The Payette Independent
Thursday, January 22, 1931
Agnes Wilson Lias was born August 24th, 1849, near Bellevue, Iowa. She was the eldest child of Scotch parents, William and Janet Wilson, who were pioneers of eastern Iowa.
She united with the Congregational Church to the age of thirteen years and has been a faithful follower of her Master in all these years.
She was married to Charles C. Lias at Bellevue, Iowa, in 1874, who died January 11, 1892.
The family moved to Trinidad, Colo. in 1905, where Mrs. Lias continued her splendid useful life in church and neighborhood. She departed this life January 19th, 1931, at the age of 81 years, 4 months and 25 days.
She is survived by four children, Jessie F., Charles W. and Mrs. R. D. Rogers, all of this locality, and Mrs. Agnes Smock of Vashon, Washington; also two brothers, five grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.
Grandma Lias, as she is known to everyone here, came to the Oregon Slope Community in 1913 where she has enjoyed helping in the local Sunday School and has been an active worker in the Ladies Club. She has been in very good health, considering her advanced age, until three months ago, when her heart began to weaken. While she has not been able to attend community gatherings since October, she has continually sent messages of love and cheer in all and her last works were to give her love and best wished to all.
Can we as a people, express our feeling in greater words than to say, "To know her was to love her," and those who knew her best loved her most.
The funeral services were held at the Christian Church in Payette at two-thirty, P. M. on Wednesday, January 21st, 1931, Mrs. Beem, pastor of the church conducted the service. Miriam and Louise Davis sang, "In the Garden," and the Beem sisters sang, "Asleep in Jesus " and "Abide with Me."
The church was filled with friends gathered to express this last tribute of respect to one they all held dear. There were also many beautiful floral tributes.
Interment was made in the Payette Cemetery.