Sarah Jimerson
Payette Enterprise
March 11, 1915
Though not unexpected, the death of Mrs. J. W. Jimerson cast a shadow of sorrow over the entire community and many mourned with the family when she was called to her heavenly home. Mrs. Jimerson professed her faith in Christ while yet in her teens and united with the Methodist Church at an early age. She was a faithful Christian until her death, took the bible as a guide and died as she lived, trusting in God. She was a friend to the poor, cared for the orphans, a faithful mother and a kind neighbor. To know her was to love her and the many floral offerings were a silent tribute to her pure and unselfish life. Sarah Ann Farmer was born at Potoka, Ill. Sept. 12, 1843, and passed away March 4th, 1915. She was married to Wm. Jackson on June 12, 1866 with whom she lived happily until his death in 1876. They were the parents of four children, Sylvester and T. J. Jackson who live near Crystal, and Leander who died in 1897, and one daughter who died in infancy. She became the wife of J. W. Jimerson in 1878 and one daughter blessed this union, Mrs. Dora Armstrong, who now resides in Payette. Mr. and Mrs. Jimerson came to Idaho in 1893 and endured the hardships of pioneer life. Since her husbands death in 1908 she made her home with the youngest son, Sylvester Jackson. Funeral services were conducted from the Baptist Church by Rev. P. L. Evans and Rev. Barnes and the remains were laid to rest in the Riverside Cemetery. Besides her two sons and one daughter she leaves many friends and relatives to mourn her loss.
Payette Independent (Thursday, March 11, 1915)
Sarah Ann Farmer was born in Marion County, Ill., Sep. 12, 1843. In early girlhood, she became a Christian and united with the Mound Chapel M. E. church, June 12, 1866 she united in marriage to William Jackson of Marion County, Ill. To this union were born four children; Synthia, who die in early childhood, T. J., and Slyvester, who live near Crystal, and Leander, who died Aug. 23, 1897. Jan. 18, 1878 Mrs. Jackson was united in marriage to J. W. Jimerson of Marion county, Ill., to this union was born one daughter, Dora (now Mrs. Dora Armstrong). In April 1893 Mr. and Mrs. Jimerson, their daughter Dora and two sons, T. J. and Sylvester Jackson came to Payette, Idaho where they lived until July 16, 1908 when Mr. Jimerson died; since his death Mrs. Jimerson has made her home with her son Sylvester Jackson near Crystal, Idaho. Died 4:35 Thursday P. M., March 4, 1915, age 71 years, 5 months and 21 days. She leaves to mourn her loss, a brother, Urial Farmer, living at Worcross, Minn., a sister, Mrs. Kate Cox, living at Bowider, Ill., two sons, one daughter, eight grandchildren and a host of friends. She was a faithful Christian, a good wife and devoted mother. Blessed are the dead that die in the Lord.
Funeral was conducted in Payette Baptist church Saturday afternoon by Pastor Evans assisted by Rev. Barnes. Body laid to rest in Riverside cemetery. a large attendance at funeral.
We wish to express our sincere thanks, and appreciation, to all those who so kindly rendered their assistance during the illness and death of our beloved mother. - T. J. Jackson and family, Mrs. Dora Armstrong and family, Sylvester Jackson