Melvin Arthur Buck

The Payette Independent
Thursday, August 30, 1928


Melvin Arthur Buck, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Buck, of this city, passed away Sunday evening after an illness of more then two months form a complication of ailments which baffled the physicians.

Melvin was born in Bismark, N. D., on the 19th of May, 1909, and was 19 years, three months and 7 days old at the time of his death. He was a member of Battery "C" and his comrades turned out in force and buried him with military honors, his body being taken to the cemetery on a guncarriages. Funeral services were held Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock at the Landon Undertaking parlors and were conducted by Rev. L. G. Fraser, pastor of the Baptist church. Burial took place at Riverside.

In addition to his parents Melvin is survived by three brothers, Benton, of Salt Lake City, and Raymond and Frances of Payette. The sympathy of the community goes out to the bereaved family.