Effie May Dixon

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, February 04, 1915


On the afternoon of January 28th at her home in Payette, Idaho, Mrs. Effie May Dixon went to be forever with the Lord. She was born near Blackstone, Livingston Co. Ill., on Sept. 19, 1869.

In early life she made public acknowledgement and profession of her faith in Christ as a personal Savior, and joined the Methodist Episcopal Church of which she has ever since been a loyal member. Her own home was her chief kingdom of service, and her love for her family was deep and constant. Her neighbors loved her.

The services held at the home in Payette, Idaho, on Sunday Jan. 31st, were in charge of her pastor Rev. G. W. Barnes. Interment was in the Riverside Cemetery.

Besides a father and mother and three brothers she leaves a husband and three daughters. Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his Saints.

Mrs. C. E. Dixon died Thursday at her home in Payette. Funeral was held at the home on Sunday. Mrs. Dixon was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Zahller and sister of Chas Zahller who reside in this community. Mrs. Dixon came to visit her family about two weeks ago and took a severe cold which resulted in her death.

Fruitland Banner (Friday, February 05, 1915)

Mrs. Dixon Dies at Payette

Mrs. C. E. Dixon died at her home in Payette last Thursday and the funeral was held from the home on Sunday. Mrs. Dixon was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. N. Zahller, of this place, who have the sympathy of the community in their bereavement.

Payette Independent (Thursday, February 04, 1915)


On the afternoon of Jan. 28 at her home in Payette, Ida., Mrs. Effie May Dixon, wife of C. E. Dixon, went to be forever with the Lord. She was born near Blackstone, Livingstan Co., Ill., on Sept. 19, 1869.

In early life she made public profession of her faith in Christ as a personal Savior and joined the Methodist Episcopal church of which she has ever since been a loyal member. Her own home was he chief kingdom of service. And her love of her family was deep and constant. Her neighbors loved her.

The services, held at the home in Payette on Sunday, Jan. 31, were in charge of Rev. G. W. Barnes. Interment was in the Riverside cemetery at Payette, Ida.

Besides a father and mother and three brothers, she leaves a husband and three daughters. "Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His Saints."