Raymond E. Lintner

The Payette Independent
Thursday, March 11, 1926

Raymond E. Lintner, the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Lintner died March 5, at the age of eight months and one day, the death being caused by pneumonia. Funeral services were conducted Monday by Rev. V. E. Hall from Peterson Undertaking Parlors and interment made in River Side Cemetery.

To those who are left to mourn the little life, so swiftly ended, the hearts of the community go out in warmest sympathy. "Suffer little children to come unto me, for of such is the kingdom of heaven."


We wish to express kour deepest appreciation and thanks to the dear friends and neighbors for their kindness, sympathy and beautiful flowers during the loss of our beloved babe. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Lintner and Family

Note: According to the Idaho Death Index, Raymond Dean Lintner was born 7-5-1925 and died 3-7-1926, Payette. ch

Payette Enterprise (March 11, 1926)


Raymond Dean Lintner, the eight months old son of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Lintner, died at his home on South 12th street at an early hour Sunday morning, March 7th. Death was caused by pneumonia, following an attact of flu. The funeral was held from the Peterson Undertaking Parlor Monday afternoon at 2:30. Mr. and Mrs. Lintner have the sympathy of many friends in this community.