The Payette Independent
Thursday, July 16, 1931
The entire community was saddened when they learned of the death of Nova Lathrop, which occurred last Friday morning, July 10, at 7 o'clock at his home on 6th St.
Nova Lathrop was born in Chillicothe, Missouri July 26th, 1864. He resided in that place until 29 years ago, when he moved to Payette. While living in Chillicothe he was united in marriage to Mattie Chambers and to this union one child was born, which died in infancy. Mr. and Mrs. Lathrop have made Payette their home since leaving Missouri, where his business was cement contracting, until his retirement a few years ago.
He is survived by his widow, one brother and five sisters. Funeral services were held at the home Monday afternoon at 2:30, conducted by Rev. L. G. Frazer of the Baptist church, who read Mr. Lathrop's favorite Bible verse, 8th chapter of Romana. Also his two favorite songs were sung.
He was a good citizen and a consistent christian, having joined the Church of Christ in boyhood and was also a great lover of nature. Interment was held in the Riverside Cemetery in Payette.