Joanna S. Halloway Gorham

The Payette Independent
Thursday, October 01, 1925

Mrs. A. L. Gorham Called by Death

That death loves a shining light has been once more demonstrated in this community in the taking away of Mrs. A. L. Gorham of this city who passed from this life at 9:35 Tuesday morning after an illness of five weeks, during which she bore her sufferings with the fortitude and resignation of the true Christian soul that she was.

Mrs. Gorham was a member of the Church of the Brethren, in the ministry of which her husband had labored for many years. Always weighted with the burden of doing for others, she worked at her husband's side for the saving of souls and the betterment of mankind. Her lifework, both in the home and among others was a labor of love and her gentle ministrations will be missed by hundreds of loving friends in this community.

Joanna S. Halloway was born in Wells county, Indiana, April 27, 1861 and spent her childhood there. She later removed with her parents to Conway Springs, Kansas, where she was united in marriage to A. L. Gorham, July 16, 1879.

After their marriage they lived in Kansas for ten years and then moved to Oklahoma where they resided until 1908 when they came to Payette to make their home. Seven children were born in their union, two of which died in infancy. The others are S. A. Gorham of Emmett; Mrs. Ethel Mohler, of Fruitland; Mrs. Minnie Slater, of Boise; Mrs. Jennie Bohannan, of Payette; and Walter Gorham, of Fruitland. The bereaved husband and all of the children were with her when her spirit took it's flight.

Funeral services were held at the Church of the Brethren at 10:30 this morning, and there was a large outpouring of sorrowing friends, the congregation being one of the largest ever seen at a funeral service in Payette. The floral offerings were many and beautiful and testified to the esteem in which Mrs. Gorham was held in this community. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. Samuel Bolinger, assisted by J. E. Shamberger, and were very impressive. Interment took place at Riverside cemetery.

Card of Thanks

We wish to most gratefully thank the kind friends and all who participated in the beautiful floral offerings and assisted during the illness and following the death of our beloved wife and mother. Your acts of kindness and tenderness will live with us while life lasts. A. L. Gorham, S. A. Gorham, Mrs. Ethel Mohler, Mrs. Jennie Bohannan, Walter Gorham

Payette Enterprise (Thursday, October 01, 1925)


The funeral of Mrs. A. L. Gorham, who passed away at Holy Rosary hospital in Ontario, Tuesday, Sept. 29, after an illness of several weeks was held at the Brethren church today at 10 a.m. The passing of this good woman who has lived in this community for many years, brings sadness to a host of warm friends.

The Enterprise, not being in possession of the necessary information at this time, an appropriate obituary will be postponed until the next issue.

Payette Enterprise (Thursday, October 08, 1925)


As stated in last week's issue, the obituary for Mrs. A. L. Gorham, who was called by death on last Tuesday, September 29th would be given this week.

Jonana S. Holloway was born in Wells county, Indiana, April 27th, 1861, where she spent the greater part of her childhood days, moving with her parents to Conway Springs, Kansas, where on July 6th, 1879, she was united in marriage to A. L. Gorham. Ten years later they moved to Oklahoma and in 1908 moved to Payette, where they have since made their home and during the 17 years residence in this city Mrs. Gorham endeared herself to a multitude of friends. She was a good Christian woman and spent the greater part of her life in the work of her Master. She was a member of the Church of the Brethren, living true to that faith which was a comforting thought during her last illness of five weeks filled with bodily suffering which she bore with patience. Mrs. Gorham was loved for her disposition to do for others, she was not only a worker in the church but devoted to cares of her home and family. While there is a comforting thought in the life she has lived she will be keenly missed in the home and in the church and by many friends.

She is survived by her husband, Rev. A. L. Gorham and five children, two children dying in infancy. The children who survive are: S. A. Gorham of Emmett, Ethel Mohler of Fruitland, Mrs. Minnie Slater of Boise, Mrs. Jennie Bohanan of Payette, and Walter Gorham of Fruitland.

The funeral services were held from the Church of the Brethren on last Thursday, October 1st, at 10 A. M., conducted by Rev. Samuel Bollinger, assisted by Rev. J. E. Shamberger, where many sorrowing friends gathered to pay their last tribute of love and respect, many coming from Weiser, Emmett and Nampa. It was said to be the largest in attendance of any funeral ever held in Payette. The floral offerings were many and beautiful which were expressions of high regard for the departed one. The singing was very appropriate being furnished by the older members of the church.

Interment took place at Riverside cemetery, where Rev. J. C. Neher of Nampa offered the closing prayer.