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1947 Axe Yearbook
Payette, Idaho

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List of Yearbook Pages

Adair, Laura28, 53
Adair, Walter24
Adams, Bob39, 43, 50
Adams, Barbara32, 53
Adams, G.53
Administration05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10
Ahrens, Norman34
Akiyama, Kimi12
Alspaugh, Joyce28, 53
Anderton, Jim18
Arnold, Kenneth28, 39, 42, 44
Ashworth, C.52
Ashworth, Merle32, 39
Asmussen, Jim34
Aspinwall, Dennis18, 38, 40, 41, 42, 54
Aspinwall, Doris34
Aston, Doris12, 48, 50, 55
Aston, Euvada28, 52
Aston, Joyce Ann34, 53
Athletics37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45
Ausman, Charlotte34
Ausman, Esther28, 49, 53
Ausman, Virginia24
The Axe48, 58
Baer, Harold18, 38, 39, 43, 54
Bahr, Leona12
Baker, Bob32, 52
Baldridge, Carolyn24, 50
Baldridge, Joann12
Baldridge, Marilyn24, 50, 55
Banes, Byron32
Banes, Patricia28, 53, 55
Barber, David32
Barber, Dennis10
Barber, Denny34
Barge, D.53
Barrie, James18, 50
Basketball40, 41, 46, 49
Basketball Coach's Estimate41
Basketball Scores40
Baskett, Neil13, 48, 52
Baskett, Verne18, 48, 50, 51
Beck, Lila24, 49
Beckwith, Donna34, 53
Beigh, Donald31
Beigh, Geraldine18, 50
Beigh, Kathleen12, 53
Belknap, Bob28, 52
Belknap, V. V.06
Belknap, Virginia32
Benson, Paul28
Biegert, Robert18, 38, 39, 41, 42, 54
Billings, Corinne18, 53, 55
Board of Education06
Bogle, Barbara22, 53
Bogle, Neal34
Borgholthaus, Albion10, 28, 39, 41, 42, 52
Borgholthaus, Bob18, 42
Boxing44, 46
Boxing Scores44
Brainard, Beverly13, 53, 55
Brown, Beverly24, 52, 59
Brown, Dorathy34, 53
Brown, Tom13
Brown, Patricia34
Bruen, Buddy28, 44
Bruen, Gene24
Brubaker, Denny34
Brunabend, Virginia34, 53
Brundage, Beverly19
Bulmer, Betty19
Bulmer, Charles32
Burres, Robert36
Cahill, Don19, 38, 44, 54
Cahill, Norman19, 40, 41, 42
Cain, Ed13, 36, 51
Cain, John13, 38, 42, 43, 54
Caldwell, Andy19
Calendar61, 63, 65
Carter, Delores24
Cazier, Charles28
Chase, Elsie32
Cheer Leaders45
Chipman, Ralph13
Classes11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36
Clauser, Barbara12, 48, 52, 53, 65
Clauser, Charles34, 52
Clopton, Vern Leo34
Coates, Douglas24
Cockerum, B.41
Cockerum, Eugene19
Coffey, Mona28, 53
Cole, Janette28, 53
Coons, Joyce24
Coons, Rose28, 53
Cornell, Myrtle32, 53
Cram, Thomas13, 36
Craven, Duane28, 39, 44
Crosby, Glen19, 38, 41, 42, 54
Crosby, H.39, 41, 42
Crosby, Holly28
Crosby, Shirley32
Crump, Joyce32
The Cutlass50
Dale, Burt19, 43, 44, 53
Daniels, Jill18, 50
Daniels, Merlyn34
Davis, Bob24
Davis, Ida Marie19, 49
DeBord, Bobby34
DeBord, Don19, 40, 41, 48, 54
Deen, Joanne24, 53
Deshazer, Wilma28, 45, 53, 55
Dike, Glen31
Dike, Verda32
Dixon, J.53
Dixon, Mr. M. T.07, 08, 10, 53
Dorathy, Donna34, 52
Dorris, Dema32, 53
Dougherty, Fairy32
Dougherty, Hazel19
Dougherty, Vivian13, 53
Dougherty, Wanda24
Downing, Derald28, 53
Downing, Earl14, 38, 53
Downing, Verle24, 38, 44
Drinkwine, David24, 44
Drinkwine, Dorothy28, 53
Drinkwine, Grace34
