, Charles | 22 |
Long, Beatrice | 22 |
Long, Melvin | 16, 29, 38 |
Long, Muriel | 21, 26 |
Lorimer, Shirley | 11, 44, 55 |
Lowe, Alma Jean | 21, 27 |
Luther, Lois | 21, 27 |
Luther, Mr. | 09 |
M |
Magee, Wendell | 16, 27, 29, 44 |
Magers, Charles | 21, 29 |
Magers, Frances | 22 |
Magers, Virginia | 21, 29 |
Magnuson, Wanda | 12, 44, 55 |
Makers, V. | 29 |
Masingill, Clifford | 21, 39 |
Mathes, Phyllis | 22 |
Mathes, Vivian | 21 |
Mathis, Kendall | 22 |
Matthews, Billy | 21, 27 |
Mattson, Kenneth | 12, 44, 55 |
McArdle, Joyce | 19, 28, 41, 42 |
McArdle, Lawrence | 16, 37, 39, 42, 44 |
McBride, Joe | 19, 30 |
McBride, Lois | 22 |
McCain, LaVerne | 19, 26, 27, 44 |
McCain, Warren | 16, 44 |
McClure, James | 12, 26, 28, 30, 40, 44 |
McClure, Jamie | 24, 26, 28, 30, 40, 55 |
McClure, Mr. | 09 |
McCormack, Bobby | 21, 27 |
McCormack, Freda | 17 |
McFarlane, James | 21, 30 |
McKenzie, Don | 21, 36, 40 |
McKenzie, Jackie | 16, 27, 30 |
McVicker, Gladys | 19, 27, 29 |
Medler, Kenneth | 21, 29 |
Meechan, Dick | 21, 39 |
Meechan, James | 19, 27, 36, 39 |
Meechan, Mary | 12, 24, 26, 44, 57 |
Michael, Jim | 19, 30, 36, 39 |
Mickelson, Carol | 16, 30, 40 |
Millbrook, S. J. | 08 |
Miller, Margie | 20, 29 |
Morse, Donald | 21 |
Morse, Rhaecilla | 22 |
Moss, Dick | 21, 27, 29 |
Moss, Tom | 12, 36, 42, 44, 57 |
Motley, Arlene | 19, 41 |
Moulton, Anne | 09, 22 |
N |
Nash, Daren | 19 |
Nature Club | 30 |
Neal, Velva | 21 |
Nelson, Lester | 21, 29 |
Newsom, Haskell | 20, 27 |
Nibarger, Maxine | 21, 29, 42 |
Noyes, Lois | 22 |
O |
Ohms, Richard | 21, 39 |
Olson, Barbara | 17, 24, 27, 28, 30 |
Olson, Ila | 12, 24, 26, 44, 57 |
Operetta | 28 |
Orchestra | 26 |
Orton, Roma | 19, 29 |
Oster, Ralph | 22 |
Overlander, Eunice | 17, 26 |
P |
P Club | 42 |
Parker, Beatrice | 19 |
Parsons, Mr. | 09 |
Patton, Maxine | 17, 30 |
Patton, Verda | 21, 29 |
Payette High School | 03, 04 |
Pearce, Sylvia | 21, 26, 27, 30, 41 |
Pep Club | 41 |
Perry, Dorothy | 22 |
Perry, Evelyn | 19, 27, 42 |
Pershall, Lee | 12, 38, 40, 44, 55 |
Person, Marcella | 17, 29 |
Peterman, Bob | 19, 40 |
Peterson, Betty | 12, 27, 44, 55 |
Pierce, Bob | 22 |
Pierce, Edward | 12, 37, 44 |
Pierce, Mary Alice | 08, 30, 41, 57 |
Pierce, Mary Olive | 19, 30, 41, 57 |
Play | 28 |
Potter, Dannie | 21, 40 |
Potter, Louise | 12, 27, 44, 57 |
Powell, Ed | 57 |
Preston, Donald | 19 |
Preston, E | 40 |
Preston, Harold | 12, 26, 38, 40, 44, 55 |
Privratsky, Leone | 12, 44, 57 |
Publisher | 03 |
R |
Rabenau, Frederick | 12, 24, 26, 44, 57 |
Raby, Beth | 22 |
