Mary Bell Crumback Griggs
The Payette Independent
Thursday, January 07, 1926
Mrs. C. F. Griggs, wife of C. F. Griggs, passed away Sunday at the home of her son, W. H. Griggs of this city, after an illness of less than 24 hours, the cause of her death believed to have been the rupturing of a blood vessel.
Mary Bell Crumback was born at Bloomfield N. J. January 9, 1867, and died January 3, 1926, at the age of 58 years, 11 months and 24 days. She was married to C. F. Griggs at Oberlin, Kansas, in 1895 and lived there with her husband until last June, when they came to Payette, landing here on the 26th, and making their home here with their son and family since that time.
Although her residence in this city has not been of long duration, Mrs. Griggs was beloved by all the neighbors and everybody who had the pleasure of her acquaintance. In the home she was the embodiment of love and kindliness and her going has left numerous hearts to mourn the loss. She was a member of the Methodist church and lived her religion practicing at all times the precepts of the Master. She was also a member of the Royal Neighbor's camp at Oberlin, Kansas.
Besides the heartbroken husband, the members of the family who are left to mourn are Mrs. C. C. Marks, of Denver, Col.; Mrs. John Adams of New York; Mrs. G. C. Talbot, of Burbank, Cal; Lloyd Griggs, of Kansas City, Mo.; W. H. Griggs, of Payette and Harry McGonigal, of Oberlin, Kansas.
Funeral services were held at the Methodist church this afternoon at 2:30 o'clock, conducted by Rev. V. E. Hall. Interment was at Riverside cemetery.
Payette Enterprise (January 07, 1926)
Mrs. C. F. Griggs who came to Payette with her husband last June and has since made their home with their son W. H. Griggs of this city, died very sudden and unexpectedly Sunday night after less than twenty four hours of illness, she complained of a headache and not feeling well Sunday morning and remained in bed and a few hours later a doctor was called who found no serious ailment and left some medicine to relieve her suffering, she was apparently no worse up to the time of her death which came suddenly at 11:40 o'clock.
Mrs. Griggs was a lovable woman, kind in her disposition and during her short residence here, has made many friends who are much grieved at her sudden passing. She was also a good Christian woman, a member of the Methodist church since childhood and a member of the Royal Neighbors, holding membership in both church and lodge at Oberlin, Kansas.
Mary B. Cumback was born at Bloomfield, N. J. Jan. 9th, 1867, and when quite young moved to Oberlin, Kansas, where on December 24, 1895, she was united in marriage to C. F. Griggs and where they continued to make their home until last summer when they came to Payette, landing here June 27th.
Besides her husband she is survived by three sons and three daughters, Henry McGonegal of Oberlin, Kansas, W. H. Griggs of Payette, and Lloyd Griggs of Kansas City, who arrived here Wednesday evening, Pearl Markes of Denver, Colo., Mrs. John Adams of New York City, and Mrs. G. C. Talbot of Burbank, Cal.
Funeral services were held this (Thursday) afternoon from the Methodist Church, conducted by Rev. Vernon Hall, pastor. Interment took place in Riverside cemetery.