Ira Book

The Payette Independent
Thursday, November 05, 1925


As a shock to his many friends comes the news of the sudden death of Ira Book, which occured Wednesday afternoon at four o'clock. Mr. Book was down to business at the Payette Feed Store on Friday, but complaining of not feeling fit and went home early. He developed acute erysipelas and was only sick a few days. Full particulars will be published next week.

The Payette Independent (Thursday, November 12, 1925)

Ira Book was born in Illinois, September 2, 1883, and died in Payette after a brief illness on November 4, 1925. Later he moved to Washington, coming to Payette in 1907. On November 22, 1909, in Davenport, Washington, Mr. Book was married to Miss Bessie Louise Parmenter. To this union four children were born, one of whom died in infancy. Besides his widow Mr. Book is mourned by three children, Danny, Oren and Marian, as well as four brothers and three sisters. Services were held from the Methodist church on Friday after noon and were conducted by the Rev. Vernon E. Hall. Interment was made in Riverside cemetery. Mr. Book was a kind and loving husband and father and a staunch friend. To his stricken widow and children we extend our deepest sympathy.

Card of Thanks

We wish to take the opportunity of thanking those whose friendly sympathy and many sets of neighborly kindness helped us so much in our hours of sorrow and bereavement. Mrs. Ira Book, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Book

Payette Enterprise (Thursday, November 05, 1925)


It is with deep regret the Enterprise is again called upon to record the death of another beloved citizen. Ira Book, one of the most highly respected young men of this community died at his home in this city at four o'clock Wednesday afternoon, after an illness of but a few days. He was taken ill with erysipelas of the face about a week ago, which together with other complications caused his untimely death. He is survived by a wife and three children who have the heartfelt sympathy of many friends in this community.

The funeral will be held on Friday afternoon at the Methodist church at 2:30.

A more complete mention will be given next week.

Payette Enterprise (November 12, 1925)


Ira Book, who's death was mentioned in last week's issue of the Enterprise, was born at Sterling, Ill., December 22nd, 1884, where he grew to manhood moving at the age of 21 to Iowa, and shortly after came west and lived at Seattle, Washington, and other nearby cities. He was married to Bessie Louise Parmenter at Davenport, Washington, November 22, 1909 and shortly after came to Payette, where they settled on a homestead a few miles west on the Oregon side, where they lived until five years ago, moving at that time to Payette where they continued to live until the time of his death, with the exception of a few months spent in Pine Valley, Oregon.

Ira was one of those kind hearted men who made many warm friends he was honest and upright in all his dealings with the public which won for him a very kindly feeling by many people in this community. He was converted to the cause of Christ when 14 years of age, joining at that time with the Presbyterian faith, and we believe it can be truthfully said, lived a good Christian life. Besides his wife, he is survived by two sons and one daughter, Dan, 14 years of age, Oren 11, and Marian 5. He is also survived by four brothers, 2 living at Sterling, Illinois, and one in Ohio, and one brother, Fred Book, of Pendleton, Oregon, who with his wife came to attend the funeral, also 3 sisters, one living at Sterling, Ill., and two at Des Moines, Iowa, all of whom will keenly feel the loss of a kind father, husband and brother.

Funeral services were held from the Methodist church Friday, November 6th, at 2:30 conducted by Rev. Vernon Hall, pastor. Interment took place in Riverside cemetery.