Burt Robert Fitch

The Payette Independent
Thursday, January 26, 1928


Payette has never received a sadder blow than came at an early hour this morning when it was announced that B. R. Fitch, prominent real estate and insurance man of this place had passed away at the hospital at Ontario, where he had undergone an operation for appendicitis Sunday morning.

In the prime of life, apparently in the best of health and vigor and as full of enthusiasm for the upbuiding of his community, the writer met Burt Fitch for the last time Saturday. Although it developed he had been slightly ailing there was nothing in his manner or alertness to indicate that he had not a score of years ahead of him, and yet before nightfall he was stricken with acute appendicitis and went to the hospital to undergo an operation the next morning.

The operation was apparently very successful and he got along fine until Monday evening when paralysis of the bowels developed and he took a serious turn for the worse. Every method known to medicine or surgery was resorted to, but to no avail. A consolation of surgeons Wednesday ended with the sad announcement that there was no hope. The family are shocked beyond compare but the grief stricken wife, who had been more or less of an invalid for several years, is bearing up nobly under the weight of the blow.

No arrangements have yet been made for the funeral as word is waited from relatives in the east.

The Payette Independent (Thursday, February 02, 1928)


Funeral Services Held at The Baptist Church Saturday Afternoon And Largely Attended

Burt Robert Fitch was born at Tekamah, Burt County, Nebraska, March 23, 1876, and died at Holy rosary Hospital, Ontario, Oregon, January 26, 1928, at the age of 51 years, 10 months, and 3 days.

He was married to Emma L. Howard, at Fremont, Nebraska, October 2, 1896, and took up residence at North Bend, Nebraska.

Four children were born of said marriage, Emmett, who died in infancy; Neil R., Jay Glen, who died in Payette, Idaho, June, 1909, and Charlotte Kathleen. The three first named having been born in Nebraska and the last named in Payette, and the living children both residing with their parents in Payette.

Surviving him, besides the wife, Emma L. Fitch and said two children are the following brothers and sisters: Scott M. Fitch, of Fruitland, Idaho; Mrs. Faye Garrison, of Kansas City; Mrs. Minnie Ritchey, of Kansas City; Harry B. Fitch, of Omaha; Mrs. Katherine Livingston, of Denver; Mrs. Erma Ervin, of Santiago de Cuba, Cuba; Zed D. Fitch, of Grand Island, Nebraska; Mrs. Irene Brooks, of St. Louis; and two granddaughters, the daughters of Neil R.

Early in life Mr. Fitch united with the church and has led a consistent Christian life. At the time of his death was a member of the Baptist church of Payette, Idaho, and a member of its Board of Trustees.

Mr. Fitch came to Idaho in March, 1904 and since that time has lived in Payette and vicinity. He was engaged in merchandising, farming and in the later years of his life in real estate and insurance.

Mr. Fitch was always a broadminded and public spirited citizen and always held the respect and esteem of the community in which he resided, and took an active part in all movements for the upbuilding of the community and welfare of the people.

His death has caused universal sorrow, not only in Payette County but throughout Southern Idaho and Eastern Oregon, where he was known and loved.

Mr. Fitch was one of Payette's most public spirited citizens, generous to a fault, broadminded and always considerate of the welfare of others. He was held in the highest esteem by his fellowcitizens and his death is universally mourned.

Funeral services were held at the Baptist church Saturday afternoon at 1 o'clock and were conducted by the pastor Rev. Fraser. The church although commodious could not accommodate the large concourse of people who were there to ay their last tribute of respect to their departed neighbor and friend, and at least a couple of hundred were turned away. The floral offerings were beautiful and profuse.

Interment took place at Riverside cemetery, and the ceremony there was conducted by the Knights of Pythias lodge. The Pythian service is very beautiful, and the impressiveness with which it was rendered on this occasion was freely commented upon.

To Mrs. Fitch, to the son, Neil, and the daughter, Kathleen, and to the other relatives the Independent extends profound sympathy.


We wish in this way to thank our many friends and neighbors for their kind words of sympathy and the many beautiful floral offerings during the brief illness and death of our loving Husband, Father and Brother.

We assure you that those remembrances will never be forgotten. May God richly bless you for your loving words and prayers in our dark hour. Mrs. B. R. Fitch, Kathleen Fitch, Neil R. Fitch, Scott M. Fitch and Family, Zed D. Fitch and Family, Guy C. Howard