Eva Annie Bailey Draper

The Payette Independent
Thursday, November 12, 1931

The funeral services for Mrs. Chas. F. Draper were held Sunday afternoon, November 8, in the Baptist church, Rev. L. G. Frazer officiating. Many people attended this service in token of regard for Mrs. Draper.

Among those in attendance were her daughter, Mrs. A. B. Mullen of Medford, Oregon, and her son, J.F. Draper and wife and daughter from Portland, Oregon.

Mrs. C.F. Draper (Miss Eva Annie Bailey) was born in Shelbyville, Ind., September 12, 1870. When a small girl she moved with her father to Macon City, Mo., residing there until the time of her marriage to Charles F. Draper in 1886, moving then to Deadwood, South Dakota. To this union was born six children, two dying in infancy.

Besides many friends, when leaves to mourn her death, her beloved husband, Charles F. Draper of Payette, and four children; James Alfred Draper of Payette; Mrs. Flossie Mullen of Medford, Oregon; J. Frank Draper of Portland, Oregon; Kentha Ahlstrand of Fruitland; also a sister, Mrs. Ellen Birtch of Greenfield, Ind., and 18 grandchildren.

In the spring of 1890, Mr. and Mrs. Draper came overland by wagon to Payette, where they lived until the time of Mrs. Draper's departure from this life, November 5, 1931, at the age of 61 years.

After arriving in Payette Mrs. Draper became a member of the Baptist church in the year 1898 and for many years labored faithfully and hard in the church, until illness overtook her and it was felt necessary to cease from many church activities.

Mrs. Draper was a faithful and beloved wife and mother and she will be greatly missed by her family and her friends.

Charles F. Draper and family wish to express their deep appreciation for the many kind expressions of sympathy and the many floral offerings given during the bereavement in the loss of a faithful wife and mother.

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