Leah Mae Filley

The Payette Independent
February 12, 1931

Mrs. Leah Mae Filley, formerly Leah Watson, Fruitland, was buried in the Payette cemetery Wednesday afternoon from the Landon funeral parlors. Mrs. Filley died in the hospital at Boise at the age of 24 years and 11 months. She had made her residence at King Hill, Idaho. Edward Watson, husband, and a brother from LaGrande, and Mr. Filley's parents and son of Tamarack, attended the funeral. J.A. Watson, the father was unable to be present.

Idaho Statesman (February 09, 1931)


Died - Mrs. Leah May Filley, 24, a resident of Tamarack, died at a local hospital Sunday evening after a lingering illness. She is survived by her husband, Edward Filley; her father, A.J. Watson; one sister, Mrs. Vera Ambrose, Hollister, and one brother, Floyd Watson, Grangeville. She was a member of the Baptist Church. The body is at Schreiber and McHann chapel. Funeral arrangements will be announced later.