The Payette Independent
Thursday, February 21, 1929
Ivan Kizzier, who had made his home for some time with his son, Frank Kizzier, of this city, passed away February 9, after an illness which covered several months.
Ivan Kizzier was born in Indiana March the second, 1844, and lived to the age of eighty-four years, eleven months and seven days.
When Mr. Kizzier was six years old he moved with his parents to Iowa. He lived there for some time, and in 1868 married Miss Eliza Ann Goble. Six children were born to them, two of which died some time ago. The four children who are living are Charles Kizzier, of Chandler, Oklahoma, Elizabeth Grhan(spelling from paper), of Bridgeport, Nebraska; Blanche Brooke, of Gurney, Wyoming and Frank Kizzier of this city.