Claris S. Day

The Payette Independent
Thursday, May 23, 1929


Mr. Claris S. Day was born in Tarwell County, Virginia, March 2, 1851. He was married in Kansas in 1874. To this first union were born a daughter Ida and a son Paul. Ida was married and passed away. There survives the father the one boy, Paul, who resides at Opstead, Minn.

Mr. Day moved to Payette, Nov. 22, 1918, and has made his home here ever since. He lived here with his second wife whom he married Feb. 19, 1925. She was Mrs. Mary Wortman before she became Mrs. Day. She passed on March 8, 1929 in Payette. Since Mrs. Day's death, her husband lived by himself in the Odd Fellow Temple until May the 2nd. Then he transferred his residence to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack A. Reynolds of 1937 N. 6th Street, Payette. His condition of health by this time had taken on such a character that it became necessary to remove him to the Holy Rotary Hospital in Ontario, Oregon. Everything possible was there done to give him relief when pneumonia set in on the 13th of May. He passed away at 6:45 Sunday evening, May 19th, at the age of 78 years. He leaves a host of warm friends; a testimony to his delightful personality, and to those sterling qualities of honesty, kindness and friendliness which characterized his life.

Mr. Day first became a member of the Washington Masonic Lodge No. 38, while living at West Concord, Minnesota. When he moved to Payette he transferred his membership to the Washoe Masonic Lodge No. 28. With this order he kept an active association until his death.

Funeral services were held at the Peterson Funeral Home, Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock and were conducted by Rev. A. B. Parrett, pastor of the Methodist church. Interment took place at Riverside Cemetery.