The Payette Independent
Thursday, July 05, 1928
Dorothy Jean Browning was born December 13, 1923, and passed away June 31, 1928 (date in paper) at Hot Lake, Oregon, of acute brights disease. Funeral services were held in Payette, Tuesday morning, July 3, at Landon Undertaking Parlors, with Rev. Ashworth officiating and interment was made in Riverside cemetery. She leaves to mourn her loss her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Browning grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Carstens and other relatives and friends who will miss her sunny disposition and loving ways.
- Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Nokes, Mrs. O. W. Browning, Miss Leona Browning and Mrs. Henry Carstens, of Payette motored to La Grande Sunday in response to a telegram announcing the serious illness of Dorothy Jean Browning, 4 1/2 year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Browning. A message received shortly after they left stated that she passed away at the Hot Lake Sanitarium at 10:30. Death was due to brights disease and complications. She had never been very strong, but her last sickness was of only two weeks duration. The body was taken from Hot Lake to La Grande where it was prepared and shipped to Payette, where funeral services were held from the Landon Undertaking Parlors at 10:30. Interment was made in Riverside Cemetery. The young parents have many friends in this community who extend their deepest sympathy to them.