The Payette Independent
Thursday, September 16, 1926
It was with deep regret that the news was received of the death of Wm. Fouts, one of the substantial farmers and respected citizens of this community, who died Sunday after a brief illness, at his home on the highway south of town where the paving begins on the Bench.
Wm. A. Fouts was born in Missouri Valley, Iowa, Sept. 28, 1858, and passed to his rest September 12, 1926 aged 67 years 11 months and 14 days. At the age of 23 he was united in marriage to Ella M. Moats. To this union one son, Gale E., was born.
He leaves a wife, one son and wife, three grand children, one brother and one sister, living in Missouri Valley, Iowa. One brother in Omaha, Nebraska, one sister in Detroit, Mich., and one sister in Hastings, Nebraska and a host of friends to mourn his departure.
In 1909 he, with his family, moved to Payette where he resided at the time of his death. He has been a staunch member of the Methodist church for the last 35 years, was always charitable, showing a spirit of kindness and unselfishness to those whom he met and associated with, and unflinchingly for right principles. He was highly respected by all who knew him.