Byron Edwin Gorton

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, March 25, 1915

It was indeed a shock last Thursday when the word passed round that Byron had died in the morning of that day. His sickness was so brief that many had not heard of it. But those who knew its severity from the first were heavily anxious all though the week that it lasted.

Pneumonia was the ailment and it had made great progress when the Doctor first got to him. He died at 9:30 Thursday and was buried Saturday, the funeral services being at the Presbyterian Church.

He was sixteen years and five mo. of age and had lived all but eight months of his life here in Payette, the parents Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Gorton having moved here from Crawford, Neb. when then he was but a baby. He had gone up through our schools to the Sophomore class and the active class was out to express their sorrow at the funeral services. Also his Y.M.C.A. Bible study Club were out in a body.

The outstanding feature of his character was vivacity. There was never any dull time where he was. And yet his pleasantries and drolleries were not of the stinging sort. He was universally liked and so is universally held in tender memory, which may make it that his life so brief shall count for more than that of many who drag out many more less helpful years.

Payette Independent (Thursday, March 25, 1915)

Byron Gorton, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Gorton, was born Oct. 18, 1898 at Crawford, Nebraska; died March 18, 1915 at his home in Payette, Idaho, age 16 years 5 months.

Byron came to Payette with his parents when he was a very small child and has resided here since that time. People soon came to realize the value of his bright sunny disposition which never allowed gloom or discouragement to hover about, and his friendships grew rapidly. In school work he was above the average student and always ready to assist in any activity which would in any way enhance the reputation of the school or town. He was a very promising athlete, playing always a clean sportsmanlike game and accepting defeat with the same indifference which he did victory. The High School and Y. M. C. A. teams always received his support and counted his presence in a game as a long step toward success. He was a member of the X. L. Club. He was taken sick Wednesday, March 10, and died Thursday morning, March 18, 1915. His funeral was conducted by the Rev. Reed from the Presbyterian church, Saturday, March 20, interment in the Riverside Cemetery.