The Payette Independent
Thursday, December 08, 1927
Anna Taylor Cool was born November 8, 1875, in Madison, Wisconsin. She lived there and in other parts of the east until 1903, when she moved with her husband and family to New Plymouth where they lived until 14 years ago when they moved to Dunsmuir, California. Here she passed away, Sunday, November 27 at the age of 52 years and 19 days. She had been ill with heart trouble about a month but was not considered seriously ill. Her remains were brought to Payette by her husband L. S. Cool, Mr. and Mrs. Sylvan Cool, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cool and Harold Cool the three Mr. Cools being sons of the deceased. Besides the above mentioned, she leaves to mourn her loss a sister, Mrs. J. C. Irwin of Princeton, Idaho, and her father S. F. Taylor, two brothers Harry and Charlie Taylor, and a sister Evelyn Taylor all of Fruitland. The relatives were all present at the funeral services which were held from the Baptist church last Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock, conducted by Rev. F. P. Petit. Interment was made in Riverside Cemetery, Payette.