James Donald Ganoe

The Payette Independent
Thursday, June 04, 1925


James Donald Ganoe, 19 months old son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ganoe, was drowned in the west side lateral ditch in front of their house Monday morning about 11:30. Mrs. Ganoe was working in the yard and went in the house for a few moments leaving the baby in the yard playing. Upon her return from the house she did not see him, and going to the ditch bank saw his foot prints and pan he was playing with. Help was summoned and the baby recovered about 15 minutes later, but every sign of life was gone. Mr. Ganoe was in the hills fishing at the time, but was summoned back by George Boor and Charles Rich. Funeral services were held from the home Thursday morning at 10 o'clock, and interment made in Riverside Cemetery.

Note: According to the Idaho Death Index, James D. Ganoe was born 10-16-1923 and died 6-1-1925, Fruitland. ch