Dunbrasky, Lila24, 49
Dunbrasky, Phyllis24, 49
Duncan, Jim32
Dundas, Trebon38, 39, 52
Dunham, Shirley58, 59
Dunkle, Shirley32, 52
Edwards, Dona28
Edwards, Norman39
Eighth Grade32, 33
Ellis, Larry34, 52
Elmore, Dorothy29, 53
Engle, Carol24, 50, 52
Epperson, Lee19, 38, 39
Estes, B.42
Faculty08, 09
Fall Festival58, 59
Farnham, Loneta29, 53
Farnham, W. D.06
Ferguson, Dorothy25, 53
Ferguson, Ray32
Ferrel, Miss Lillian J.08, 55
Fetter, Bob20, 38, 39, 41, 42, 43, 52, 54
Fitch, Jay25, 39, 41
Fitch, Roger29, 39, 41, 42, 52
Football38, 39, 46
Football Scores38
Forsdick, Betty32, 58, 59
Forsdick, Phyllis25, 53
Fowler, Carolyn32, 52, 53
Fowler, Leroy09, 39, 41, 43
Freshman28, 29, 30, 31
Friedly, Jeanne14, 53, 55
Frogley, Keith20, 41
Fulton, Eunice29, 53
Gardner, J.53
Gardner, L.53
Garrett, Betty Jean14, 53, 55
Gehrke, Joeda34, 52
Genoway, Joyce34, 52
Girls' Athletic Association49
Gissel, Jack12, 38, 39, 43, 44
Gladish, Henry J.34
Graham, Mabel14, 53
Grant, Darlene34, 53
Grant, Phyllis29, 53
Grant, Yvonne25, 51, 52
Gray, Ruth34, 52, 59
Griffin, Ray25, 53
Grimes, Marietta09
Gross, Beverly34
Gross, Florence09
Guindon, Bill39, 44
Guindon, Fred34
Guthrie, Eugene14, 36
Haasch, D.06
Halbert, Neil34
Hammond, Richard20, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 54
Hanigan, J. T.06
Hanigan, LaDonna25, 52
Harm, Evelyn20, 53, 55
Harper, Dorothy29, 51, 52
Heidelberger, Joan34
Heidelberger, Marvin29
Heidelberger, Marie14
Hendrick, Faelela20
Hendricks, Calvin32
Herminghaus, Ellen08, 49
Hickerson, Evelyn34
Hickerson, Genevieve14, 50, 55
Hilliard, Joanne29, 53
Hilliard, Raydene34
Hoeme, Mary25, 51, 53, 55, 65
Hogue, Geraldine29, 52
Hopkins, Bob14, 65
Howard, Donald29, 39, 41, 42
Howard, Lola10, 15, 48, 55, 59, 65
Howerton, Miss Pauline08, 48, 58
Howland, Jean34
Howland, Rodney29
Hunt, Gerald25
Husche, Diane29, 53, 55
Ireland, Dona29, 53
Jacks, Susie29, 53
James, Richard32
Jeffries, L.38, 44, 53, 54
Jensen, Phebe Ellen34, 53
Jetton, Christina25, 53
Jimerson, Bobby29
Johnson, Charles25, 38
Johnson, Henry63
Johnson, Olga09
Johnson, Patricia34, 53
Johnson, Violet29
Johnston, Richard20
Jones, Lynn29, 53
Jones, Norman G.08, 44
Judy, Lois34
Junior Choir53
Junior Varsity Basketball41
Junior Varsity Football39
Juniors18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23
Kelpin, Erma15, 50
Kerr, Alma20
Kerr, Doris25
Kidder, Marlys32, 53
Killebrew, Bobby32, 52
Kirk, Barbara29, 52
Kirk, Duane20, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 54
Kirk, Janice32, 53
Knowles, Clyde25, 39, 44
Ladra, Geneva25
Lambertsen, Neta15, 53
Lambertsen, Wynona34
Lammert, Bonnie20, 53
Landis, C.43
Lang, Rosalie34
Lang, W.53
Larsen, L. LaGrande09
Lasher, Edward25, 41
Lincoln, Joan25
Linder, Ellis29
Little, Edith20, 48, 55, 58, 59, 61
Little, Jack33
Little, Joan20, 53, 55
Long, Dona Lee33, 53
Lott, Robert35
Madrid, Diane22
MacGregor, Jackie33, 53
Maeda, Tommy20
Mahan, Lois25, 53
Main, C.41, 43
Main, F.39
Malone, Roger33
Mangun, Joanne25, 52
Mangun, Teddy22, 52
