Beth Louise Currie

The Payette Independent
Thursday, September 16, 1926

Beth Louise Currie, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gil Currie was born in Payette, February 4th, 1926 and passed away September 9th, 1926 after a brief illness, during which everything that love and skill could suggest was done to try and save the little life. Besides her father and mother, little Beth is mourned by one brother and one sister, her grandparents and many other relatives. The funeral was held from St. James' Church on Sunday at 2 P. M., the simple but beautiful services being conducted by the Rev. Thos. Ashworth.

Interment was made in Riverside Cemetery. Those who followed the casket, were those who had loved little Beth for her sweet sunny disposition. Our tenderest sympathy goes out to the sorrowing parents.


We wish to express our gratitude for the many expressions of sympathy and floral offerings during the bereavement of our darling baby and sister. Mr. and Mrs. Gil Currie and family