Ella Ann Story Howard

The Payette Independent
Thursday, October 15, 1925

Death of Mrs. Howard

Mrs. Ella A. Howard, mother of Mrs. B. R. Fitch, passed away at the Fitch home in this city Monday, after a lingering illness covering several months, resulting from a stroke of paralysis. Although she partially recovered from the first attack it was realized by the family that her end was gradually approaching, and for a week before her death it was realized she could not survive. She went into a deep sleep Sunday night and her awakening Monday was in eternity. The best that loved ones and medical skill could do was of no avail.

Ella Ann Story was born February 18, 1857, at Fairfax, Vermont, and passed away at her home in Payette, October 12, 1925, at the age of 74 years, 7 months, and 24 days.

She was married to Fayette C. Howard October 10, 1870, at St. Albans, Vermont. In 1872 Mr. and Mrs. Howard moved to a farm near North Bend, Nebraska, where they lived for many years and where three children were born, two of whom are now living: Mrs. B. R. Fitch and Guy Howard who reside in Payette. One daughter, Mrs. Cora Connerly, passed away July 8, 1921.

Mr. and Mrs. Howard came to Payette 18 years ago, residing for several years on a farm near Fruitland, moving to Payette later, where Mr. Howard departed this life April 21, 1922.

Mrs. Howard became converted to the cause of Christ at North, Bend, Nebraska, 48 years ago, joining the Christian Church at that time, and later united with the Baptist Church at Rogers, Nebraska, to which faith she lived faithfully to the end.

Besides one son and one daughter, she is survived by three grandchildren and three great-grand children, and one sister, Marry A. Clark, living at St. Albans, Vermont.

In the death of Mrs. Howard a most lovable Christian character passed to her reward. Her life was full of tragedy, and one with less of the spirit of the Master could not have withstood it with the fortitude she at all times displayed. About 26 years ago she lost her left arm and as the injury was months healing up she suffered greatly besides facing the thought that her usefulness was at an end. Almost heartbroken, she went about uncomplainingly to make the best of her misfortune. About the time her left arm had healed she had another accident and suffered a broken right arm.

Then a little later she had a felon on her only hand and this resulted in the bending of the first two fingers and the entire loss of the use of them. A few years passed and she had a fall and bursted one of her knee caps and added an injured leg to her other sad physical handicaps. In spite of it all she retained a most pleasant disposition, and during the 18 years she made her home with her daughter and family she insisted on performing her share of the household duties and her kind and loving disposition was an inspiration to those around her. She bore her afflictions bravely and cheerfully and when the end came was ready for the summons to her eternal rest. Her's was indeed an ideal life and a shining example to all with whom she came in contact.

Funeral services were conducted by Rev. Deane, Pastor of the Baptist church at 2:00 Tuesday afternoon and the bower of beautiful floral offerings testified to the esteem in which Mrs. Howard was held. Interment took place at Riverside cemetery. The sympathy of all goes out to those left to mourn. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise (Thursday, October 15, 1925)


Mrs. F. C. Howard, who has been a patient sufferer for many months passed away early last Monday morning at the home of her daughter, Mrs. B. R. Fitch.

Mrs. Howard has been in poor health since the death of her husband, which occurred on April 21st, 1922. During her long months of suffering, every thing that loving hands could do with the assistance of the medical aid were done unsparingly but death seemed to be her only relief, which came last Monday morning at two o'clock.

Mrs. Howard had lived a faithful Christian life for nearly a half century. She became converted to the cause of Christ 48 years ago, uniting at that time with the Christian church at North Bend, Nebraska, and a few years alter became a member of the Baptist church at Rodgers, Neb., to which faith she continued to follow until she was called to reap her reward.

Ella Ann Story was born at Fairfax, Vermont, February 18, 1857 and departed this life at Payette, Idaho, October 12th, 1925, and was at the time of her death, 74 years, 7 months and 24 days of age.

She was united in marriage to F. C. Howard at St. Abans, Vermont on October 10, 1870, and two years later moved with her husband to North Bend, Nebraska, where they resided on a farm and where three children were born to bless their home, two of whom are now living, one daughter, Mrs. Cora Connerly passed away, July 8, 1921.

Mr. and Mrs. Howard continued to live in the state of Nebraska until 18 years ago when they came to Idaho living on a farm near Drybuck for a few years and then to Payette where Mr. Howard passed away in 1922. She is survived by one son and one daughter, Mrs. B. R. Fitch and Guy Howard of Payette, also three grandchildren and three great-grand-children. She is also survived by one sister, Mrs. Mary Clark, now living in St. Abans, Vermont.

Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon from the Baptist church, conducted by Rev. F. W. Dean, pastor. Interment being made at Riverside cemetery.