The Payette Independent
Thursday, July 22, 1926
Rebecca Katherine Hostetler was born at Accident, Maryland, June 20, 1862. She was united in marriage to Jonas Hostetler Nov. 14, 1880. Ten children were born of the union, 8 of whom are living. The Hostetler family moved to North Dakota in 1903 and from there to Fruitland in 1920, where they have since resided. Mrs. Hosetler, passed away Tuesday morning July 13 at 8:30, after a lingering illness caused by a complication of diseases. She united with the Brethren church when quite young and has been an earnest and faithful worker ever since. Besides her husband she leaves 4 sons, John , Floyd, and Golen all at home, and Harvey at Plattsburg, Missouri, 4 daughters, Ada, Ella and Sarah at home, and Mrs. J. W. Beehler, 5 grand children, 1 brother and 4 sisters, one Mrs. A. C. Pathael of Fruitland, besides a host of friends.
Funeral services were held from the Brethren church Thursday morning, July 15 at 10 o'clock, conducted by Rev. H. G. Shank and Rev. Sam Bollinger. Interment was made in Riverside cemetery.