Permelia Walters Hurd

The Payette Independent
Thursday, March 12, 1925

Permelia Walters, eldest daughter of Melcher and Sarah Walters, was born in Stuben county, New York, on March 5th, 1837. At Rochelle, Illinois, in 1859, she was united in marriage to Francis Hurd. To this union were born four sons and four daughters, one of the latter dying in infancy. Those who survive their mother are: Frank E. Hurd, of Payette; Mrs. Mary Turner, of Ontario; Mrs. Charles Duell of Fruitland; Mrs. S. Hurd, of Payette, Mrs. Sina Ramey, of Fruitland; Wilbur E. Hurd of Cascade; and Ray B. Hurd of Payette.

The Hurd family moved to Firth, Nebraska in 1880, coming to Payette Valley in 1884, in what was known as a 'mixed train' from Omaha, and arriving in Payette before the depot was built and when trains deposited their passengers on the south side of the river.

Mr. and Mrs. Hurd settled on a homestead up the river, where they lived until the time of Mr. Hurd's death, in 1913, since which time Mrs. Hurd has made her home with her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hurd. Her death, which was caused by a gradual decline due to her great age, occurred while she was with her daughter, Mrs. Ramey.

Besides her sons and daughters, 'Grandma Hurd' is survived by twenty-seven grandchildren and twenty great-grandchildren.

Mrs. Hurd was 88 years and 3 days old at the time of her death. She and her husband possessed the true pioneer spirit, having by sheer hard work and courage made for their children a home in the wilderness. Part of the old homestead is now known as the Fred Hurd place, and is occupied by the owner. Mrs. Hurd could tell many tales of absorbing interest relating to those early days and the hardships and privations endured by the sturdy pioneers of Payette Valley.

Mrs. Hurd was interred in Riverside Cemetery, by the side of her husband. Funeral services were conducted from the Baptist Church at one-thirty, Tuesday afternoon, Rev. Forest Dean officiating.

Card of Thanks

We wish to express our sincere thanks for kindness and floral offerings during the illness and the death of our dear mother, Mrs. Permelia Hurd. The family

Payette Enterprise (Thursday, March 12, 1925)


Mrs. F. F. Hurd, one of the beloved pioneers of the Payette valley, after a long and useful life passed away at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Lena Ramer last Sunday, March 8th, at the age of 88 years and three days. Her death was due to complications incidental to the advanced years. She had lived a true christian live and was spared many more years than the allotted tome to set the example before her children, grandchildren and great grandchildren. Mrs. Hurd was always a devoted wife and loving mother and leaves in the memory of those who for many years cherished the kind words and motherly advice, nothing but pleasant thoughts of the past.

Permelia Walters was born in Stuben County, New York, March 8th, 1837. She was united in marriage to Francis F. Hurd at Rochell, Illinois, in 1859. To this union eight children were born to bless their home, four boys and four girls, one girl dying in infancy.

Mr. and Mrs. Hurd remained at Rochell, Illinois until 1880 when they moved to Firth, Nebraska, where they remained four years, coming to Idaho, where they settled on a homestead, taken up by Mr. Hurd and was known as the 59 ranch and where they continued to live until 1914, when Mr. Hurd preceeded her in death. Since then she has made her home with her son, Dr. R. B Hurd of Payette.

She is survived by four sons and three daughters, Frank E. Hurd of Payette; Mrs. Mary Turner, Ontario, Oregon; Sadie Duell of Fruitland; Fred S. Hurd of Payette; Lena Ramey of Fruitland; Dr. R. B. Hurd of Payette. She is also survived by 27 grandchildren and 20 great grandchildren and one brother, Melcher Walters, residing at Lincoln, Nebraska. Funeral services were held from the Baptist church Tuesday, March 10th at 1:30, conducted by the pastor Rev. Dean, where many friends of the family gathered to pay their last respects to a dear friend. Six grandsons serving as pall-bearers. Interment took place in Riverside cemetery beside her husband.