Martindale, Vonda33, 53
Marty, Mr.65
Mathews, L.39
Matsen, Janet29, 52
Maule, Glorian25, 52
Maule, Darrell33
Maule, David15, 44, 48, 51, 52
Maule, Merlyn30, 52
Maxey, Gale35
May, Floyd30, 52
McAfee, Ellen15, 50, 53, 55
McCarroll, Mark26, 39, 41
McClure, Jean21, 50, 52
McClure, W. R.06
McHargue, Jim31
McHargue, Marilyn33, 53
McMurren, Muldred15
McNutt, Stanley33
McPike, Roger35
McVickers, Virginia33, 53
Medler, Kenneth23, 36
Medonich, Frank12, 36
Medonich, Margaret21, 53, 55
Meechan, Pat10, 26, 39, 41, 42
Merrill, Lorine21
Meyer, Betty26, 45, 49, 55
Michael, Charles15, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42
Miller, Lutricia12, 53
Mitchell, A.53
Morse, C.55
Morton, Beverly26, 50, 52
Moseley, Lonnie26, 39, 40
Moseley, Sherman10, 33, 39
Murphy, Dorothy26, 53
Murphy, Helen33
Murphy, James30, 39, 41, 43
Neeley, Larry35
Nees, C.43
Nees, Robert31
Neff, Eugene21, 38, 53
Nesbitt, Iva Jane21, 52
Nitchman, Irwin26, 42, 43, 44
Noland, B.43
Norris, Leon15
Organizations47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56
"P" Club54
Pacha, Robert30
Parker, Margaret35
Parsons, E. E.06
Parsons, Edward35
Paynter, Kent16, 43, 51, 53
Pearce, Bonnie26, 55
Pearson, Dale16
Pence, John12, 36
Pep Club55
Person, Madelyn26
Petersen, Carol26, 52
Petersen, Mrs. Marjorie09, 51
Petersen, Merilyn12, 48, 51, 55
Peterson, Dona33, 52, 53
Peterson, Jack10, 12, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 54, 65
Pierce, B.53
Poland, Floy33
Poland, H.39
Poland, Joy33
Potter, Donald16, 36
Potter, Norman30, 39, 42, 44
Preston, Dona Mae33, 53
Price, Ula Beth35
Rasmussen, Betty35, 53
Rasmussen, Carol26, 51
Reimers, Lynn16, 38, 40, 41, 42
Rhinehart, Barbara21, 49
Rich, Donald30, 39
Richardson, B.44
Richardson, Marilyn21
Richardson, William30, 39
Ringer, Esther30, 53
Roberts, Dolores21, 53, 55
Robertson, Roy10, 16, 38, 39, 40, 41, 48, 54, 58
Robeson, Bonnie35
Robinson, Anna Belle21, 49
Robinson, Don30
Robinson, Kathleen16, 55
Robinson, Lynn35
Rock, Mavis30, 53, 59
Roe, Gloria21, 55
Rogers, Helen09, 50
Rose, Bill38, 39
Rose, Dennis26, 39, 42, 54
Rose, Dorothy30
Rose, Ila21, 52
Rose, Marvin16, 38, 40, 41, 43, 52, 54
Rose, Taylor30, 39, 44
Roth, Gary33, 39
Roth, Velda35
Roush, Rosella30, 49
Rowberry, Joan16, 48, 55
Rumley, Colleen26, 52
Rumley, Darlene33, 53
Rupp, Jimmy35
Sage, Gloria26, 52
Sage, Terry21
Sample, Donald22
Sanders, Nina22, 53
Schamber, M.44
Scheiching, Ted26, 42, 53
Schoen, D.52
Schoen, Ronnie26, 39, 41, 42, 52
School Life57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72
Scott, Doris33
Scott, Keith22
Scott, M.53
Scott, Wayne26
Secrest, Jeanette26
Senior Choir53
Seniors12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17
Seventh Grade34
Shaw, Beverly27, 53
Shelden, John10, 16, 53
Shepard, Dona Fae22, 53, 55
Shepard, Velma16, 55
Short, Dorothy22, 49
Sickles, Geraldine31, 53
Sinclair, Darla27, 53
Sinclair, Neva35, 53
Skeen, H.53
Solders, Violet35
Solterbeck, Jack30
Solterbeck, Marilyn22, 53, 55
Sophomores24, 25, 26, 27
