James Lauer

The Payette Independent
Thursday, December 17, 1925


Former Payette Business Man Passes Away at Boise this Morning.

Word was received today that James A. Lauer, former business man of Payette, has passed away at the home of his brother-in-law, Herman Heinz at Boise at an early hour this morning.

Mr. Lauer, whose family has been in California where his son has been attending school, recently spent some time here looking after his business interests, but as he was failing in health, Mrs. Lauer came to him and later they went to Boise where he was taking treatment. Word was received some time ago that it was feared he was suffering from cancer of the liver and that his recovery was doubtful. However, his death came suddenly and unexpected to his family and friends.

Milton Lauer, the son, is expected from California tonight and funeral arrangements are being awaited his arrival.

The Payette Independent (Thursday, December 24, 1925)


James A. Lauer was born in Idaho City, February 24, 1871, and came with his parents to Payette in the early Eighties, since which time he has made his home here. In 1900 Mr. Lauer was married to Miss Emma Taylor of Weiser. To this union was born one son.

Mr. Lauer's death, which occured in Boise on December 17, came as the result of a lingering illness. He is survived by his widow, one son, Donald, one sister, Miss Lilly Lauer, and two brothers, Milton and Edwin Lauer, all of Payette.

Funeral services, very impressive in their simple beauty, were conducted by the Rev. Thomas Ashworth from the St. James church on Sunday afternoon, and interment was made in Riverside cemetery.

Mr. Lauer was a model husband and father, and the hearts of his many old friends go out in warmest sympathy to his bereaved widow and son. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise (Thursday, December 17, 1925)


Just before going to press the news came to this office announcing the death of James A. Lauer who passed away at the hospital in Boise at an early hour this morning. While his condition has been very serious and his death has been expected for some time the news of his passing brings sadness to the hearts of many people in this community. Mr. Lauer was one of the early settlers, and one of the first business men of Payette, and continued in business at this place for nearly forty years.

So far as has been learned no funeral arrangements have been made. An obituary will be published next issue.

Payette Enterprise (December 24, 1925)


James A. Lauer was born at Idaho City, Idaho, February 24th, 1871, and came with his parents to Payette in the early eighties, where he began his career as one of the business men of the pioneer village of Payette, as a clerk with the firm of Lamme & Marquardson in 1887, and in 1892 engaged in the mercantile business as proprietor in a small building on the corner where the Banks' livery barn now stands and a few years later erected a frame building on the Payette National Bank corner, where he conducted a mercantile business for many years and later in company with his brother Ed Lauer, conducted a hardware, furniture and implement business in the adjoining building known as J. A. Lauer & Brother. In 1900 he was married to Emma Taylor of Weiser, and to this union one son was born. Mr. Lauer was one of Payette's most enterprising business men always ready to extend accommodations. He was always pleasant in his dealings with the public, he was prominent in business and political affairs of the city and was one of Payette's highly respected men. Mr. Lauer's death which occured in Boise on Thursday, December 17th, came as the result of a lingering illness caused by cancer of the liver.

Besides his wife, his is survived by one son, Donald Lauer, of San Francisco, California, a graduate from Stanford University, who now holds a prominent place in one of the largest banking institutions of the city. He is also survived by three brothers, and one sister, Ike Lauer of Chicago, Illinois; Milton and Edwin Lauer and Lilly Lauer of this city. Mr. Lauer was a model husband and father, and the hearts of his many old time friends go into warmest sympathy to his bereaved wife and son and other near relatives.

The funeral service was very impressive on Sunday afternoon, conducted by Rev. Thomas Ashworth, at the St. James Church, where many friends gathered to pay their last respect, and where many beautiful floral offerings, in themselves, spoke in highest terms for the departed one.

Interment took place in Riverside cemetery where the body was laid to rest in the family lot.