Payette Enterprise
Thursday, March 25, 1915


On Monday morning at about 8:20 John A. Ashbaugh died at Payette. His death removes from our midst one of our oldest citizens, he having lived here about thirty-five years. Everybody knew Uncle John and was his friend. He was born October 2, 1835 in Mahoning county, Ohio and was 79 years, 5 months and 20 days old at the time of his death. On Mar. 6, 1865 he was married at Coldwater, Michigan to Miss Hattie Fowler and the issue from this union was one son, Llewellan J. who lives at Constantine, Mich. He is also survived by three sisters and four brothers, Susan Mickey, Vancouver, Wash., Mrs. D. R. Herald, Ilwaco, Wash., Mrs. J. S. Elliott, Portland, Ore., E. A. Ashbaugh, Frederick, S. Dak., Wm. Ashbaugh, Scotts Bluff, Neb., H. L. Ashbaugh, Kansas City, Mo., and W. S. Ashbauagh, Albert City, Iowa. Of these the sister Mrs. Elliot was present at the time of his death, and has cared for him much of the time during the past year or two. Deceased was an old soldier having enlisted in Elkhart Co., Indiana, Sept. 2, 1862 to serve three years during the war, and was mustered into service at Indianapolis, Sept. 9, 1862 as a private of 21st Battery, Ind. volunteers Light infantry and served until mustered out on June 26, 1865.

A number of the members of the G.A.R. Post at this place were in attendance at the funeral.

The remains were interred in Riverside Cemetery, on Wednesday, March 24, the funeral being in charge of the Masonic fraternity of which deceased was an honored member.

Fruitland Banner (Friday, March 26, 1915)

Soldier and Pioneer Dies

John Ashbaugh, of Payette an old soldier and Pioneer died at his home in that city Monday and was buried at the Riverside Cemetery Wednesday afternoon. He was almost 80 years old, had resided in Payette for the past 35 years. The funeral services were conducted by the Masonic lodge, the G. A. R., also participated.

Payette Independent (Thursday, March 25, 1915)


John Ashbaugh was born October 2, 1835, in Mahoning County, Ohio, and died at Payette, Idaho, March 22, 1915. He was married July 6, 1865, to Miss Hattie Fowler. One child, a son, was born to them. "Uncle John", as he was familiarly known, has lived in the Payette Valley for the past 35 years and was one of the very well know residents.

He was a member of W. T. Sherman Post, G. A. R., a member of Washoe Lodge No 28, A. F. & A. M. and of the O. E. S. "Uncle John" had been a sufferer for many years but it was not until during the past few months that he could not get around and see friends and attend lodge meetings. He leaves one son who resides in Constantine, Michigan, three sisters and four brothers. His wife died many years ago. The Masonic Lodge, G. A. R. Post, and W. R. C. attended the funeral, which was conducted entirely by the Masonic Lodge. Interment was made in Riverside Cemetery. Thus passes away another of the old time settlers of the Payette Valley.