The Independent Enterprise
Thursday, April 19, 1928
Sarah Grace Kessler passed away Sunday afternoon, April 15th, at 1:15, following a three months illness, during which she suffered from inflammatory rheumatism, kidney trouble and other complications. All during her illness she showed much patience and unselfishness, even though her suffering was intense.
She was born October 20th, 1915, on the Payette Oregon Slope. When still a baby she moved with her patents to Fruitland where she has since resided. She was a regular attendant of church and Sunday School, and was baptized and joined the Brethren church two years ago Easter time. She was in the 7th grade in school and was one of the best in all her studies. She had many friends that her cheery disposition and sunny smile helped to win for her.
She leaves to mourn her loss, her mother, Mrs. Rose Kessler, three brothers, Lamont, Claude and Ralph and one sister, Janet, besides her friends. Her father passed away December 1st, 1924.
Funeral services were held from the Brethren church in Fruitland Tuesday afternoon at 2:30, conducted by Rev. H. G. Shank, assisted by Rev. Harvey Hostetler. The many beautiful flowers and the large number of sorrowing friends at the services showed the love and respect which everyone had for her. The body was laid to rest beside her father, in Riverside Cemetery.
The sympathy of the entire community is extended to the bereaved ones that are left.