Payette Enterprise
Thursday, April 08, 1915
"Uncle Charlie Guild" one of the pioneers of Idaho and Oregon passed away April 3rd at the home of his adopted daughter Mrs. J. C. Geisler, Payette, Idaho. At the age of 12 together with his father, he crossed the Plains with ox teams, himself walking most of the distance. They settled in Portland, Oregon. His father built the first frame house in Portland. The city was then a dense forest. They helped to clear away the timber and to start the city. At the age of 36 he came to Idaho and settled on Little Willow, on what is now the Charles Bolton ranch. In 1885 he moved to Payette where he lived the remainder of his life. At the age of 20 he was married to Cordelia Savage. They had no children of their own, but most of their married life they were helping to care for others children. They were fatherly and motherly and helped to rear as many as sixteen children. Ella McKeen was adopted by them and was with them for eighteen years until she was married to J. C. Geisler. 'Uncle Charlie' and 'Antie' Guild will long be remembered for their kind services to the sick and needy. They were always ready to answer any call for help either night or day. Uncle Charlie was an excellent character, honest and conscientious. He would not under any consideration, take undue advantage of anyone for his own interest. He was ready and willing to sacrifice for the sake of peace. He was a member of the Christian Church at Payette. He loved the Church and supported it in every way he knew how. He was 80 years, 1 mo. and 25 days old, with out a gray hair and apparently well the day he died.