The Payette Independent
Thursday, April 22, 1926
Frank K. Gregory was born at Winona, Minnesota on November 17, 1874, and died at Payette, Idaho on April 15, 1926, death being caused by heart failure.
Mr. Gregory, apparently in his usual health, had as as his daily custom purchased the Oregonian, and had betaken himself to his favorite bench by the Emma Theatre. Hardly had he started reading the paper, than he fell forward, death being practically instantaneous.
In 1894, Mr. Gregory graduated with class honors from the Winona high school, going later to the University of Minnesota, of which he was also a graduate. In 1900 he went to Los Angeles, going later to Denver, and then to Payette, where he has made his home for the past four years, holding the position of musician at the Emma theatre. For these four years Mr. Gregory has had his place in the life of the community among his coterie of friends and nightly interpreting the silent drama for us on the piano. He was a musician.
The funeral, which was held Saturday morning at Riverside Cemetery was in charge of I. H. Adair of the Peterson Furniture Company. Services at the grave were conducted by the Rev. Thomas Ashworth, Rector of St. James church. As the casket, with its offering of flowers was being lowered into the grave, the Payette County Bank, come to pay last tribute to a fellow musician, played "Nearer My God To Thee."
Mr. Gregory is survived by one son, Edgar W. of San Monica, California, who was unable to attend his father's funeral, owing to the fact that he was in Texas, storm bound, and where, according to word received from his wife, she could not even reach him by mail.
A strange fact regarding Mr. Gregory is that the above information about his early life, was gleaned by Mr. Adair from a letter found in the deceased's pocket. This letter was addressed to a friend in Europe and although it had been written sometime in February, was never mailed by Mr. Gregory.