Payette Independent
Friday, June 16, 1905
Died, at his home on the Tharp place in Washoe, Saturday, June 10, at 8 o’clock a.m., William Donoho, aged 58 years. He was born in Ireland, coming to America in childhood. His parents settled in Pennsylvania. When he was 17 years old his mother died and soon after he entered the government service and served as teamster throughout the Civil war. He afterwards settled in Forth Worth, Texas, and remained there until three years ago when he came to the Payette Valley and lived on the Bench until this spring when he moved to Washoe. He leaves a wife and one son, two other children having died when very young. He was thoroughly honest and upright and respected by those friends who knew him best.
The funeral took place Sunday afternoon at 3:30 o’clock from the family residence, and the remains were tenderly laid to rest in Riverside cemetery.