Raby, Sammy | 19, 26, 29 |
Ransom, Eloise | 12, 26, 27, 44, 57 |
Ransom, James | 19, 30 |
Reimers, Marie | 12, 40, 42, 44, 57 |
Rhodes, Lela | 12, 29, 44, 57 |
Rhodes, Marjorie | 19, 30 |
Robinson, John Reed | 22 |
Roholt, Harriett | 08 |
Rose, Gene | 22 |
Rotert, Bob | 19, 38 |
Rotert, Francis | 09, 12, 39, 42, 44, 57 |
Rowberry, Billy | 09, 19, 26, 27, 30, 38 |
Royal Palm Cafe | 57 |
Rumley, C. | 26 |
Rumley, Edrie | 19, 26, 27, 30, 41, 42, 57 |
S |
Sawyer, Louise | 19, 30, 40, 41 |
School Board | 09 |
School Play | 28 |
Schulz, J. Ray | 21 |
Schulz, Mary Elizabeth | 22 |
Schulz, Ray J. | 30, 36, 40, 44 |
Schuppan, LaVerne | 17, 44 |
Senior A Cappella Choir | 27 |
Senior A Cappella Officers | 27 |
Senior Class Prophecy | 55, 57 |
Senior Class Will | 44, 57 |
Seniors | 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 57 |
Sharp, Allen | 22 |
Sharp, Frances | 21, 26, 27, 28, 30 |
Shepard, Ruth | 17, 27 |
Shepard, Thelma | 22 |
Shigeta, Kiyoko | 21, 29 |
Shigeta, Shozo | 22 |
Shuman, James | 17, 28, 37, 42 |
Shuman, Jim | 36, 28, 37, 42, 44 |
Shurtleff, Betty | 12, 27, 42, 44, 57 |
Shurtleff, Peggy | 13, 27, 42, 57 |
Skippen, Donald | 13, 29, 57 |
Smith, Delta Mae | 21 |
Smith, Grace | 13, 27, 29, 57 |
Smith, Lillian | 13, 57 |
Smith, Myrna | 21 |
Snyder, Claude | 05, 08, 27, 28 |
Sodja, Dorothy Jean | 17, 27, 28, 41 |
Solterbeck, Dorothy | 21, 26, 27, 30 |
Solterbeck, Fern | 21, 27, 41 |
Solterbeck, Kathleen | 19, 26, 27, 30 |
Solterbeck, Shirley | 17, 26, 30, 41 |
Sophomores | 18, 19, 57 |
Sparkman, Buddy | 13, 24, 27, 36, 39, 42, 57 |
Sparkman, Doris | 19, 26, 27 |
Stark, Gordon | 19, 37, 39 |
Starks, Harry | 13, 39, 55, 57 |
Starks, Hilda | 17, 29, 30 |
Stauff, Betty | 17, 24, 44 |
Steiner, Raymond | 19, 36, 39, 44 |
Stephenson, W. S. | 08, 09 |
Stevens, Darlene | 22 |
Stewart, Ardell | 22 |
Stoner, J. H. | 08, 26 |
Strong, Charles | 17, 27, 28, 36, 40, 42 |
Strong, Roy | 19, 29, 36, 39, 42 |
Student Council | 09 |
Sullivan, Esther | 13, 29, 30, 57 |
Sullivan, Lawrence | 19, 30 |
Sumner, Neva | 13, 41, 57 |
Sumner, Robert | 13, 36, 57 |
Swanson, Gloria | 09, 13, 24, 25, 26, 41, 42, 57 |
Swanson, Sterling | 21, 26, 40 |
Syme, Lucille | 19, 29 |
T |
Tackett, Gloria | 19 |
Taylor, Herbert | 19, 38, 39, 40 |
Taylor, Thomas A. | 08, 30, 36, 38, 40 |
Tennis | 40 |
The 1942 AXE | 24 |
The 1942 Cutlass | 25 |
Tipton, Dwain | 17, 39 |
Track | 38 |
Tromley, Loleta | 19, 27 |
V |
Van Auken, Frank | 21 |
Varsity Baseball | 39 |
Varsity Basketball | 37 |
Varsity Football | 36 |
Varsity Tennis | 40 |
Varsity Track | 38 |
