The Payette Independent
Thursday, February 04, 1926
Mortica M. Gladish was born January 16, 1838 in Warren County, Kentucky. In 1842 he moved with his parents by ox team to Hagenville, Missouri. He was converted and joined the Baptist church at Mt. Prairie, Missouri, when 15 years of age. He served 5 years in the War of the Rebellion. He was married in 1872 to Miss Nannie McKee of Concordia, Missouri. One daughter was born to them, who, at the age of one month passed away with her mother. He was married in 1879 to Miss Fannie E. Mills of Hageneville, Missouri. Three sons were born to this union, the first one dying in infancy, the second, Henry A. of Fruitland, and the third Willard D. who was accidentally shot at the age of 15 years. Mrs. Gladish passed away in 1900, and Mr. Gladish and Henry moved to Fruitland the same year. He united with the Payette Baptist Church and was a consistent and active worker until the Fruitland Baptist Church was built, when he united with it, and has been a great help to the same in many ways. He was always ready and willing to help in anyway for the betterment and progressiveness of the Church or anything that was uplifting to the community. He was kind and gentle to everyone, and loved by all who knew him. Besides his son and faithful wife, who has taken such good care of him since his failing health the past four years, he leaves two little granddaughters, Opal and Helen, aged 4 and 2, and one brother, E. B. Gladish, besides a host of friends. He passed away at the home of his son, Thursday morning, January 28 at 10:30, at the age of 88 years, and 12 days. He had been confined to his bed since November 1, and had been very low for the past three weeks. Death was due to heart trouble from which he suffered since 15 years of age, and old age. Funeral services were held from the Baptist church Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock, conducted by the Rev. Edward Cox of Roswell, who had been a friend of Mr. Gladish for the past 20 years. Interment was made in Riverside Cemetery.