Alva A. Branthoover

The Payette Independent
Thursday, August 16, 1928


Alva A. Branthoover was born in West Brownsville, Pennsylvania, December 6, 1853, and passed away at his home southeast of Fruitland, Thursday evening, August 9, at 8:30, at the age of 74 years, 8 months and 2 days. He had been ill from asthma and complications for the past two years.

He came to Boise Basin in 1872, and from there to Payette in 1884. He took up a 320 acre ranch on the Fruitland bench. He was married to Miss Hattie L. Folsom, of Falks Store October 1, 1890. To this union four sons were born; Free F., who passed away in 1918; Lester L., now living in Payette, Victor A. of Port Washington, New York and A. Irl, of Fruitland.

Mr. Branthoover was a dentist and practiced until 1909 when he moved to his present home and engaged in farming until his last illness. Mrs. Branthoover preceded him in death in 1915. Besides his 3 sons he leaves to mourn his loss 2 granddaughters, Eunice and Barbara Jean, 1 sister in Pennsylvania and a large circle of friends here who will miss him greatly. He was a kind friend and neighbor, always looking on the bright side of life. His cheery smile and hearty laugh will be missed all over the community.

He was a member of the Woodmen of the World and the Neighbors of Woodcraft.

Funeral services were held from the Peterson Funeral Home in Payette, Sunday afternoon at 2:30, conducted by the Woodman lodge and interment made beside his wife in the Riverside cemetery. The sympathy of the bereaved ones many friends is extended to them in their bereavement.