Varsity Wrestling | 40 |
W |
Walker, Geraldine | 17, 26, 44 |
Walston, Wanda | 19, 30, 44 |
Walters, Loris | 17, 27, 28, 41 |
Watson, Tommie | 17, 39 |
Wayne, John | 17, 27, 36, 42, 44 |
Weins, D. | 29, 30 |
Wells, Fern | 13, 27, 30, 57 |
Welsh, LeArdis | 22 |
White, Roy | 22 |
Whitely, Marilyn | 21, 27, 41 |
Wickoff, R. | 38 |
Wiens, David | 19 |
Wiens, Helen | 22 |
Wikoff, Robert | 21 |
Wiles, Anna Mae | 17, 44 |
Wiles, Willmetta | 21 |
Wilson, Donald | 19 |
Wilson, Melba | 21 |
Wood, Donald | 21, 29 |
Wood, Pauline | 17, 40 |
Woods, Marvin | 22 |
Word and Picture Highlights | 32, 33, 43 |
Wren, Dorothy | 21, 29, 42 |
Wren, Hazel | 13, 40, 57 |
Wren, Howard | 13, 40, 57 |
Wrestling | 40 |
Wright, Jim | 17, 36, 42, 44 |
Y |
Young, Peggy | 22 |
Young, Ralph | 21, 27 |
Z |
Zimmerman, Elizabeth | 19, 27, 30, 42 |
Advertisements | 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 56 |
Apple Blossom | 56 |
B. F. McCarroll | 51 |
Bancroft Cigar Shop | 50 |
Beamguard's City Cleaners | 53 |
Ben Franklin Stores | 52 |
Boise-Payette Lumber Co. | 47 |
Buy Rite I.G.A. Store | 47 |
C. C. Anderson's | 48 |
City Meat Market | 52 |
Coca-Cola | 54 |
Colpin's Pharmacy | 52 |
Davies Hardware Company | 56 |
Dr. J. F. McFarlane | 51 |
Dr. N. D. Zevin | 53 |
Dr. V. V. Belknap | 51 |
E. W. Christian | 50 |
F. H. Hogue, Inc. | 49 |
Falcon Brand | 49 |
Farber's Department Store | 48 |
Farmers' Co-operative Creamery | 54 |
Farra Shoe Shop | 52 |
First Security Bank of Idaho | 50 |
Fitch Realty Co. | 46 |
Gem State Bakery | 53 |
George B. Kellogg | 52 |
George Sedlmayer | 53 |
George Shurtleff and his Georgians | 49 |
Golden Rule Store | 48 |
Hanigan Chevrolet Co. | 48 |
Harkin's Variety | 53 |
Hotel Bancroft | 52 |
Idaho Power | 47 |
Independent Meat Market | 53 |
J. C. Palumbo Fruit Company | 53 |
J. C. Penney Company | 49 |
Keith K. Anderson | 49 |
Keith's | 51 |
La Paluma | 53 |
McCluer-Manser Motor Co. | 50 |
Norris and Kenward | 51 |
Palumbo's Pride | 53 |
Par Brand | 54 |
Parsons Fruit Company | 54 |
Payette Equity Exchange | 51 |
Payette Greenhouses | 50 |
Payette Jewelry | 52 |
Pup Sandwich Shop | 51 |
Quality Grocery | 53 |
R. D. Maule | 56 |
Rio Theater | 54 |
Ritz Theater | 54 |
Rosana Shop | 54 |
Safeway Stores | 48 |
Sedlmayer Drug Store | 53 |
Shurtleff Standard Service | 49 |
Snook Photo Shop | 46 |
Spaulding Hardware | 52 |
Sunshine Butter and Ice Cream | 54 |
Superior Grocery | 52 |
Swanson Furniture Exchange | 51 |
Sweet Shoppe | 50 |
Van Petten Lumber Company | 56 |
W. R. McClure | 50 |