Rex Clark

The Payette Independent
Thursday, April 11, 1929


Rex Clark was born October 9th, 1881, at Bloomfield, Arkansas. He was married to Edith George at Bentonville, Arkansas, August 13th, 1903. They made their home at Siloam Springs, Arkansas. In the spring of 1908 he went to St. Louis, Mo., where he learned the plumbing trade. In 1909 they moved to Boise, Idaho, where they lived until May 1914 when they came to Payette. Six children were born to the, Earl, John, William, Eunice, Margaret and Helen. Besides the wife and children he is survived by one brother, Z. W. Clark, of Gentry, Arkansas. The immediate family were present at the funeral except Earl and wife, who had just reached Los Angeles and were unable to return.

Mr. Clark was a self made man, and almost always self supporting. He was only three years of age when his father died, and 18 when his mother, who had married again, passed away. He was a member of the I. O. O. F. lodge and in his early boyhood he became a Christian and later joined the Methodist church. Generous to fault, many a man when broke and discouraged has by him been financially befriended. Free hearted and unselfish, he was the friend of everybody and was highly respected and esteemed by the entire citizenship of this community.

Last spring he was sick and mentally depressed for a long time and his illness finally led up to the painful passing of a kidney stone last summer. After this he was well and cheerful and was doing a good business. A few weeks ago his old trouble returned and this was the beginning of a similar condition which led to his untimely death.

Funeral services were held in the home. Mrs. Sleep sang "Be Still and Know." Mesdames Sleep, Johnston, Eastman and Terwilliger sang "Nearer My God To Thee" with Mrs. Masonhelmer at the piano. Rev. H. F. Knight, of New Plymouth read the 103rd Psalm and delivered a wonderful message and prayer. The services at the grave were in charge of Payette Lodge, No. 22, I.O.O.F., and were very impressive. The floral offering were many and beautiful, the casket and grave being entirely covered with them. The business houses were closed from 2:30 to 3:30 as a mark of respect to one who had been outstanding as a man of noble character, honest and upright and in the forefront in every movement of the betterment of the community in which he lived.

To the bereaved wife and family our sincerest and most heartfelt sympathy is expended.


To the many kind friends who contributed the beautiful floral offerings, who rendered such kindly assistance, and who came with tender thoughts and words of sympathy in the hour of our bereavement of our dearly loved one, we extend our heart felt thanks. Mrs. Edith Clark and Family.