The Payette Independent
Thursday, February 12, 1931
Retired Merchant Buried Wednesday
Elbert C. Keith was born at Buffalo, Marquette Co., Wis., July 12, 1853, and passed away at his home on February 9, 1931. His parents emigrated to Minnesota when he was a small child and settled on a farm at Sterling Center, Minn. His mother passed away when he was three years old and his father remarried. The farm where Mr. Keith grew to manhood is still being farmed by one of his step brothers and his stepmother is still living in that community.
December 6, 1879, he was married to Alice Perry at Mankato, Minn. The emigrated to Madison, S. Dakota where they settled on a homestead and went through the pioneer days in that section. Seven children were born to them here. Later they moved from the farm to Madison to live. Here Mr. Keith was prominent in all community affairs. He always was keenly interested in both local and national politics and was never happier then when he was part of a group joined in political discussion. He was elected to the office of county clerk and county auditor at Madison, being the only member of his party ticket elected a number of times, an evidence of his great popularity with the public in that section. He edited the Lake County Independent for a number of years at Madison. In 1901 Mr. Keith made a tour of the West and decided that the Payette section had a bright future and decided to bring his family here to live. The family came in 1902 and have been living here continuously since that time. Mr. Keith established theKeith clothing firm and this is one of the oldest firms doing business here, and has been carried on by his son, Robt. M. Keith, since he retired from business when his health failed. During his 29 years here he has never wavered in his faith in this section of Idaho. After his health failed he spent several seasons in California but was always anxious to return to his home and many friends in sunny Idaho. He had been in frail health for a number of years and had suffered three paralytic strokes which left him greatly incapacitated. In the face of all his disabilities he made a great effort to carry on and was up and dressed almost daily until the last few days of his illness.
December 6, 1929, Mr. and Mrs. Keith celebrated their Golden Wedding anniversary at their home here. Mr. Keith was up until the time of his ill health, one of those sterling citizens who put forth his best efforts in the interests of a better Payette. He made a host of friends wherever he went, due to his genial, kindly personality and his great fondness for association with people.
He leaves to mourn his passing many loved friends, three sons and three daughters, and a loving wife. One son, Ray, preceded him in death.
The children, Mrs. L. A. Wright, Salt Lake; Mrs. Thos. E. Helmbolt, Long Beach, Calif.; Walter S. Keith and E. Wayne Keith of Rock Springs, Wyo.; and Mrs. Earl Dibble and Robt. M. Keith of Payette, were all here for the funeral services.
The funeral was held at the Episcopal church at 2 p.m. Wednesday, Rev. E. E. Taylor officiating. Mr. Keith was a member of the Masonic order and the local lodge also conducted a part of the service.
The pall bearers were W. S. Stephenson, Arthur Sutton, A. B. Moss, L. W. Spaulding, Lloyd Pence, John R. McKinney. Interment was made in Payette cemetery.