C. E. Dickerson

The Payette Independent
Thursday, November 24, 1927


C. E. Dickerson, a former resident of Payette, died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Verne Wright of Tacoma, Washington, last Thursday, November 17, at the age of 61 years. His remains were brought to this city for burial and were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Wright.

The funeral services were held at the Peterson funeral chapel Sunday afternoon and were conducted by Rev. H. G. Shanks, of Fruitland. The remains were accompanied to their last resting place in Riverside cemetery by a large number of relatives and friends. The service there was in charge of the Modern Woodmen lodge of which Mr. Dickerson was a member.

The relatives here are Mrs. Boyd Swanson of this city, and Mrs. Rodney Shake, of Fruitland, daughters, Clarence Hallett, of Fruitland, a nephew.