Sorenson, W. C.07, 08
Spann, Marian17
Stallsmith, Alice27, 52, 53
Starks, Lucille27
Starks, Rex35
Stearns, Jim42
Stearns, Martha35, 53
Stegall, Jerry33
Stevens, Marvin22
Stevenson, W. S.09
Stewart, Ruby27, 53
Stingley, Richard10, 18, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 54
Stoner, Jay08, 52
Strong, Edna22, 49, 55
Student Council10
Sullivan, Betty Rose22, 55
Sullivan, Carol35
Swartz, Linda35, 53
Sweetwood, Eva Lou27, 53, 55
Swisher, Gloria27, 49, 55
Swisher, Janette35, 53
Swisher, Terry27, 39, 44
Swisher, Vernon17, 38, 39, 40, 41, 50, 54
Taylor, J. D.18, 39, 44, 54
Taylor, Louise17, 49
Taylor, Mary27, 53
Thomas, Mabel09
Thompson, Eugene27
Thompson, Muriel35, 49
Thompson, Virgil30
Toothman, Jean27, 53
Toothman, L.53
Toothman, Mary22
Tuttle, Mr. W. T.09, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 54
Unknown Photos01, 46, 56, 58, 59, 60, 62, 64, 66, 67, 69, 70, 72, 73
Van Kanell, Roland65
Van Verth, Bill22, 38, 41, 42, 54
Varsity Basketball41
Varsity Football38, 39
Walker, Robert31, 39, 41, 42, 52
Walls, Mr.65
Warden, Anna May31, 49
Warden, Norma33
Watkins, Don22, 38, 39, 42, 44, 54
Watkins, Juanita35, 53
Watkins, Marlene33, 53
Weidner, Vera Beth10, 17, 50, 52, 65
Welker, Herman61
Wentworth, Susan35, 53
West, Mrs. Rhena K.03, 08
Weygant, Lois31, 53
Whorton, Nica Jane17, 53, 55, 65
Wilde, Clotele27, 53
Wilde, Jesse12, 38, 42, 44, 54
Wiles, Barbara27, 53
Wiles, Ramona33
Williams, Barbara35, 53
Williams, Betty Lou17, 51, 53, 65
Williams, Billy33, 53
Williams, F.53
Wilmot, Beverly35
Wilson, Eldine27, 45, 53, 55
Wilson, Janet31, 53
Wilson, Pat23, 45, 53, 55
Withrow, Lee17
Withrow, Roberta31, 53
Woerman, V.53
Wolfe, Robert33, 52
Wood, Margaret31
Wood, Norman17, 43, 44
Wood, Peggy23, 50, 55
Yasuda, George35
Yasuda, Maye23, 55
Yost, Margaret31, 53, 55
Young, Max27
Youren, Gene23, 44
Zentzis, Carol35, 53
Zentzis, Edith35, 53
Ziegenbein, June22, 49
Zierlein, Clifford12, 36


Apple Blossom76
Associated Oil Products77
Aston, Roy78
B. F. McCarroll Insurance and Loans77
Ben Franklin Stores77
Bill's News Stand75
Boise-Payette Lumber Co.79
Buy-Rite Store76
Byron's Variety75
C. C. Anderson Golden Rule Store71
Dependable Mercantile76
Farber's Department Store75
Ferney's Ice Cream Shop73
Fitch Realty Co.68
Gamble Store73
Gem Electric78
Gem State Bakery73
Hanigan Chevrolet Co.68
Harry's Barber Shop76
Idaho Power79
Independent Lumber & Coal Co.77
Independent Meat Market77
J. C. Penney Co.78
John A. Brown Radio Service76
John's Barber Shop74
John's Shoe Shop75
Keith K. Anderson79
Keith's The Store For Men71
Manser, Inc.74
Maule, R. D.77
Newton Market79
Norvell's Inc.74
Payette Furniture78
Payette Hardware77
Payette Jewelry75
Peterson Furniture Co.76
Precht, H. L.77
Quality Grocery75
Roe's Ladies Shop75
Safeway Stores, Inc.72
Save-Mor Drug72
Scott's Barber and Beauty Shop75
Sedlmayer Drug Store73
Sedlmayer, George73
Snook Photo78
Superior Grocery and Meat Market71
Wright and Glover74

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