The Payette Independent
Thursday, August 16, 1928
The community was shocked and grieved when it was learned that Carl Broderson had passed away.
Carl the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Broderson was born in Payette, August 25, 1910 and died Monday, August 13, 1928, at Portland, Oregon. He was taken suddenly ill Wednesday evening and was given immediate medical attention but his condition became so serious that on Saturday morning Mr. Broderson started with him to Portland in the hope that a specialist might aid him. All that human skill and loving hands could do was done but nothing availed and the spirit passed away at 3 o'clock, Monday afternoon. Mrs. Broderson had been notified and was hastening to the bedside of her son but did not arrive until 4 o'clock.
Mr. and Mrs. Broderson accompanied the body of their son back home, arriving in Payette at 10 o'clock Wednesday morning.
Services were held at the Broderson home at 5 o'clock Wednesday afternoon conducted by the Rev. Thomas Ashworth. Mrs. Douglass Sleep very beautifully sang, "Be Still Unknown," by Pierson. Interment was made in Riverside cemetery. The following pals of Carl's were pall bearers; Abe Pence, Mildred Loughrey, Sidney Harris, Bernard Eastman, Jack Hogue, Donald Equals. The immediate relatives left to mourn his loss are his father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Broderson, three sisters, Mrs. Walter Toeves, of Spokane, Washington, Mrs. V. B. Ledman, of Los Angeles, California, Mrs. Fred Marineau, of Weiser, two brothers, Rudolph and Herman, of Payette. Carl was a boy of sterling qualities, possessed a bright and happy disposition and was loved by all who knew him. the Independent joins the many friends in offering sympathy to the bereaved ones.
We desire to gratefully thank the kind neighbors and friends who gave so generously of their sympathy and helpfulness in our hour of deep grief. We want all to know that your loving kindness is appreciated more than we can find words to express and will be cherished as long as life lasts. C.F. Broderson and Family