Phoebe Jane Jackson Johnson

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, June 04, 1925


A shadow of gloom was cast over Payette Tuesday morning when the sad tidings of death of Mrs. P. L. Johnston were spread. She was taken ill Saturday and continued to grow steadily worse, it was decided to take her to the Ontario hospital where she submitted to an operation Monday afternoon. She seemed to be rallying from the operation and spoke to her attendant to the effect that she was tired and wished to rest. Those were her last words, she fell asleep in the arms of her Maker in that sleep to awaken on the other shore.

Phoebe Jane Jackson was born November 27, 1860 at Rockville, Kansas and departed this life June 2, 1925 at Ontario, Oregon, aged 64 years, 6 months and 5 days. She grew to womanhood in Kansas and was married to P. L. Johnston December 10, 1883, a few years later moving to Iowa where they resided until 1901, when they moved to Dayton, Washington, from which place they came to Idaho in 1914 having spent the last five years in Payette.

Six sons were born to this union, two dying in infancy, the remaining four, Arthur J., Walter L., and Charles W. of Payette and Fred M. of Parma, who with the devoted husband are left to mourn the loss of a loving mother and affectionate wife. She also leaves a brother, W. L. Jackson of Dayton, Washington and a sister Mrs. Nancy Kuhn of Kansas City, Kansas. Mrs. Johnston was an active worker in the Women's Relief Corps, the Women's Auxiliary of the American Legion and the Eastern Star, all of these organizations attended the funeral and attested the esteem with which she was regarded in the community. She was tireless in her efforts in things uplifting, yet was of a quiet unassuming nature, giving her home and loves ones the best of her life.

Funeral services were held in the Methodist church of which she was a member, Wednesday afternoon at two thirty, Rev. V. E. Hall officiating. The beautiful service of the Eastern star was given at the grave, when the body was tenderly laid to rest in the Riverside cemetery.