Hattie Lucy Folsom Branthoover
Payette Enterprise
Thursday, April 29, 1915
Hattie Lucy Folsom Branthoover was born in Butler Co. Iowa, June 16, 1872, and passed away at her late home near Fruitland April 21st, 1915 at the age of 42 yrs. 10 mo. and 5 days. When very young her parents moved to Kansas and at ten years of age she came with them to the Payette Valley where she has since resided. She was united in marriage to Alva A. Branthoover Oct. 1, 1890. This union was blessed with four sons, Freeman, Lester, Victor and Earl, all of whom, with the father remain to mourn her departure. Besides her own family, she leaves a mother, Mrs. E. T. Folsom, two sisters Mrs. Allen Carson and Mrs. Ada Magill, and two brothers, L. L. and C. J. Folsom all of Boise. although Mrs. Branthoover has been a sufferer for two years her going was sudden and unexpected. She went to rest for a short time about noon and when the family went to speak to her they found she had slipped away to the other world. She was a member of the Home Department of the Methodist Sunday School, also of the Ladies Aid, and was loved by all who knew her. The funeral was conducted from the home Friday morning amid a large company of friends and neighbors. Rev. C. E. Deal officiating. Burial was in Riverside Cemetery, Payette.
Fruitland Banner (Friday, April 23, 1915)
Mrs. A. A. Branthoover Dead
Mrs. A. Branthoover died very suddenly Wednesday morning at her home two miles west of Fruitland after an illness of almost two years with Bright's disease. Mrs. Branthoover was born and raised near Emmett and was 43 years old. She leaves her husband, A. A. Branthoover and four sons, Freeman, Lester, Victor and Errl, her mother, Mrs. Folsom, two sisters, Mrs. McGill and Mrs. Carson and two brothers, who reside in Boise.
The funeral services were held at the home this morning at 10 o'clock, Rev. C. E. Deal, of the Methodist church, officiating. Interment was made in the Payette cemetery.
Payette Independent (Thursday, April 22, 1915)
As we go to press we learn of the death of Mrs. A. A. Branthoover. The Branthoovers are long time residents of the valley. Mr. Branthoover was at one time a practicing dentist in Payette. No funeral arrangements made a this time.
Payette Independent (Thursday, April 29, 1915)
Hattie Lucy Folsom was born June 16, 1872, in Butler County, Iowa, died April 21, 1915 near Fruitland, Idaho, aged 42 years, 10 months and 5 days. When a little babe her parents moved to Kansas, and when she was ten years old her parents came to the Payette Valley where she has resided ever since. She was married to Alva A. Branthoover October 1, 1890. To them four sons were born, Freeman, Lester, Victor and Earl.
Besides the husband and four sons to survive her, are her mother, Mrs. E. T. Folsom, two brother, L. L. and O. J. Folsom, two sisters, Mrs. Allen Carson and Mrs. Ada Magill, all of Boise.
The funeral was held at the home last Friday morning at 10 o'clock conducted by Rev. C. E. Deal of the Fruitland M. E. church. Many friends were there to show their sympathy for the bereaved family. The body was laid to rest in Riverside Cemetery, Payette.
Mrs. Branthoover because of her serious illness the last few years was not able to be away from home much but she was a devoted mother and wife and her influence for kind deeds was felt in the community. The family has the sympathy of the entire community in their late sorrow.