Ernest L. Kirk

The Payette Independent
Thursday, June 20, 1929


Ernest L. Kirk, one of the most substantial and highly respected farmers of Payette County, passed away at 9 o'clock Friday morning, June 14, at the home of his mother, Mrs. Mary Kirk, in this city after an illness of many months during which all possible was done for him by loving relatives and friends.

Ernest Kirk was born at Heppner, Oregon, December 6, 1881, and grew to manhood in eastern Oregon. On August 23, 1903, he was united in marriage to Nellie May Thorpe, at Richland, Oregon and to them was born one daughter, Hazel. about 20 years ago they came to Payette and have resided in town or in this vicinity ever since. The daughter was married to George Mitchell and they lived together on the Walter Pence place at the mouth of Big Willow creek.

Last October Mr. Kirk was taken very sick and at that time his life was dispared of. He was brought to town to the home of his mother, Mrs. Mark Kirk. He rallied, however, and it was though he might recover, but the illness left his heart very weak and he has lingered along for months until finally death came to his relief and he passed peacefully away.

He leaves to mourn his death, his wife and daughter and son-in-law; his mother, Mrs. Mary E. Kirk, his father having passed away February 22, 1903; three brothers, Will T. Kirk, of Portland, Oregon, Clarence E. Kirk and Earl E. Kirk, of Payette; and one sister, Francis E. Cundiff, of Richland, Oregon.

He was a member of the Masonic Order, Lodge No. 28, and of the Order of United Artisans.

At the age of 13 Mr. Kirk united with the Methodist church, South, and has held his membership in the Methodist church since. He was prominent in church work and held many official church positions. He lived the life of an honorable, conscientious Christian gentleman, and was in every way a public spirited citizen. In his family he was devoted as a husband and kind and loving as a father. None could know him without respect and esteem.

Funeral services were held at the Methodist Church Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock, and were conducted by the pastor, Rev. Parrett. The large attendance was a testimonial to the esteem in which Mr. Kirk was held by the community in which he had lived so long. He was laid to rest in Riverside cemetery.

Those of the family and friends from a distance who attended the funeral were Mrs. Mary E. Kirk, mother, and C. E. and E. E. Kirk brothers of Payette; Will T. Kirk, wife and sons, Weldon and Duane, of Portland, Oregon; Mrs. F. L. Cundiff, sister and husband, of Richland, Oregon; Mr.a nd Mrs. Winston Saunders, of Richland, Oregon; Mr.and Mrs. W. S. Thorpe, parents of Mrs. E. L. Kirk, and Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Davidson, of La Grande, Oreon; Mrs. Wm. Saunders and Mr. and Mrs. Dave Gover, of Richland, Oregon; Mrs. W. . Tatro, Portland, Oregon; Mrs. George D. Fell, sister of Mrs. Mary E. Kirk, of Pendleton, Oregon, and V. C. Belknapp of Nampa, Idaho.


We sincerely appreciate the many acts of kindness and expressions of sympathy which were extended to us by so many friends during our bereavement, and take this means of expressing our heartfelt thanks. Mrs. E. L. Kirk and family, Mrs. M. E. Kirk and family