George Everard Hottenstein
The Payette Independent
Thursday, June 03, 1926
George Everard Hottenstein was born at Emory, Texas, on October 6, 1904, and died at Elk City, Idaho, on May 30, 1926, death being caused by heart failure. He came to Payette when about four years old, making his home with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Wilcox. Later he attended school at Spokane, Washington. In March he went to join his father at Elk City. He was poor in health for some time prior to his death. Everard leaves to mourn his loss his father and mother, two sisters, Jessie and Rosemary, of Payette and the D. E. Wilcox family, besides many old schoolmates who remember him as a 'good fellow,' and a loyal friend. The funeral was held this Thursday afternoon at 2:30 from the D. E. Wilcox home at Fruitland. The services being conducted by the Rev. Knight of Fruitland. Interment was made in Riverside cemetery.
Payette Enterprise (Thursday, June 03, 1926)
Everett Hottenstein, 21 years of age well known in this community died at Elk City, Idaho, on Sunday, May 30th, the cause of his death being primarily from heart trouble with which he has been afflicted for several years. His untimely death brings sadness to the hearts of many among the young people of this community with whom he was associated for many years. Everett was a bright young man, clean in his habits and always highly respected.
He was born at Emery, Texas, October 30th, 1904, and came to Payette when but five years of age, where he has made his home with his uncle an aunt, Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Wilcox until three years ago, when he went to Murry, Idaho, to live with his father, leaving there early last fall for Elk City, Idaho. He attended school at Spokane, Washington during the winter and at the close of the school year returned to Elk City, where he passed away on Memorial day.
Besides his father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. George E. Hottenstein, he is survived by two sisters, Rose May Hottenstein and Jessie Jottenstein of Payette, and his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Wilcox and their family.
The body was brought to Payette arriving here Wednesday evening where the funeral was held this (Thursday) afternoon at 2:30, conducted by Rev. Knight of Fruitland and interment made in Riverside cemetery.