The Payette Independent
Thursday, December 10, 1931
Sarah Jane Powell was born April 16, 1818, at Louisville, Ohio. She grew to womanhood at this place and married to Aaron Culler, August 22, 1866, who preceded her in death March 21, 1923. Five children were born of this union.
Ira M. who died January 11, 1925, Wm. E. of Warner, Alberta, Nora J. Hiller, Washta, Iowa, Etta Schwartz, Payette, Idaho, Clara Edwards, Salem, Oregon.
In 1909 the family moved to Payette, Idaho, where they lived until the last few years. During these last few years she has made her home with the children.
Mrs. Culler passed away on December 5 at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Edwards in Salem, Oregon.
Mrs. Culler became a Christian early in life and the beautiful christian spirit which she showed under every circumstance of life was an inspiration to all who knew her. She never wavered in her faith, even unto the end.